IMBB Colloquium
R-loops as transcriptional regulators: balancing activation and repression
Kalliopi STRATIGI PostDoctoral Researcher, Garinis lab
Date: 2025-03-14 @ 13:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1 "Costas Fotakis”, FORTH’s bldg
IMBB Seminar
Learning with internal states and internal models
Dr. Sami El Boustani Faculty of Medicine at Universiy of Geneva (Switzerland)
Date: 2025-03-04 @ 11:00
Location: Seminar Room 1 "Costas Fotakis", FORTH’s bldg
Host: E. Froudarakis
Poster | Biosketch
IMBB Colloquium
Investigating tick biology for disease prevention and novel biotechnological solutions
Michail KOTSYFAKIS Laboratory of Anthropod Disease Vector Biology
Date: 2025-02-21 @ 13:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1 "Costas Fotakis”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: E. Froudarakis
IMBB-MCTS lectures
Draining the moat between academia and industry
IMBB Lectures
Systems Therapeutics Drug Discovery
IMBB Colloquium
The role of histone demethylase PHF8 in macrophage activation and metabolism
Maria DASKALAKI PostDoctoral Researcher, Tsatsanis Lab
Date: 2025-02-14 @ 13:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1 "Costas Fotakis”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: E. Froudarakis
MCTS - EMBO Information Webinar
Funding opportunities in the life sciences
Date: 2025-02-12 @ 11:00
Location: Online
Host: E. Froudarakis
IMBB Seminar
The Impact of Anti-Gender Discourses and Politics on Academic and Research Organizations
Lise Rolandsen Agustín; Silvia Díaz Fernández; Rac Lise Rolandsen Agustín (Aalborg University) | FIERCE Silvia Díaz Fernández (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) | CCindle Rachel Palmén (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya) | INSPIRE Platform: link
Date: 2025-02-10 @ 11:00 - 12:30
Location: Online
Host: E. Froudarakis
Joint IMBB Seminar
Drosophila midgut morphogenesis: Understanding how cells transition to distinct states
Dr. Kyra Campbell The SCENTINEL Consortium
Date: 2025-02-07 @ 11:00
Location: Online
Host: E. Froudarakis
Abstract & Biosketch
Cretan RNA Salon Seminar Series
N6-methyladenosine (m6A): Understanding the most prevalent and versatile mRNA modification
Dr. Theodora Sideri Assistant Prof. University of Thessaly Platform: link
Date: 2025-02-07 @ 12:00
Location: Orfanoudakis Lecture Hall, and virtually
Host: E. Froudarakis
Poster | Biosketch
IMBB Colloquium
Using genome engineering to characterize the molecular basis of insecticide resistance in the mosquito vector of malaria: The case of carboxyl-esterase COEAE6G of Anopheles coluzzii
Sofia BALASKA PostDoctoral Researcher, Vontas Lab
Date: 2025-01-24 @ 13:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1 "Costas Fotakis”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: E. Froudarakis
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
Linking infectious diseases with non-communicable diseases in population-based studies
Marianna Karachaliou, MD, PhD MSCA fellow, Erasmus MC Zoom link: Zoom
Date: 2025-01-22 @ 15:00 - 16:00
Location: Online
Host: E. Froudarakis
IMBB Colloquium
Using mouse models to understand the role of dyslipidemia in the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis
Isidoros AXIOTIS PhD Candidate Kardassis Lab
Date: 2025-01-17 @ 13:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1 "Costas Fotakis”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: E. Froudarakis
IMBB Colloquium
DNA Damage in Macrophages Promotes Nuclear Antigen Presentation and Immune Autoreactivity
George NIOTIS PhD Candidate, Garinis Lab
Date: 2024-12-06 @ 13:00
Location: Seminar Room 1 "Costas Fotakis", FORTH's bldg
Host: E. Froudarakis
IMBB Colloquium
Exploring the role of VIRP1 in viroid infectivity and host responses
Eirini BARDANI Postdoctoral Researcher Kalantidis Lab
Date: 2024-11-22 @ 13:00
Location: Seminar Room 1 "Costas Fotakis", FORTH's bldg
Host: E. Froudarakis
IMBB Seminar
Γνωριμία με την PacBio
Matthieu D. Lavigne, PhD Leader of the Gene Control Mechanisms group (Researcher C') Head Scientist of the Genomics Facility Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology of the Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas (IMBB-FORTH) Nikolaou Plastira 100 GR-70013, Heraklion, Crete, GREECE Για ό,τι χρειαστείτε μπορείτε να απευθυνθείτε στους: Σοφία Χρυσάφη 6980-637631 και Matthieu Lavigne 2810 - 391160
Date: 2024-11-14 @ 10:30
Location: Αίθουσα «Κώστας Φωτάκης»
Host: E. Froudarakis
IMBB Colloquium
'Brain tumours in Drosophila and how they progress to malignancy'
Evanthia ZACHARIOUDAKI PostDoctoral Researcher Delidakis Lab
Date: 2024-11-08 @ 13:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1
Host: E. Froudarakis
IMBB Seminar
'Network-based approaches to study human context-specific cell signalling'
Evangelia Petsalaki European Molecular Biology Laboratory European Bioinformatics Institute Hinxton, UK
Date: 2024-10-25 @ 13:00
Location: Seminar Room 1
Host: I. Talianidis
Abstract & Biosketch
IMBB Seminar
'Ribosomal Proteins in Neuroinflammation: Advanced Insights from Translatome Studies'
Srivathsa S Magadi IMBB Alumnus Postdoctoral Fellow Department of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences (BKV) Linköping University
Date: 2024-08-02 @ 13:00
Location: Seminar Room 1 'Kostas Fotakis', FORTH’s bldg
Host: C. Delidakis
Abstract & Biosketch
IMBB Seminar
'A Less Artificial Intelligence'
Prof. Andreas TOLIAS Department of Ophthalmology, Byers Eye Institute, Stanford Bio-X Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence Institute Department of Electrical Engineering
Date: 2024-07-31 @ 16:00
Location: Seminar Room 1 'Kostas Fotakis', FORTH’s bldg E. Froudarakis
Host: E. Froudarakis
IMBB Colloquium
'Role of 3D chromatin architecture in the mechanism of developmental activation of hepatic genes'
Evangelia TACHMATZIDI PhD candidate Talianidis Lab
Date: 2024-07-26 @ 13:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1 'Kostas Fotakis”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: E. Froudarakis
IMBB Seminar
'Multiscale molecular modeling for the study of metalloproteins'
Prof. Jean-Didier Maréchal Full Professor in Physical Chemistry InSilichem Departament de Química, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona 08193 Bellaterra, Cerdanyola del Vallés, Barcelona, Spain e-mail: jeandidier.marechal[at] webpage:
Date: 2024-07-24 @ 14:00
Location: Seminar Room 1 'Kostas Fotakis', FORTH’s bldg
Host: G. Gouridis
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
'The umbilical cord blood versus autologous blood derived plasma rich platelet gel for the treatment of diabetic ulcer'
Nikolaos Kontopodis Assistant Professor of Vascula Assistant Professor of Vascular Surgery University of Crete-Medical School, Heraklion, Crete, Greece Platform: Link
Date: 2024-07-24 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: G. Gouridis
IMBB Seminar
'Epigenetics Meets Immunity and Inflammation'
Dr. Stefan DIMITROV Institute of Molecular Biology, Sofia Institute of Advanced Biosciences, Grenoble
Date: 2024-07-12 @ 13:00
Location: Seminar Room 1 'Kostas Fotakis', FORTH’s bldg
Host: G. Garinis
Abstract | CV
Workshop/Practical Course
“Vector Control: Insecticides and Beyond”
MicroBioPest, CypTox “Vector Control: Insecticides and Beyond”
Date: 2024-07-11 @ 10:30
Location: Liannis Amphitheater
Host: J. Vontas
IMBB Seminar
'Differences in DNA damage response between root cell types”
Konstantin KUTASHEV Postdoctoral Researcher Plant Biology Department Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Uppsala, Sweden
Date: 2024-07-10 @ 14:00
Location: Seminar Room 1 'Kostas Fotakis', FORTH’s bldg
Host: P. Moschou
Abstract & Biosketch
Cretan RNA Salon Seminar Series
'Ubiquitylation of RNA Polymerase II controls early stages of the transcription cycle'
Dr. Ana Tufegdzic Vidakovic MRC-LMB, UK Platform: link
Date: 2024-07-09 @ 13:00
Location: Online
Host: The Cretan RNA Club, Mat Lavigne
Abstract & Biosketch | Poster
Cretan RNA Salon Seminar Series
'Stress-induced cancer-causing lncRNAs - The hidden “hand” of the non-coding genome for cellular stress response in cancer (and other diseases)'
Dr. Antonis Giannakakis UTH Platform: link
Date: 2024-07-09 @ 13:00
Location: Online
Host: The Cretan RNA Club, Mat Lavigne
Abstract & Biosketch | Poster
IMBB Seminar
'Control of sex-specific gonad development in Drosophila'
Brian OLIVER Senior Investigator, Developmental Genomics Section, Laboratory of Biochemistry Genetics, NIH, Bethesda MD
Date: 2024-07-05 @ 13:00
Location: Seminar Room 1 'Kostas Fotakis', FORTH’s bldg
Host: C. Delidakis
IMBB Seminar
'RNA-Binding Proteins: Maestros of Eukaryotic Gene Expression'
Dimitrios ANASTASAKIS Research Fellow Laboratory of Molecular RNA Biology National Institutes of Health
Date: 2024-06-17 @ 13:00
Location: Seminar Room 1 'Kostas Fotakis', FORTH’s bldg
Host: G. Mavrothalassitis
Abstract | Biosketch
IMBB Colloquium
'A screening analysis for the effect of novel compounds on neuronal activity and synaptic plasticity in the mouse CNS'
Lida VAGIAKI PhD candidate Sidiropoulou Lab
Date: 2024-06-14 @ 13:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1 'Kostas Fotakis”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: G. Mavrothalassitis
IMBB Colloquium
'Decoding Autoimmunity: Insights from Gene Regulation and Chromatin Organization in Developing T Cells'
Dionysis PAPAMATHEAKIS PhD candidate Spilianakis lab
Date: 2024-06-07 @ 13:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1 'Kostas Fotakis”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: G. Mavrothalassitis
