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Υποδομή Γονιδιωματικής Ανάλυσης
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RNA seq is a powerful tool for fast identification, characterization and reporting of the most biologically interesting transcripts. Different library construction options are available to support different experimental aims.

Full RNAseq

Whole transcriptome analysis is of growing importance in understanding how altered expression of genetic variants contributes to complex diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. Analysis of genome-wide differential RNA expression provides researchers with greater insights into biological pathways and molecular mechanisms that regulate cell fate, development, and disease progression. With a dynamic range to detect subtle changes in expression level in a hypothesis neutral environment, next generation sequencing enables the understanding of biological response to stimuli or environmental changes.


QuantSeq provides a protocol to generate highly strand-specific next-generation sequencing (NGS) libraries close to the 3’ end of polyadenylated RNAs. Only one fragment per transcript is generated, directly linking the number of reads mapping to a gene to its expression. QuantSeq reduces data analysis time and enables a higher level of multiplexing per run. (Library generation is initiated by oligo-dT priming (Fig. 1a), and no prior poly (A) enrichment or ribosomal RNA depletion is required. First-strand synthesis and RNA removal is followed by random-primed synthesis of the complementary strand (second-strand synthesis). Illumina- or IonTorrent-specific linker sequences are introduced by the primers. The resulting double-stranded cDNA is purified with magnetic beads. Library PCR amplification then introduces the complete sequences required for cluster generation)

Service is available on both platforms.

Sample specifications: RNA of rin 8-10 nad quantity from 500ng (in 5ul volume) to 5mgr (in 20ul volume) depending on methodology.