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Υποδομή Γονιδιωματικής Ανάλυσης
Αρχική > Εγκαταστάσεις > Υποδομή Γονιδιωματικής Ανάλυσης

Targeted resequencing allows for the deep sequencing of genomic regions of interest across large numbers of samples ideal for population studies or disease related variant discovery. Available panels include:

Comprehensive Cancer Panel

This expanded panel targets over 16,000 amplicons in 400 genes involved in tumor formation with 95% of targets at 300X coverage using the Ion 540TM chip.It can accommodate 6-8 samples with 400 - 500X coverage leading to less sequencing cost per sample.

Ampliseq Inherited Disease Panel

This employs more than 10,000 primer pairs to amplify the coding exons of 328 genes associated with over 700 unique inherited diseases including neuromascular, cardiovascular, developmental and metabolic diseases.

Custom made panels based on researchers needs.

Design of the experiment (primers etc) is performed by the Facility.