IMBB Colloquium
'Rewiring of lipid metabolism upon sensing of fungal melanin is an essential host defense mechanism in alveolar macrophages'
Vassilis NIDRIS PhD candidate Chamilos lab
Date: 2024-05-31 @ 13:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1 'Kostas Fotakis”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: G. Mavrothalassitis
IMBB Seminar
'Saccharomyces variation across the world'
Gianni LITTI Senior CNRS Researcher Institute for Research on Cancer and Ageing of Nice (IRCAN) France
Date: 2024-05-28 @ 13:00
Location: Seminar Room 1 'Kostas Fotakis', FORTH’s bldg
Host: A. Pittis
Abstract & Biosketch | Poster
IMBB Seminar
'Genetics of spontaneous coronary artery dissection: Rare variants and polygenic risk'
Eleni GIANNOULATOU Head of Computational Genomics Laboratory, Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute Associate Professor, School of Clinical MedicineFaculty of Medicine and Health, UNSW Sydney Australia
Date: 2024-05-27 @ 15:30
Location: Seminar Room 1 'Kostas Fotakis', FORTH’s bldg
Host: M. Lavigne
Abstract & Biosketch
IMBB Seminar
'Ask the ancestors: resurrecting and re-evolving the bacterial flagellar motor'
Matthew BAKER Scientia Associate Professor, UNSW Sydney (BABS), Faculty of Science, Australia
Date: 2024-05-27 @ 14:00
Location: Seminar Room 1 'Kostas Fotakis', FORTH’s bldg
Host: G. Gouridis
Abstract & Biosketch
IMBB Colloquium
'Maintaining organ size and homeostasis in self-renewing tissues: lessons from the adrenal cortex'
Rodanthi LYRAKI PostDoctoral Researcher Stratakis Lab
Date: 2024-05-24 @ 13:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1 'Kostas Fotakis”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: G. Gouridis
Research Seminars - UoC Medical School - FORTH - UCRC
'Diversity, origin and molecular evolution of animal neural systems'
Alexandros Pittis PhD, Comparative Genomics Lab, IMBB-FORTH Platform link
Date: 2024-05-22 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: G. Gouridis
IMBB Colloquium
'A novel role of regulatory T cells in directing cancer metastasis'
Iosif PAPAFRAGKOS PhD candidate Verginis Lab
Date: 2024-05-17 @ 13:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1 'Kostas Fotakis”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: G. Gouridis
IMBB Seminar
'C. elegans models to understand stress responses and aging: Signalling across tissue boundaries'
Prof. Dr. Ralf BAUMEISTER Bio3/Bioinformatics and Molecular Genetics, Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg, Germany
Date: 2024-05-14 @ 13:00
Location: Seminar Room 1 'Kostas Fotakis', FORTH’s bldg
Host: N. Tavernarakis
Abstract & Biosketch
IMBB Seminar
'Genetic and microbial approaches to combat the ongoing expansion of arboviral infection'
George DIMOPOULOS Professor Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health Molecular Microbiology and Immunology Department and the Malaria Research Institute Dr. Dimopoulos ( carries 3 citizenships, received his BSc in microbiology from Stockholm University in 1990, his PhD in biology from the University of Crete in 1996, and his MBA from Johns Hopkins University Carey Business School in 2008. He did his postdoctoral training at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory in Prof. Kafatos laboratory between 1996 and 2001, he was a Senior Lecturer at Imperial College London between 2001 and 2003, and then joined the faculty at Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health, Molecular Microbiology and immunology Department and the Malaria Research Institute. He was promoted to tenured professor in 2011, and serves as a deputy director of the Malaria Research Institute and director of the Parasite Core facility. Dr. Dimopoulos’ research program broadly focuses on the innate immune systems and microbiomes of the mosquito disease vectors Anopheles and Aedes, and how these can be harnessed to attenuate transmission of malaria and arboviral diseases.
Date: 2024-04-26 @ 13:00
Location: Seminar Room 1 'Kostas Fotakis', FORTH’s bldg
Host: N. Tavernarakis
IMBB-MCTS lectures
“Navigating your biomedical career path proactively”
Prof George Dimopoulos Faculty Member at Johns Hopkins University, Bloomberg School of Public Health, Molecular Microbiology and Immunology Department and the Malaria Research Institute The seminar will address essential ingredients of biomedical career management that can help students and researchers making informed decisions to embark on a most suitable career path. The seminar will discuss professional identity development, academia versus industry and non-traditional career paths, how to stay competitive, the importance of leadership, management and communication / networking skills, and how to perform effective career planning and management. Website:
Date: 2024-04-25 @ 00:00
Location: Fotakis Seminar Room
Host: N. Tavernarakis
IMBB Colloquium
'Microglia-derived extracellular vesicles trigger agerelated neurodegeneration upon DNA damage'
Evi GOULIELMAKI Postdoctoral Researcher Garinis Lab
Date: 2024-04-19 @ 13:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1 'Kostas Fotakis”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: N. Tavernarakis
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
'Intestinal Stromal Cells in the Turmoil of Inflammation and Defective Tissue Remodeling'
Ioannis Drygiannakis MD, PhD, FEBGH, Gastrenterologist, University Hospital of Heraklion, Appointed Lecturer, Medical School, UoC Platform link
Date: 2024-04-17 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: N. Tavernarakis
IMBB Colloquium
'Investigating the Synaptic Dynamics of Adaptive Behavior in the mouse frontal cortex'
Ioanna PANDI PhD candidate, Poirazi lab
Date: 2024-04-12 @ 13:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1 'Kostas Fotakis”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: N. Tavernarakis
IMBB Seminar
'Are there adolescent sensitive periods in the frontal cortex of a mouse?'
Linda WILBRECHT Professor, Dept of Psychology, University of California Berkeley
Date: 2024-04-08 @ 13:00
Location: Seminar Room 1 'Kostas Fotakis', FORTH’s bldg
Host: K. Sidiropoulou
IMBB Seminar
'Early-life Stress in Health and Longevity: Insights from redox-regulated events'
Daphne BAZOPOULOU Assistant Professor Department of Biology University of Crete
Date: 2024-04-05 @ 13:00
Location: Seminar Room 1 'Kostas Fotakis', FORTH’s bldg
Host: K. Sidiropoulou
IMBB Seminar
'Soft repression: a new paradigm for transcriptional control'
David ARNOSTI Professor Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Michigan State University
Date: 2024-04-01 @ 11:00
Location: Seminar Room 1 'Kostas Fotakis', FORTH’s bldg
Host: Christos Delidakis
Joint Research Seminars: Thematic Seminar Cancer - UoC Medical School - FORTH - UCRC
'Current challenges in cancer research: from bench to bedside'
The Academic Liaison Committee of the Medical School UoC, IMBB-FORTH, UCRC organizes the face-to-face Thematic Seminar (Presentations & Round Table Discussions)
Date: 2024-03-29 @ 00:00
Location: Medical School, University of Crete, Auditorium of Graduate Studies
Host: Ioannis Talianidis, Helen Papadaki
Download Programme
IMBB Colloquium
'The role of caloric restriction mimetics in myelin generation and regeneration'
Ioannis-Stefanos KAPLANIS PhD candidate,
Date: 2024-03-28 @ 13:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1 'Kostas Fotakis”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: Ioannis Talianidis, Helen Papadaki
IMBB Colloquium
'Crosstalk between dysregulated lipid metabolism and mitochondrial function in neurodegeneration'
Dikaia TSAGKARI PhD candidate, Tavernarakis lab
Date: 2024-03-22 @ 13:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1 'Kostas Fotakis”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: Ioannis Talianidis, Helen Papadaki
IMBB Seminar
'Nature and role of somatic Copy Number Variations in Parkinson's Disease'
Ester KALEF-EZRA Postdoctoral Research Fellow Proukakis Lab Department of Clinical and Movement N
Date: 2024-03-15 @ 13:00
Location: Zoom Platform:
Host: Ioannis Talianidis, Helen Papadaki
IMBB Colloquium
'Unraveling the transcriptional and epigenetic footprint in hosts' interactions with beneficial microbes'
Nikolaos ARAPITSAS PhD candidate, Sarris lab
Date: 2024-03-08 @ 13:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1 'Kostas Fotakis”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: Ioannis Talianidis, Helen Papadaki
IMBB Colloquium
'Deciphering the role of the p75 pan-neurotrophin receptor in adult hippocampal neurogenesis as a novel therapeutic approach to Alzheimer’s Disease'
Marianna PAPADOPOULOU Postdoctoral Researcher Charalampopoulos Lab
Date: 2024-03-01 @ 13:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1 'Kostas Fotakis”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: Ioannis Talianidis, Helen Papadaki
IMBB Seminar
'Delineating the tumour-host interactions in cancer metastasis'
Ioanna KEKLIKOGLOU Assistant Professor Department of Biology University of Crete
Date: 2024-02-28 @ 14:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: Ioannis Talianidis, Helen Papadaki
IMBB Colloquium
'Using deep learning synthesis of optimal stimuli to study object recognition across mouse lateral visual hierarchy'
Maria Diamantaki Postdoctoral Researcher Froudarakis Lab
Date: 2023-12-15 @ 13:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: Ioannis Talianidis, Helen Papadaki
IMBB Colloquium
'Analyzing ancient populations from the Neolithic and subsequent periods'
Stefanos PAPADANTONAKIS PhD Candidate, Poulakakis Lab
Date: 2023-12-08 @ 13:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: Ioannis Talianidis, Helen Papadaki
IMBB Colloquium
'Autophagy in oligodendrocytes: an essential pathway for maintaining CNS myelin homeostasis in adulthood and aging'
Niki KTENA Postdoctoral Researcher, Karagogeos Lab
Date: 2023-12-01 @ 13:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: Ioannis Talianidis, Helen Papadaki
Cretan RNA Salon Seminar Series
'RNA-based mechanisms orchestrating the cell cycle and genome stability in cancer”
Dr. Lovorka Stojic Group leader, Barts Cancer Institute, CRUK City of London Centre, London, United Kingdom Zoom registration
Date: 2023-11-28 @ 13:00
Location: Online
Host: Ioannis Talianidis, Helen Papadaki
IMBB Colloquium
'Development of molecular diagnostic tools for on-site marine environmental monitoring'
Martha VALIADI Postdoctoral Researcher, Gizeli Lab
Date: 2023-11-24 @ 13:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: Ioannis Talianidis, Helen Papadaki
IMBB-MCTS lectures
'Balancing the act between making medicines and regulating medicines: a career journey'
Dr Manos Papadakis MSc, PhD, MBA Clinical Biochemist Scientific Advisor National Medicines Organization (EOF) & European Medicines Agency (EMA)
Date: 2023-11-23 @ 00:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: Dr G. Konstantinidis
Research Seminars - UoC Medical School - FORTH - UCRC
'Neurodegenerative diseases: from basic research and translational models to clinical and social impact'
Date: 2023-11-15 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: I. Charalampopoulos
IMBB Colloquium
'Adaptations in synaptic transmission in the prefrontal cortex during postnatal development could lead to cognitive deficits in the MAM mouse model of schizophrenia'
Konstantinos DISKOS PhD Candidate Sidiropoulou Lab
Date: 2023-11-10 @ 13:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: I. Charalampopoulos
Research Seminars - UoC Medical School - FORTH - UCRC
'Clinical applications of Radiation Oncology'
Date: 2023-11-08 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: I. Charalampopoulos
IMBB Colloquium
'Studying the impact of nascent RNA synthesis on gene regulation'
Matthieu LAVIGNE Gene Control Mechanism Lab IMBB-FORTH
Date: 2023-11-03 @ 13:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: I. Charalampopoulos
IMBB Seminar
'Ribosomal Proteins, Splicing and Cell Competition. Connecting the dots'
Marianthi KIPARAKI, PhD Junior Research Investigator, Institute for Fundamental Biomedical Research, Biomedical Sciences Research Centre, 'Alexander Fleming”, Greece
Date: 2023-10-13 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: C. Delidakis
IMBB Seminar
'Genome Stability in Aging, Disease, and Inheritance'
Björn SCHUMACHER Director, Institute for Genome Stability in Aging and Disease Medical Faculty University of Cologne CECAD Research Center Cologne, Germany
Date: 2023-10-09 @ 10:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: George A. Garinis
IMBB Colloquium
'Dysregulation of immunomodulatory and atheroprotective properties of high density lipoproteins in rheumatoid arthritis'
Eirini SEVDALI Postdoctoral Researcher Sidiropoulos Lab
Date: 2023-10-06 @ 13:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: George A. Garinis
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
'Unravelling differential processing of enhancer-transcribed long non-coding RNAs; implications in disease'
Date: 2023-09-27 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: George A. Garinis
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
'Study quality assessment: Why should we do it and how'
Cleo Protogerou Assistant Professor in Health Behaviors: Prevention and Interventions Laboratory of Applied Psychology, Department of Psychology, University of Crete Zoom registration
Date: 2023-09-13 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: George A. Garinis
IMBB Seminar
'Genome Structure as a Framework to Understand Gene Regulation in Development and Disease'
Martin FRANKE Centro Andaluz de Biología del Desarrollo (CABD), Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Seville, Spain
Date: 2023-08-01 @ 13:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: E. Ntini & I. Talianidis
IMBB Seminar
'Cross-kingdom small RNA communication in plant pathogen interactions'
Arne WEIBERG Candidate for the IMBB Researcher Position (Researcher C) Ludwig-Maximilians University (LMU) Department for Genetics, Biocenter, Germany
Date: 2023-07-28 @ 14:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: E. Ntini & I. Talianidis
IMBB Seminar
'Fate choice decisions of Neural stem cells: implications for human disease'
Stavros TARAVIRAS Professor, Department of Physiology Medical School, University of Patras
Date: 2023-07-27 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: D. Karagogeos & C. Tsatsanis
IMBB-MCTS lectures
“Hints for navigating the academic career path”
Paul Lasko
Date: 2023-07-26 @ 14:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: D. Karagogeos & C. Tsatsanis
IMBB Seminar
'Mechanisms of emergence & maintenance of nervous system architecture; insights from C. elegans'
Georgia RAPTI Candidate for the IMBB Researcher Position (Researcher C) Research Group Leader Developmental Biology Unit- European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) Zoom registration
Date: 2023-07-25 @ 14:00
Location: Online
Host: D. Karagogeos & C. Tsatsanis
IMBB Seminar
'Rules for Epigenetic Silencing: a role for RNA Processing'
Antonis TATARAKIS Candidate for the IMBB Researcher Position (Researcher C) Postdoctoral Researcher, IMBB-FORTH & HHMI/ Harvard Medical School, Department of Cell Biology, Boston, USA
Date: 2023-07-24 @ 14:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: D. Karagogeos & C. Tsatsanis
IMBB Colloquium
Neural stem cell programming and differentiation capacity in development and disease
Vassiliki THEODOROU Delidakis lab Postdoctoral Researcher
Date: 2023-07-21 @ 13:30
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: D. Karagogeos & C. Tsatsanis
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
'Preparticipation screening of children in sports'
Yannis Germanakis Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Pediatric Cardiology, UoC Medical School Zoom registration
Date: 2023-07-19 @ 00:00
Location: Online
Host: D. Karagogeos & C. Tsatsanis
IMBB Seminar
'Evolution of Mesoderm and Blood'
Carmen ANDRIKOU Candidate for the IMBB Researcher Position (Researcher C) University of Bergen, Norway
Date: 2023-07-13 @ 14:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: D. Karagogeos & C. Tsatsanis
IMBB Seminar
'Exploring our microbial self: Patterns, biases and perspectives'
Ilias LAGKOUVARDOS Candidate for the IMBB Researcher Position (Researcher C) Postdoctoral Researcher IMBB-FORTH
Date: 2023-07-11 @ 14:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: D. Karagogeos & C. Tsatsanis
IMBB Seminar
'Major transitions in the evolution of eukaryotes through comparative genomics'
Alexandros PITTIS Candidate for the IMBB Researcher Position (Researcher C) Developmental Biology Unit, European Molecular Biology Laboratory, 69117 Heidelberg, Germany Faculty of Biology, Department of Botany, University of Athens, Panepistimioupolis, Athens,
Date: 2023-07-06 @ 14:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: D. Karagogeos & C. Tsatsanis
IMBB Seminar
'Developmental mechanisms of lung cellular heterogeneity'
Alexandros SOUNTOULIDIS Candidate for the IMBB Researcher Position (Researcher C) Science for Life Laboratory, Solna, Sweden Department of Molecular Biosciences, Wenner-Gren Institute, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden
Date: 2023-07-05 @ 14:30
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: D. Karagogeos & C. Tsatsanis
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
'Osteoporosis and osteosarcopenia – clinical challenges in hip fragility fractures'
Date: 2023-07-05 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: D. Karagogeos & C. Tsatsanis
IMBB Colloquium
'Parhyale hawaiensis: a crustacean model for epithelial morphogenesis, limb development and wood digestion'
Anastasios PAVLOPOULOS Developmental Morphogenesis Lab IMBB-FORTH
Date: 2023-06-30 @ 13:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: D. Karagogeos & C. Tsatsanis
IMBB Seminar
'Origin and progression of a neural stem cell tumour in Drosophila'
Evanthia Zacharioudaki Candidate for the IMBB Researcher Position (Researcher C) Postdoctoral Researcher IMBB-FORTH
Date: 2023-06-29 @ 14:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: D. Karagogeos & C. Tsatsanis
Biosketch | Abstract
IMBB Seminar
'DNA damage as the driving force for cytoplasmic responses'
Evi Goulielmaki Candidate for the IMBB Researcher Position (Researcher C) Postdoctoral Researcher IMBB-FORTH
Date: 2023-06-27 @ 14:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: D. Karagogeos & C. Tsatsanis
IMBB Colloquium
'Plant extracellular vesicles during viral/viroidal infections'
Konstantina KATSAROU PostDoctoral Researcher, Kalantidis Lab
Date: 2023-06-23 @ 13:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: D. Karagogeos & C. Tsatsanis
Research Seminars - UoC Medical School - FORTH - UCRC
“Cardiovascular Diseases: New concepts and therapeutic interventions”
Date: 2023-06-21 @ 00:00
Location: Online
Host: D. Karagogeos & C. Tsatsanis
IMBB-MCTS lectures
'How to advance your Career & Growth path?'
Yannis Apostolakis Senior Manager Global Value & Access Pfizer
Date: 2023-06-20 @ 00:00
Location: FORTH Main amphitheater 'G. Lianis'
Host: D. Karagogeos & C. Tsatsanis
IMBB Colloquium
'Enhanced activation of IL-6/JAK2 axis confers neonatal susceptibility to GBS infections via inhibition of LC3 Associated Phagocytosis (LAP)'
Ourania KOLLINIATI PhD canditate, Tsatsanis Lab
Date: 2023-06-16 @ 13:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: D. Karagogeos & C. Tsatsanis
IMBB Seminar
'Dendritic field alterations on primary neuronal cultures, as a marker for the efficacy of new treatments tested against neurodegenerative disease models'
Konstantinos I. TSAMIS Neurologist, MD, PhD, Assistant Professor of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, School of Health Sciences, University of Ioannina
Date: 2023-06-16 @ 15:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: P. Poirazi
Biosketch & Abstract
IMBB Colloquium
'Dissecting the role of neurotrophin receptors in brain health and disease using hiPSC'
Konstantina CHANOUMIDOU PostDoctoral Researcher Charalampopoulos Lab
Date: 2023-06-09 @ 13:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: P. Poirazi
IMBB Seminar
'Miniscope Imaging during free behavior with the INSCOPIX Platform'
Nicolas BONNEAU, PhD Sales Representative Greece Inscopix
Date: 2023-06-06 @ 15:30
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: P. Poirazi
Biosketch | Poster
IMBB Colloquium
'Defects in lipid and glucose metabolism in mice with liver-specific ablation of the Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor 4? (Hnf4?) gene'
Effie THYMIAKOU PostDoctoral Researcher Kardassis Lab
Date: 2023-06-02 @ 13:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: P. Poirazi
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
'Glioblastoma's pathophysiology: insights and perspectives'
Date: 2023-05-24 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: P. Poirazi
Cretan RNA Salon Seminar Series
'snRNA processing in BRAT1- and INTS11-associated neurological disorders'
Date: 2023-05-23 @ 13:00
Location: 'Georgios Lianis' Auditorium, FORTH’s bldg
Host: P. Poirazi
Cretan RNA Salon Seminar Series
'Alternative Splicing studies in cancers of the gastrointestinal system'
Date: 2023-05-23 @ 13:00
Location: 'Georgios Lianis' Auditorium, FORTH’s bldg
Host: P. Poirazi
IMBB Seminar
'Mechanical forces guide the interactions of host cells with bacterial pathogens along multiple time and length scales'
Effie BASTOUNIS IMIT - Interfaculty Institute of Microbiology and Infection Medicine University of Tübingen
Date: 2023-05-18 @ 13:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: G. Chamilos
IMBB Colloquium
'Transcription dynamics of early and established lupus erythematosus'
Sofia PAPANIKOLAOU PhD candidate Bertsias Lab
Date: 2023-05-16 @ 13:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: G. Chamilos
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
'The development of hypothetical reasoning'
Date: 2023-05-10 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: G. Chamilos
IMBB Colloquium
'Transcription stress-associated telomere dysfunction and cellular senescence'
Sakis SIAMETIS PhD candidate Garinis Lab
Date: 2023-05-05 @ 13:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: G. Chamilos
IMBB Seminar
'Probing Molecular Interactions by TCSPC FLIM'
Wolfgang BECKER Becker & Hickl GmbH, Berlin, Germany
Date: 2023-05-04 @ 13:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: G. Chamilos
IMBB Colloquium
'Single molecule biophysics to unravel the molecular basis of allostery'
Chara SARAFOGLOU PhD candidate  
Date: 2023-04-28 @ 13:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: G. Chamilos
Research Seminars - UoC Medical School - FORTH - UCRC
'Protein dynamics to unravel the molecular etiology of human diseases and empower drug development'
Date: 2023-04-26 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: G. Chamilos
Cretan RNA Salon Seminar Series
“Functions of N6-methyladenosine in stem and cancer cells”
Dr. Francesca Aguilo Associate Professor, Department of Molecular Biology, University of Umeå, Umeå, Sweden Zoom registration
Date: 2023-04-25 @ 13:00
Location: Online
Host: G. Chamilos
IMBB Colloquium
'Membrane-bound and cytoplasmic condensates regulating cell development in Arabidopsis'
Andria MENTZELOPOULOU PhD candidate  
Date: 2023-04-07 @ 13:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: G. Chamilos
'One flew over the Notch's nest: the tooth as an example'
Thimios MITSIADIS Chair of Oral Biology Medical Faculty of the University of Zurich/Switzerland
Date: 2023-04-06 @ 13:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: Dr. K. Chrissopoulou
Biosketch | Abstract
IMBB Seminar
'Biosimilar monoclonal antibodies development principles'
Zien PIOTR Director of Research and Development – Biotechnology Operations, DEMO SA Pharmaceutical Industry, Attica, Greece
Date: 2023-04-05 @ 11:00
Location: Seminar Room 'A. Payatakes', FORTH’s bldg
Host: D. Kardassis
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
'Thematic seminar: Inflammation - multidisciplinary aspects'
Coordinator: G. Bertsias Associate Professor in Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology, UoC Medical School Zoom platform
Date: 2023-04-05 @ 00:00
Location: Online
Host: D. Kardassis
IMBB Colloquium
'Modeling the nascent RNA transcriptome reveals processing of long non-coding RNAs and enhancer transcription'
Evgenia NTINI Principal Researcher RNA and Gene Regulation Online: Zoom link
Date: 2023-03-31 @ 13:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: D. Kardassis
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
'Phenotyping of chronic insomnia based on objective sleep measures: Diagnostic and treatment implications'
Date: 2023-03-29 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: D. Kardassis
IMBB Colloquium
'Harnessing lipid metabolism to reverse LAP blockade in CGD patients'
Irene KYRMIZI Post-Doctoral Researcher Chamilos Lab
Date: 2023-03-24 @ 13:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: D. Kardassis
Cretan RNA Salon Seminar Series
'Study of transcription factor behavior by Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy'
Date: 2023-03-21 @ 13:00
Location: Main Amphitheater “G. Lianis” (FORTH’s bldg)
Host: D. Kardassis
Cretan RNA Salon Seminar Series
'Pancreatic cancer cells are addicted to expression of the PLAC8 mRNA, but not the encoded protein, for maintenance of genome integrity and cell viability'
Date: 2023-03-21 @ 13:00
Location: Main Amphitheater “G. Lianis” (FORTH’s bldg)
Host: D. Kardassis
IMBB Colloquium
'Deciphering the role of glial autophagy in neurophysiology and ageing using chemo-optogenetics in vivo'
Georgios KONSTANTINIDIS PostDoctoral Researcher Tavernarakis Lab
Date: 2023-03-17 @ 13:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: D. Kardassis
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
'Telomeres as Biomarkers of metabolomic health and aging under the frame of RLRS'
Date: 2023-03-15 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: D. Kardassis
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
'Telomeres as Biomarkers of metabolomic health and aging under the frame of RLRS'
Date: 2023-03-15 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: D. Kardassis
IMBB Colloquium
'Endonucleosis': an unusual autophagy process in senescent cells
Ourania GALANOPOULOU PhD candidate Talianidis lab
Date: 2023-03-10 @ 13:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: D. Kardassis
IMBB Seminar
'A cascade of specific translation initiation complexes drives spermatogenesis in Drosophila melanogaster'
Paul LASKO IMBB Adjunct Researcher Distinguished James McGill Professor, Department of Biology, McGill University
Date: 2023-03-03 @ 13:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: C. Delidakis
Abstract | Biosketch
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
'Overview of the lab and tolerogenic dendritic cells'
Date: 2023-02-22 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: C. Delidakis
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
'Overview of the lab and tolerogenic dendritic cells'
Date: 2023-02-22 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: C. Delidakis
Cretan RNA Salon Seminar Series
'Regulation of melanoma immunogenicity by lncRNAs'
Dr. Eleonora Leucci Assistant Professor, Laboratory for RNA Cancer Biology, Department of Oncology, KU Leuven Zoom registration
Date: 2023-02-21 @ 14:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: C. Delidakis
Cretan RNA Salon Seminar Series
'Studying the impact of nascent RNA synthesis on gene regulation and maintenance'
Dr. Matthieu Lavigne Group leader, Gene Control Mechanisms, IMBB-FORTH Zoom registration
Date: 2023-02-21 @ 14:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: C. Delidakis
IMBB Colloquium
'Illuminating the role of dendrites in neural network functions with Dendrify'
Michail PAGKALOS PhD Candidate, Poirazi Lab
Date: 2023-02-17 @ 13:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: C. Delidakis
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
'Immune regulation of hematopoiesis in cancer'
Date: 2023-02-08 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: C. Delidakis
IMBB Colloquium
'DNA-damage driven chromatin changes and immunometabolism'
George PAPADOGKONAS PhD Candidate, Spilianakis Lab
Date: 2023-02-03 @ 13:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: C. Delidakis
IMBB-MCTS lectures
'Combining law and biosciences to pursue a career as a Patent Attorney'
Dr. Kostas Vavekis Patent Attorney, CEO, Euglottia, IP
Date: 2023-02-01 @ 13:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: C. Delidakis
IMBB Colloquium
'The appendage/leg specific ABCH2 transporter mediates insecticide toxicity in the malaria vector Anopheles coluzzii'
Mary KEFI Postdoctoral Researcher Vontas Lab
Date: 2023-01-27 @ 13:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: C. Delidakis
IMBB Seminar
'Ixodes ricinus: a disease vector with health relevance in Europe, a model organism for understanding (ecto)parasitism'
Michalis KOTSYFAKIS Candidate for the IMBB Researcher Position (Researcher B in Vector Biology) Laboratory of Genomics and Proteomics of Disease Vectors, Biology Center, Czech Academy of Sciences, Budweis, Czech Republic
Date: 2023-01-25 @ 15:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: C. Delidakis
Abstract | Biosketch
Cretan RNA Salon Seminar Series
'Localization of transcriptional regulator condensates in transcriptional bursting revealed by STREAMING- tag system'
Dr. Hiroshi Ochiai Assoc. Prof. Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for Life, Hiroshima University, Japan Zoom registration
Date: 2023-01-24 @ 13:00
Location: Lecture hall 'Payatakis'
Host: C. Delidakis
Cretan RNA Salon Seminar Series
'Local mRNA Translation: Mechanisms of regulation during axon development & beyond'
Dr. Marina Vidaki Assist. Professor, School of Medicine, University of Crete Zoom registration
Date: 2023-01-24 @ 13:00
Location: Lecture hall 'Payatakis'
Host: C. Delidakis
IMBB Seminar
'Targeting Plasmodium oocyst rupture in mosquito to block malaria transmission'
Chiara CURRA Candidate for the IMBB Researcher Position (<span style='font-family: 'Book Antiqua'
Date: 2023-01-17 @ 14:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: C. Delidakis
Abstract and Biosketch
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
'Progress of Gene-based Therapies in Cardiovascular Disease'
Marketou Maria Associate Professor of Cardiology, UoC Medical School, Consultant Cardiologist, University Hospital of Heraklion Platform link
Date: 2022-12-21 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: C. Delidakis
IMBB Seminar
'Local mRNA Translation: Mechanisms of regulation during axon development & beyond'
Dr. Vidaki
Date: 2022-12-20 @ 13:00
Location: Seminar Room 'Al. Payatakis'
Host: C. Delidakis
IMBB Seminar
'Decrypting the biology and regulatory role of the first noncoding RNA'
Dr. Stathopoulos
Date: 2022-12-20 @ 13:30
Location: Seminar Room 'Al. Payatakis'
Host: C. Delidakis
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
'Bioinformatics tools for predicting protein-protein interactions'
Date: 2022-12-14 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: C. Delidakis
IMBB-MCTS lectures
'From science to science journalism - A question of getting up in the morning'
Dr Ioanna Soufleri Editor-in-Chief of Vima Science
Date: 2022-12-09 @ 14:00
Location: FORTH Building, Seminar room 1
Host: C. Delidakis
'The contribution of Biotechnology in the battle against insects'
John Vontas Director of IMBB-FORTH Registration: Eventbrite
Date: 2022-12-07 @ 19:00
Location: H2B HUB, Heraklion center, Koronaiou 14, 3rd floor
Host: C. Delidakis
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
'Neurogenetics: From Bedside to Bench and Back'
Date: 2022-12-07 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: C. Delidakis
IMBB Seminar
'How can we make biomedical predictions when do not understand everything?'
Haralampos HATZIKIROU Associate Professor Mathematics, Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi, UAE Research group leader 'Multiscale modelling of cell decision-making in multicellular systems” lab ZIH, TU Dresden, Germany
Date: 2022-12-02 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s main bldg
Host: John Vontas
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
'Artificial Intelligence in biomedical research. Some ethical challenges'
Stavroula F. Tsinorema Professor of Modern & Contemporary Philosophy and Bioethics, Director of the Joint Graduate Programme “Bioethics” and Director of the Centre for Bioethics, Dean of Faculty of Letters, University of Crete Platform link:
Date: 2022-11-30 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: John Vontas
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
'Phenotyping of chronic insomnia based on objective sleep measures: Diagnostic and treatment implications'
Date: 2022-11-16 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: John Vontas
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
'Imaging modalities in Forensic Medicine: challenges and breakthroughs'
Date: 2022-11-09 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: John Vontas
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
'Circulating endothelial progenitor cells and metabolic factors in childhood cancer survivors'
Date: 2022-11-02 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: John Vontas
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
'Writing in Crete and Cyprus in the 2nd and 1st mill. BC'
Artemis Karnava Assistant Professor of Prehistoric Archaeology, Department of History and Archaeology, UoC Platform link
Date: 2022-10-26 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: John Vontas
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
'Multi-comics approaches towards understanding healthy and disease-related gene expression programs'
Date: 2022-10-19 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: John Vontas
IMBB Seminar
'Directly observing protein molecules in dynamic action by high-speed atomic force microscopy'
Prof. Toshio ANDO Nano Life Science Institute (WPI-NanoLSI), Kanazawa University Kakuma-machi, Kanazawa 920-1192, Japan
Date: 2022-10-14 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: E. Gizeli
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
'Microbiome: From Basic Research to Clinical Practice'
Date: 2022-10-12 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: E. Gizeli
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
'Educational and research programmes based on public health and primary care priorities'
Tsiligianni Ioanna, Simvoulakis Emmanouil Tsiligianni Ioanna, Associate professor in General Practice and Public Health, UoC Medical School Simvoulakis Emmanouil, Assistant Professor in Primary Health Care, UoC Medical School Platform link:
Date: 2022-10-05 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: E. Gizeli
IMBB Seminar
'Early life sleep and brain development: Lessons from the prairie vole about autism'
Miranda LIM Assistant Professor, Oregon Health & Science University and Veterans Affairs Portland Health Care System, Portland, Oregon, USA
Date: 2022-09-26 @ 11:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: K. Sidiropoulou
IMBB Workshop / Course
“Enzyme Biotechnology applications for Pesticide/Drug Discovery”
Date: 2022-09-22 @ 09:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: K. Sidiropoulou
IMBB Workshop
“Personal Career Development Plan”
Date: 2022-09-21 @ 09:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: K. Sidiropoulou
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
'Dyadic relationships and their impact on adaptation to chronic illness'
Date: 2022-09-21 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: K. Sidiropoulou
ΙΜΒΒ Joint Seminar: Lecture Announcement
'Two stories about machine learning, evolution and viruses'
Date: 2022-09-20 @ 12:00
Location: 'Stelios Orphanoudakis' Seminar Room, FORTH’s bldg
Host: Prof. D. Plexousakis ICS FORTH Director, Prof. I.
IMBB Seminar
'Altruism during extra-corporeal detoxification in insects'
Prof. Dr. Bernard MOUSSIAN Eberhard-Karls Universität Tübingen
Date: 2022-09-20 @ 14:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: J. Vontas
IMBB Seminar
'Tinkering with genetics of insect sex: its evolution and applications for insect control'
Phillippos PAPATHANOS Senior Lecturer (Assistant Professor), Hebrew University
Date: 2022-09-14 @ 14:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: J. Vontas
IMBB Seminar
'What do herbivorous insects do with all that chlorophyll?'
David G. HECKEL Professor Director at the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology
Date: 2022-08-29 @ 14:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: J. Vontas
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
'Umbilical Cord Blood and Regenerative Medicine'
Date: 2022-07-20 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: J. Vontas
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
'Biomaterials in tissue engineering'
Maria Chatzinikolaidou Associate Professor of Biomaterials in Bioengineering, Department of Materials Science and Technology, UoC Platform link:
Date: 2022-07-13 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: J. Vontas
IMBB Colloquium
'The Role of Promyelocytic Leukemia Protein (PML) in tumor Biology: Studies in Breast Cancer Models'
Date: 2022-07-12 @ 16:00
Location: Online
Host: J. Vontas
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
'From Functional Genomics to the regulation of Cell Fate decisions'
Date: 2022-07-06 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: J. Vontas
IMBB Seminar
'Biotechnology in vivo and in vitro: directing evolution of molecular motors and building them from the bottom up'
Matthew BAKER University of New South Wales, Sydney
Date: 2022-06-30 @ 13:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: G. Gouridis, S. Mylonas
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
'Induction of Neurogenesis in brain therapeutics'
Date: 2022-06-29 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: G. Gouridis, S. Mylonas
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
'Therapeutic advances in Pulmonary Fibrosis: from bench to bedside'
Date: 2022-06-22 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: G. Gouridis, S. Mylonas
Bioimaging Thematic Club seminar series - FORTH - UoC
'Dissecting cortical computations with calcium microscopy'
Emmanouil Froudarakis Systems Neuroscience Laboratory, IMBB-FORTH, Crete
Date: 2022-06-17 @ 12:00
Location: Medical School, Room 7A.01 (Postgraduate wing, ground floor)
Host: G. Gouridis, S. Mylonas
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
'The role of prefrontal cortex in the control of visual attention. From neurons to brain networks'
Date: 2022-06-15 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: G. Gouridis, S. Mylonas
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
'The Impact of the Pandemic on the Labour Market and the Society and the challenges for the employment policies & social policy'
Nikos Papadakis Professor at the Department of Political Science, UoC Director of the Centre for Political Research and Documentation Platform link:
Date: 2022-06-08 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: G. Gouridis, S. Mylonas
Bioimaging Thematic Club seminar series - FORTH - UoC
'Non-linear microscopy and applications”
Sotiris Psilodimitrakopoulos / Emmanuel Stratakis Ultrafast Laser Micro and Nano Processing Laboratory, IESL-FORTH, Crete
Date: 2022-06-03 @ 12:00
Location: FORTH G. Lianis Amphitheater
Host: G. Gouridis, S. Mylonas
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
'Studying object recognition in mice. From neural activity to perception and action'
Date: 2022-06-01 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: G. Gouridis, S. Mylonas
Bioimaging Thematic Club seminar series - FORTH - UoC
'Imaging pioneer neurons and astroglia in interactions driving the emergence and maintenance of circuit architecture'
Georgia Rapti Nervous System Assembly Laboratory, European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Germany
Date: 2022-05-30 @ 12:00
Location: FORTH G. Lianis Amphitheater
Host: G. Gouridis, S. Mylonas
Bioimaging Thematic Club seminar series - FORTH - UoC
'Illuminating Medicine and Biology with advanced photonic sensing'
Vasilis Ntziachristos Director of Institute of Biological and Medical Imaging at Helmholtz Zentrum & Chair of Biological Imaging at Technical University, Munich, Germany
Date: 2022-05-27 @ 12:00
Location: FORTH G. Lianis Amphitheater
Host: G. Gouridis, S. Mylonas
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
'Intranasal stem cell transplantation for olfaction disorders'
Date: 2022-05-25 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: G. Gouridis, S. Mylonas
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
'Mental Health in Adolescents/ Young Adults in Greece: Prevalence and Associated factors'
Date: 2022-05-18 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: G. Gouridis, S. Mylonas
IMBB Colloquium
'Investigating the role of RNASE III proteins and their interaction with viroids'
Date: 2022-05-17 @ 16:00
Location: Online
Host: G. Gouridis, S. Mylonas
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
'Lymphomatogenesis mechanisms in Hodgkin and non- Hodgkin lymphomas'
Date: 2022-05-11 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: G. Gouridis, S. Mylonas
Bioimaging Thematic Club seminar series - FORTH - UoC
'Going deeper than microscopy: modern tools in Bioimaging'
Giannis Zacharakis Laboratory for Biophotonics and Molecular Imaging, IESL-FORTH, Crete
Date: 2022-05-06 @ 12:00
Location: FORTH G. Lianis Amphitheater
Host: G. Gouridis, S. Mylonas
IMBB Seminar
'Role of ZBP1 in interferon activation, cell death and inflammation induced by endogenous retroelements'
Date: 2022-05-05 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: N. Tavernarakis
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
'Schizotypal traits and endophenotypic markers in the schizophrenia-spectrum'
Stella Giakoumaki Associate Professor of Neuropsychology, Department of Psychology, UoC & Director of UCRC Platform link:
Date: 2022-05-04 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: N. Tavernarakis
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
'Promyelocytic Leukemia protein (PML): An ambivalent cancer regulator'
Sifis Papamatheakis Emeritus Professor, Department of Biology, UoC & Affiliated Researcher of IMBBB-FORTH Platform link:
Date: 2022-04-13 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: N. Tavernarakis
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
'Host–microbe interactions in early life'
Date: 2022-04-06 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: N. Tavernarakis
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
' The Laboratory of Clinical Virology in the COVID-19 Pandemic: the experience from the laboratory diagnosis to the genomic analysis of the SARS-CoV-2 virus (lecture in Greek)'
Date: 2022-03-30 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: N. Tavernarakis
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
'Quantitative Identification of brain microstructural, perfusion and functional connectivity disturbances in Neuropsychiatric systemic lupus erythematosus based on non-conventional MRI techniques'
Date: 2022-03-23 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: N. Tavernarakis
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
'An overview of Transplant and Oncology Infectious Diseases'
Date: 2022-03-17 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: N. Tavernarakis
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
'The archaeology of Human Evolution: Palaeolithic explorations in the Ionian Sea'
Date: 2022-03-16 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: N. Tavernarakis
IMBB Colloquium
'Studying the role of VIRP1 in plants and viroid infections'
Date: 2022-03-15 @ 16:00
Location: Online
Host: N. Tavernarakis
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
'Round Table: Linking health care research with the population health care needs'
Date: 2022-03-02 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: N. Tavernarakis
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
'Opioid-free anaesthesia – analgesia'
Date: 2022-02-23 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: N. Tavernarakis
IMBB Colloquium
'The cohesin complex protein SMC1A as a putative regulator of sex-biased inflammatory responses in systemic lupus erythematosus'
Date: 2022-02-22 @ 16:00
Location: Online
Host: N. Tavernarakis
IMBB Seminar
'Towards the Generation of adrenocortical cells from pluripotent stem cells'
Ioannis Oikonomakos, PhD iBV - Institut de Biologie Valrose Université Côte d'Azur, Nice
Date: 2022-02-17 @ 16:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: N. Kretsovali
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
'Stromal cells in inflammatory bowel disease'
Vasilis Valatas Consultant Gastroenterologist, University Hospital of Heraklion post-Doc researcher, UoC Platform link:
Date: 2022-02-16 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: N. Kretsovali
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
'Pandemic during History'
Date: 2022-02-02 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: N. Kretsovali
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
'Automating Machine Learning for Life Sciences: Just Add Data'
Date: 2022-01-26 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: N. Kretsovali
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
'Human diseases linked to a major signaling pathway: cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA)'
Date: 2022-01-19 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: N. Kretsovali
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
'Axonal Local Translation: Novel mechanisms of regulation during development & beyond'
Date: 2022-01-12 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: N. Kretsovali
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
'Putting the brakes on mitogen induced transcription in development and disease'
Giorgos Mavrothalassitis Professor of Chemistry, UoC Medical School & Affiliated Researcher IMBB-FORTH Platform link:
Date: 2021-12-22 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: N. Kretsovali
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
'Economic fluctuations and the state of health of the population in Greece'
Daphne Nikolitsa Assistant Professor of Applied Economics, Department of Economics, School of Social Sciences Platform link:
Date: 2021-12-15 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: N. Kretsovali
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
'Functional imaging of pathophysiology of emotion disorders in chronic diseases'
Date: 2021-12-08 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: N. Kretsovali
IMBB Announcement - Keynote Lecture in ARCHERS Conference
“The Genomic etiology of osteoarthritis”
Date: 2021-12-07 @ 00:00
Location: Online
Host: N. Kretsovali
IMBB Seminar
'Pathophysiology of aneurysmal disease through a hemodynamic and biomechanic approach'
Date: 2021-12-01 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: N. Kretsovali
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
'Axo-glial interactions and myelination in health and disease'
Domna Karagogeos Professor of Molecular Biology - Developmental Neurobiology, UoC Medical School & Affiliated Researcher IMBB-FORTH Platform link:
Date: 2021-11-24 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: N. Kretsovali
IMBB Colloquium
'Effects of autophagy impairment on prefrontal cortical development during adolescence'
Date: 2021-11-16 @ 16:00
Location: Online
Host: N. Kretsovali
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
'The role of YAP/TAZ in pituitary tumour formation'
Date: 2021-11-10 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: N. Kretsovali
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
'Imaging recovery after ischemic stroke'
Date: 2021-11-03 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: N. Kretsovali
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
'Research integrity: principles and challenges'
Vassiliki Petoussis Associate Professor of Sociology of Law and Derogation, School of Social Sciences, UoC Platform link:
Date: 2021-10-27 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: N. Kretsovali
IMBB Colloquium
'An extracellular vesicle-delivered therapeutic strategy against DNA damage-driven cytosolic ssDNAs and inflammation'
Date: 2021-10-26 @ 16:00
Location: Online
Host: N. Kretsovali
Joint Seminar IMBB & Department of Chemistry
'Miniaturization, automation, acceleration: Towards an autonomous early drug discovery platform'
Date: 2021-10-20 @ 15:00
Location: Main Amphitheater 'Georgios Lianis'
Host: N. Kretsovali
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
'Biomarkers in Colorectal Cancer'
Date: 2021-10-20 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: N. Kretsovali
IMBB Colloquium
'Sexual dimorphic effects of restraint stress on prefrontal cortical function'
Date: 2021-10-19 @ 16:00
Location: Online
Host: N. Kretsovali
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
'Age-related changes in human endometrial stromal cell proliferation and decidualization'
Date: 2021-10-13 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: N. Kretsovali
IMBB Colloquium
'Defects in cytoskeletal dynamics in cortical interneurons missing Rac1 and Rac3'
Date: 2021-10-12 @ 16:00
Location: Online
Host: N. Kretsovali
IMBB Seminar
Πανδημία COVID-19: Η Γονιδιωματική στην Υπηρεσία της Δημόσιας Υγείας
Date: 2021-10-11 @ 15:00
Location: Αμφιθέατρο ΙΤΕ
Host: N. Kretsovali
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
'The interdisciplinary approach to research through the research programs of Clinical Social and Family Medicine: What we learned and what we propose'
Date: 2021-10-06 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: N. Kretsovali
IMBB Seminar
'Gut bacterial products of drug metabolism alters intestinal functionality'
Date: 2021-09-29 @ 16:00
Location: Online
Host: N. Kretsovali
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
'(De)regulation of T-cell genome organization and (auto)immunity'
Charalampos Spilianakis Associate Professor of Βiochemistry, Department of Biology UoC & Affiliated Researcher IMBB-FORTH Platform link:
Date: 2021-09-29 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: N. Kretsovali
IMBB Seminar
'Introduction to Bioinformatics'
Date: 2021-09-27 @ 11:00
Location: Online
Host: N. Kretsovali
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
'p110δ PI3K as an emerging therapeutic target of solid tumors'
Date: 2021-09-22 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: N. Kretsovali
IMBB Colloquium
'Delineating the role of lepdidoptera pest OATP74D, a putative ecdysone transporter and insecticide target'
Date: 2021-09-21 @ 16:00
Location: Online
Host: N. Kretsovali
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
'Neuropeptides/neurosteroids in pain'
Date: 2021-09-15 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: N. Kretsovali
IMBB Colloquium
'Autophagy in oligodendrocyte maturation and myelin homeostasis'
Date: 2021-09-14 @ 16:00
Location: Online
Host: N. Kretsovali
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
'Artificial Intelligence in medical imaging: Challenges and opportunities'
Date: 2021-09-08 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: N. Kretsovali
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
'Dissecting molecular mechanisms of host-fungal interactions in health and disease'
Giorgos Chamilos Professor of Clinical Microbiology – Microbial Pathogenesis School of Medicine, University of Crete & Affiliated Researcher IMBB-FORTH Platform link:
Date: 2021-09-01 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: N. Kretsovali
EuroNeurotrophin Conference - in the context of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie ITN EuroNeurotrophin project
'International Conference on Neurotrophic Factors and Neurodegenerative Disorders'
Date: 2021-08-27 @ 00:00
Location: Online
Host: N. Kretsovali
IMBB Colloquium
'The Achilles’ heel of Anopheles? LEGOmics'
Date: 2021-08-03 @ 16:00
Location: Online
Host: N. Kretsovali
IMBB Colloquium
'A Spiking Neural Network with dendrites for image classification'
Date: 2021-07-27 @ 16:00
Location: Online
Host: N. Kretsovali
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
'Precision Oncology: still an unmet need'
Date: 2021-07-21 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: N. Kretsovali
IMBB Colloquium
'Role of XAB2 in splicing, DNA repair and R-loop processing'
Date: 2021-07-20 @ 16:00
Location: Online
Host: N. Kretsovali
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
'Precision Haematology in Crete: patient care and research'
Date: 2021-07-14 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: N. Kretsovali
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
'Precision Medicine in Greece – challenges and perspectives'
Nektarios Tavernarakis Professor of Molecular Biology & Systems Biology, UoC Medical School, Director of FORTH, Scientific Representative of Precision Medicine Unit of Crete Platform link:
Date: 2021-07-07 @ 16:30
Location: Online
Host: N. Kretsovali
IMBB Colloquium
'Elucidating key aspects of mosquitoes’ biology and insecticide resistance through functional genetics'
Date: 2021-07-06 @ 16:00
Location: Online
Host: N. Kretsovali
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
The role of exosomes in normal and abnormal bone marrow haemopoiesis
Date: 2021-06-23 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: N. Kretsovali
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
'DNA damage & Innate Immune Signalling in Health and Disease'
Date: 2021-06-16 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: N. Kretsovali
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
'Geriatric Surgery'
Date: 2021-06-09 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: N. Kretsovali
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
'Objective long sleep duration in elderly: a potential biomarker of cognitive function in elderly with cognitive impairment'
Date: 2021-06-02 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: N. Kretsovali
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
'Inner retinal response to retinal detachment'
Date: 2021-05-26 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: N. Kretsovali
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
'Working memory training in mice and humans'
Kiriaki Sidiropoulou Assistant Professor of Neurophysiology, Department of Biology UoC & Affiliated Researcher in IMBB-FORTH Platform link:
Date: 2021-05-19 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: N. Kretsovali
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
'Extracellular matrix effectors in carcinogenesis'
Date: 2021-04-21 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: N. Kretsovali
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
'Climate and Child Health - LIFE+MEDEA Programme'
Date: 2021-04-14 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: N. Kretsovali
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
“Developing and validating statistical models for clinical prediction and prognosis to improve infection prevention and treatment'
Date: 2021-04-07 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: N. Kretsovali
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
'Liver genes and regulatory networks implicated in the pathogenesis of Metabolic Diseases: lessons from transcriptomics and animal models'
Dimitris Kardassis Professor of Biochemistry, UoC Medical School & Affiliated Researcher in ΙΜΒΒ-FORTH Platform link:
Date: 2021-03-31 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: N. Kretsovali
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
'Steroid and Lipid interactions a novel therapeutic target'
Marilena Kampa Associate Professor of Laboratory Endocrinology, UoC Medical School Platform link:
Date: 2021-03-24 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: N. Kretsovali
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
'Grasping objects and understanding actions: the dual role of the premotor cortex'
Vasileios Raos Associate Professor of Physiology, UoC Medical School & Affiliated Researcher of IACM -FORTH Platform link:
Date: 2021-03-17 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: N. Kretsovali
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
'Perfusion imaging in Peripheral Arterial Disease'
Nikolaos Galanakis MD, PhD Interventional Radiologist University Hospital of Heraklion Platform link:
Date: 2021-03-10 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: N. Kretsovali
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
'Regulation of inflammatory responses: the role of insulin signalling”
Christos Tsatsanis Professor of Clinical Chemistry, UoC Medical School & Affiliated Researcher in ΙΜΒΒ-FORTH Platform link:
Date: 2021-03-03 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: N. Kretsovali
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
'Χαρτογράφηση της τοπικής πολλαπλής αποστέρησης και επισφάλειας- δυνατότητες κι εφαρμογές για την χάραξη πολιτικών υγείας και την αντιμετώπιση της πανδημίας'
Βασίλης Αράπογλου Αναπληρωτής Καθηγητής Κοινωνιολογίας των Κοινωνικών Ανισοτήτων και του Κοινωνικού Αποκλεισμού, Σχολή Κοινωνικών Επιστημών ΠΚ, Μέλος ΔΣ του ΚΕΜΕ Platform link:
Date: 2021-02-24 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: N. Kretsovali
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
“Clinical phenotypes and molecular immune-pathogenesis of systemic lupus erythematosus”
George Bertsias Assistant Professor of Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology, UoC Medical School & Affiliated Researcher in ΙΜΒΒ-FOR Platform link:
Date: 2021-02-17 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: N. Kretsovali
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
'Real life studies in primary care and public health”
Ioanna Tsiligianni Assistant Professor of Social Medicine Clinic of Social and Family Medicine, Division of Social Medicine UoC Medical School Platform link:
Date: 2021-02-10 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: N. Kretsovali
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
' Neurotrophins and their receptors in Regenerative Neuropharmacology: from developing novel neurogenic compounds to brain-on-a-chip platforms”
Ioannis Charalampopoulos Associate Professor of Pharmacology, UoC Medical School Affiliated Researcher in ΙΜΒΒ-FORTH Platform link:
Date: 2021-02-03 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: N. Kretsovali
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH - UCRC
'From the clinic to the lab: investigating mechanisms of response and resistance to cancer immunotherapy'
Panagiotis VERGINIS Associate Professor of Biochemistry, UoC Medical School Affiliated Researcher in ΙΜΒΒ-FORTH Platform link:
Date: 2021-01-27 @ 15:00
Location: Online
Host: N. Kretsovali
IMBB Seminar
'Dissecting the role of macrophages in mediating resistance to anti-cancer therapies'
Ioanna KEKLIKOGLOU Lecturer (Assistant Professor equivalent) at the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Queen Mary University of London
Date: 2021-01-26 @ 11:00
Location: Online
Host: N. Kretsovali
IMBB Seminar
'The role of globally-acting transcription factors in chromatin dynamics during embryonic development'
Theodora KOROMILA Postdoctoral Research Fellow, California Institute of Technology, Department of Biology & Biological Engineering
Date: 2021-01-22 @ 10:00
Location: Online
Host: N. Kretsovali
IMBB Seminar
'Cyclic AMP signaling, protein kinase A, human disease and animal models'
Constantine STRATAKIS Senior Investigator & Chief, Section on Genetics & Endocrinology (SEGEN), NICHD, NIH
Date: 2021-01-18 @ 16:30
Location: Online
Host: N. Kretsovali
IMBB Seminar
'The role of RNA-binding proteins and RNA processing in metabolism and cancer'
Konstantinos NIKOLAOU Postdoctoral Researcher, Metabolism & Metabolic Diseases Laboratory, Institute of Molecular Health Sciences, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Date: 2021-01-13 @ 10:00
Location: Online
Host: N. Kretsovali
IMBB Seminar
'Functional precision medicine for the identification of novel druggable targets within and beyond the tumour margins'
Georgios GIAMAS Professor of Cancer Cell Signalling, Head of Department for Biochemistry and Biomedicine, Univ. of Sussex
Date: 2021-01-12 @ 11:00
Location: Online
Host: N. Kretsovali
IMBB Seminar
'Modes of transcription regulation by long non-coding RNAs and nascent RNA modifications'
Date: 2020-10-29 @ 10:00
Location: Online
Host: N. Kretsovali
IMBB Seminar
'Taconic Biosciences – Introduction'
Dimitri Gimnopoulos PhD, Strategic Account Manager The right animal model holds endless possibilities for drug discovery and advancements in human health. At Taconic Biosciences Inc., we believe providing our customers with the best animal model solutions is the most effective way to drive critical research from idea to cure.
Date: 2020-03-06 @ 13:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: T. Kosteas
IMBB Seminar
'Technologies for Rapid Generation of Knockout/Knock in Mouse Models: CRISPR/Cas9 and TurboKnockout'
Alfred Akateh Model Design Specialist While genetically engineered mouse/rat models have been used widely in biomedical research, the design and generation of these models can be complicated, time-consuming and costly. In this presentation, Cyagen’s model design capabilities will be presented while briefly reviewing the traditional pronuclear injection based transgenics, ES cell homologous recombination based gene targeting, and the recently developed CRISPR-mediated genome editing technology, with an emphasis on the pros and cons of each technology and their applications. Finally, Cyagen’s TurboKnockout technology which allows the generation of conditional knockout/knockin mouse models in as fast as 6 months will be highlighted.
Date: 2020-03-06 @ 13:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: T. Kosteas
IMBB Seminar
'Floating Reality: An integrative tool-box for studying the mechanisms of cognition'
Mostafa Nashaat Abdelhamid Neuroscure Cluster of Excellence, Humboldt Universität Zu Berlin
Date: 2020-02-21 @ 13:00
Location: “A. Payatakes' Seminar Room, FORTH’s bldg
Host: P. Poirazi
IMBB Seminar
'Evolution and development of neuronal diversity in the Drosophila optic lobes'
Nikos KONSTANTINIDIS Department of Biology, New York University
Date: 2020-02-07 @ 13:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: T. Pavlopoulos
IMBB Seminar
'Regulation of gene expression and cell-fate by lncRNA transcription levels: A tale of two transcripts'
Fabien MORETTO Research Associate The Francis Crick Institute Cell fate and gene regulation laboratory – Dr Folkert van Werven
Date: 2020-01-22 @ 12:00
Location: “A. Payatakes' Seminar Room, FORTH’s bldg
Host: I. Talianidis
IMBB Seminar
'Decoding regulatory networks in autoimmune diseases'
Themis ALISSAFI Research Associate, Immune regulation laboratory, Biomedical Research Foundation Academy of Athens, Greece
Date: 2020-01-14 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: I. Talianidis
IMBB Seminar
'Learning from non-model organisms in the genomics era'
Georgios KOUTSOVOULOS INRA, CNRS, Université Côte d’Azur, ISA, France
Date: 2020-01-07 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: I. Talianidis
IMBB Seminar
'Epigenetic Inheritance: How to keep a gene silenced'
Antonios TATARAKIS Department of Cell Biology Harvard Medical School/HHMI
Date: 2019-12-20 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: I. Talianidis
IMBB Colloquium
'Bones, isotopes and bioarchaeology'
Argyro NAFPLIOTI Kafetzopoulos Lab
Date: 2019-12-19 @ 13:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: I. Talianidis
IMBB Seminar
'Battling neurodegeneration: bridging industrial efforts and academic perspectives'
Date: 2019-12-17 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: I. Talianidis
IMBB Seminar
'Neuronal mitophagy: friend or foe?'
Konstantinos PALIKARAS Tavernarakis Lab IMBB-FORTH
Date: 2019-12-16 @ 13:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: I. Talianidis
IMBB Seminar
'Insights into gut microbiome from extensive integration of NGS data'
Ilias LAGKOUVARDOS ZIEL - Center for Food and Health, Technical University of Munich, Germany
Date: 2019-12-10 @ 13:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: I. Talianidis
IMBB Seminar
'Structural biology of the import machinery of peroxisomal matrix enzymes'
Christos GATSOGIANNIS Max Planck Institute Molecular Physiology Department of Structural Biochemistry
Date: 2019-11-15 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: M. Kokkinidis
IMBB Colloquium
'Computational models of dendrites'
Athanasia PAPOUTSI Poirazi Lab IMBB-FORTH
Date: 2019-11-08 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: M. Kokkinidis
IMBB Colloquium
'Biophysics and hydrodynamics with an acoustic sensor'
Achilleas TSORTOS Biosensors Lab IMBB-FORTH
Date: 2019-11-07 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: M. Kokkinidis
IMBB Seminar
'Single-molecule biophysics in unraveling multi-tier structural dynamics to understand life and empower drug development'
Dr. Giorgos Gouridis Senior Academic staff member, Laboratory of Molecular Bacteriology, Rega Institute; KU Leuven
Date: 2019-11-04 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: I. Talianidis
IMBB Seminar
'GPCR heteromers in psychosis and in the opioid crisis'
Professor Diomedes Logothetis Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, School of Pharmacy, Bouve College of Health Sciences Northestern University, Boston
Date: 2019-11-01 @ 13:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: D. Karagogeos
IMBB Seminar
'Molecular and cellular insights in the pathogenesis of autoimmunity'
George BERTSIAS Assistant Prof. in Rheumatology-Clinical Immunology, University of Crete Medical School Affiliated Member, IMBB-FORTH
Date: 2019-10-25 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: D. Karagogeos
IMBB Seminar
'Unraveling new checkpoint mechanisms in cancer: the pivotal role of regulatory T cells'
Panagotis VERGINIS Investigator, Assistant Professor Level, Biomedical Research Foundation, Academy of Athens
Date: 2019-10-21 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: I. Talianidis
IMBB Seminar
'CSL DNA-binding dynamics regulate functional consequences of Notch activation'
Maria Jesus GOMEZ LAMARCA Senior Post Doc, Department of Physiology Development and Neuroscience, University of Cambridge
Date: 2019-10-18 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: C. Delidakis
IMBB Chromatin Club
'Enhancer priming enables fast and sustained transcriptional responses to Notch signalling'
Julia Falo-Sanjuan Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience, University of Cambridge
Date: 2019-10-17 @ 17:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: C. Delidakis
IMBB Seminar
'Single cell mapping of the bone marrow microenvironment in health and disease'
Ioannis AIFANTIS Hermann M Biggs Professor Chair, Department of Pathology NYU School of Medicine
Date: 2019-10-09 @ 12:00
Location: Main Amphitheater “G. Lianis”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: C. Spilianakis
IMBB Seminar
'RNA granules and Exosome biogenesis in the vulnerability “signature” of daylife Stress & Alzheimer’s disease'
Ioannis SOTIROPOULOS Life and Health Sciences Research Institute (ICVS) Medical School University of Minho, Portugal
Date: 2019-10-07 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: I. Charalampopoulos
IMBB Seminar
'Plasma membrane-bound signalling in plants: from immunity to plant development'
Dr. Artemis PERRAKI Research Associate (Dr Ian Henderson's group), Department of Plant Sciences, University of Cambridge,UK
Date: 2019-10-03 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: P. Moschou
IMBB Seminar
'Structure and Dynamics of Biomolecular Systems by Combining Enhanced Sampling Molecular Simulations and Experimental Data'
Dr. Faidon BROTZAKIS FEBS individual Post-Doc fellow University of Cambridge, Department of Chemistry, Centre of Misfolding Diseases
Date: 2019-09-18 @ 11:00
Location: Main Amphitheater “G. Lianis”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: M. Kokkinidis
IMBB Seminar
'Unravelling the role of the sympathetic nervous system on cardiomyocyte maturation'
Emmanouil Tampakakis MD Assistant Professor of Medicine Division of Cardiology Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
Date: 2019-09-11 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: M. Kokkinidis
IMBB Seminar
'Extracellular vesicles and RNAs: from functional biomarkers to therapeutic targets'
Saumya DAS Co-Director of Resynchronization and Advanced Cardiac Therapeutics Program, Associate Professor of Medicine Harvard Medical School
Date: 2019-07-26 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: D. Kardasis
IMBB Seminar
Chemical and mechanical interrogation of biological systems…and beyond
Periklis PANTAZIS (Imperial College London, Department of Bioengineering, Laboratory of Advanced Optical Precision Imaging)
Date: 2019-07-22 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: D. Kardasis
IMBB Joint Colloquia
'Neuronal ATG1 coordinates mood and cognition via serotonin receptors'
Thanos METAXAKIS (Tavernarakis Lab)
Date: 2019-07-05 @ 13:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: D. Kardasis
IMBB Joint Colloquia
'Fighting Malaria: targeting Plasmodium histon-fold domain proteins to 'cure' infected mosquitoes'
Chiara CURRA (Siden-Kiamos Lab)
Date: 2019-07-05 @ 13:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: D. Kardasis
IMBB Seminar
'The role of RNA binding protein A1CF in liver metabolism'
Konstantinos NIKOLAOU ETH Zurich, Institute for Molecular Health Sciences, Lab. for Metabolic Diseases (Switzerland)
Date: 2019-06-24 @ 12:00
Location: “Payatakes' Seminar Room, FORTH’s bldg
Host: I. Talianidis
IMBB Joint Colloquia
'A role for autophagy in excitation/inhibition balance in the brain'
Theodora CHALATSI (Nikoletopoulou Lab)
Date: 2019-06-14 @ 13:00
Location: “Payatakes' Seminar Room, FORTH’s bldg
Host: I. Talianidis
IMBB Joint Colloquia
'NA damage induced brain Inflammation in neurodegeneration'
Katerina GΚΙΡΤΖΙΜΑΝΑΚΙ (Garinis Lab)
Date: 2019-06-14 @ 13:00
Location: “Payatakes' Seminar Room, FORTH’s bldg
Host: I. Talianidis
IMBB Colloquium
'Metabolic and epigenetic regulation of macrophage activation; the role of Akt signaling'
Christos TSATSANIS Laboratory of Clinical Chemistry, Medical School, University of Crete, IMBB Faculty Member
Date: 2019-06-07 @ 13:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: I. Talianidis
IMBB Seminar
'Machine Learning in Automatic Algorithms of Genome Annotation'
Mark BORODOVSKY Wallace H. Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering and School of Computational Science and Engineering Georgia Tech, Atlanta, Georgia
Date: 2019-06-07 @ 11:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: M. Aivaliotis
IMBB Seminar
'Trained granulopoiesis'
Triantafyllos CHAVAKIS Faculty of Medicine, Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden, Germany
Date: 2019-06-04 @ 12:00
Location: Main Amphitheater “G. Lianis”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: C. Tsatsanis
IMBB Seminar
'Inflammation resolution at mucosal barrier sites: Local tissue control of macrophages and regulatory T cells'
George HAJISHENGALLIS Penn Dental Medicine, Department of Microbiology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Date: 2019-06-04 @ 12:00
Location: Main Amphitheater “G. Lianis”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: C. Tsatsanis
IMBB Colloquium
'A nano-mechanical nexus that regulates cell fate'
Panagiotis MOSCHOU
Date: 2019-05-31 @ 13:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: C. Tsatsanis
IMBB Seminar
'Clinical development of the lymphocyte growth and activation factor hetIL-15 for cancer immunotherapy'
George PAVLAKIS Chief, Human Retrovirus Section, Vaccine Branch Center for Cancer Research National Cancer Institute
Date: 2019-05-21 @ 12:00
Location: Main Amphitheater “G. Lianis”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: N. Tavernarakis
IMBB Colloquium
'A new player in CNS axon regeneration'
Maria SAVVAKI Karagogeos Lab
Date: 2019-05-17 @ 13:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: N. Tavernarakis
IMBB Seminar
'Haploid Human Embryonic Stem Cells: Derivation and Applications'
Nissim BENVENISTY Professor of Genetics, The Herbert Cohn Chair in Cancer Research, Director, The Azrieli Center for Stem Cells and Genetic Research, Institute of Life Sciences, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Date: 2019-04-22 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: A. Kretsovali
IMBB Seminar
'The genetic basis for diversification of leaf form: from understanding to reconstructing'
Miltos TSIANTIS Director, Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research
Date: 2019-04-19 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: K. Kalantidis
IMBB Joint Colloquia
'A bioinformatic approach to find new potential insecticide target genes expressed in the gut of Myzus persicae and Nezara viridula'
Alexia AKALESTOU-CLOCHER (Bioinformatics)
Date: 2019-04-12 @ 13:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: K. Kalantidis
IMBB Joint Colloquia
'Targeting hepatocellular carcinoma by Smyd3 antisense oligonucleotides'
Charoula KONTAKI (Talianidis Lab)
Date: 2019-04-12 @ 13:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: K. Kalantidis
IMBB Joint Colloquia
'Exploring the role of protein-domain fusions in plant NLR immune receptors'
Vasiliki MICHALOPOULOU (Sarris Lab)
Date: 2019-04-02 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: K. Kalantidis
IMBB Joint Colloquia
'Investigating the link between chromatin landscape and gene regulation in the murine adaptive immune system'
Antonis KLONIZAKIS (Nikolaou Lab)
Date: 2019-04-02 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: K. Kalantidis
IMBB Joint Colloquia
'BNN27 improves cognitive deficits, ameliorates amyloid-? pathology and promotes adult neurogenesis in the 5xFAD mouse model of Alzheimer’s Disease'
Maria KOKKALI (Charalampopoulos Lab)
Date: 2019-03-22 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: K. Kalantidis
IMBB Joint Colloquia
'Conformational studies of biomolecules with acoustic biosensors'
Pablo MATEOS-GIL (Gizeli Lab)
Date: 2019-03-22 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: K. Kalantidis
IMBB Joint Colloquia
'2D and 3D ex vivo platforms to study pharmacology of human demyelination and remyelination'.
Sonia SYNTAKA (Gravanis Lab)
Date: 2019-03-15 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: K. Kalantidis
IMBB Joint Colloquia
'NEET proteins as important regulators of longevity and healthspan: Involvement in iron homeostasis'
Christina PLOUMI (Tavernarakis Lab)
Date: 2019-03-15 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: K. Kalantidis
IMBB Seminar
'Transporter structure and function - lessons from a paradigmatic journey from genetics to biophysics'
George DIALLINAS Department of Biology, NKUA
ΕMBO member
Date: 2019-03-12 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: G. Chamilos
IMBB Joint Colloquia
'A novel antifungal activity of serum'
Antonis PIKOULAS (Chamilos Lab)
Date: 2019-03-08 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: G. Chamilos
IMBB Joint Colloquia
'Discovery of potential therapeutic targets by uncovering deranged signaling pathways in Lymphoma'
Georgia ORFANOUDAKI (Aivaliotis Group-ProFI)
Date: 2019-03-08 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: G. Chamilos
IMBB Joint Colloquia
'SATB1: a molecular relais of the adaptive immune system'
Theodoros SAVVIDIS (Spilianakis Lab)
Date: 2019-02-15 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: G. Chamilos
IMBB Joint Colloquia
'Viroids : Small by mighty'
Konstantina KATSAROU (Kalantidis Lab)
Date: 2019-02-15 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: G. Chamilos
IMBB Seminar
'Groucho/TLE-mediated transcriptional repression and its relief by phosphorylation'
Ze'ev PAROUSH Department of Developmental Biology and Cancer Research
IMRIC, Faculty of Medicine,
The Hebrew University,
Jerusalem, Israel
Date: 2019-02-05 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: C. Delidakis
IMBB Seminar
'Understanding function through structure: Stories of SAXS and 3D modeling'
Date: 2019-02-01 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: C. Delidakis
IMBB Seminar
'Understanding the mouse visual system with naturalistic stimuli'
Emmanouil FROUDARAKIS Instructor of Neuroscience Baylor College of Medicine Houston, Texas
Date: 2019-01-31 @ 12:00
Location: 'Seminar Room 1', FORTH’s bldg
Host: P. Poirazi
IMBB Seminar
'Proneural-mediated transcription at the birth of neural stem cells'
Vassiliki THEODOROU Cellular & Developmental Biology and Biology of Aging IMBB-FORTH
Date: 2019-01-25 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: P. Poirazi
IMBB Seminar
'Classification of Computational Biomarkers'
Panagiotis VLAMOS Head of the Department of Informatics Director of Bioinformatics & Human Electrophysiology Lab Ionian University Visiting Professor Wilfrid Laurier University
Date: 2019-01-22 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: P. Poirazi
IMBB Seminar
'Modelling human development and tumourigenesis with organoids'
Angelos PAPASPYROPOULOS Hubrecht Institute CRUK/MRC Oxford Institute
Date: 2019-01-18 @ 11:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: A. Kretsovali
IMBB Joint Colloquia
'Interneurons' intelligent operations: It's a matter of dendrites'
Alexandra TZILIVAKI (Poirazi Lab)
Date: 2019-01-11 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: A. Kretsovali
IMBB Joint Colloquia
'Mi-2/NuRD complex protects stem cell progeny from mitogenic Notch signalling'
Eva ZACHARIOUDAKI (Delidakis Lab)
Date: 2019-01-11 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: A. Kretsovali
IMBB Seminar
'Integrative structural biology studies of Immune recognition complexes'
Nikolaos SGOURAKIS Assistant Professor Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry University of California, Santa Cruz
Date: 2018-12-19 @ 12:00
Location: Main Amphitheater “G. Lianis”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: I. Talianidis
IMBB Joint Colloquia
'Groucho related gene 5 (GRG5) is involved in embryonic and neural stem cell state decisions'
Paraskevi ATHANASOULI (Kretsovali's Lab)
Date: 2018-12-14 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: I. Talianidis
IMBB Joint Colloquia
'Hepatic silencing of the transcription factor Foxo1 in an animal model of diet-induced Metabolic Syndrome (MetS)'
Dimitris NASIAS (Kardasis' Lab)
Date: 2018-12-14 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: I. Talianidis
IMBB Colloquium
'Systems Biology approach to decode p53-dependent signalling pathways implicated in human lymphoma pathogenesis'
Konstantina PSATHA Functional Proteomics and Systems Biology Group, IMBB-FORTH
Date: 2018-12-07 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: I. Talianidis
Joint IMBB Seminar
'Mesenchymal Stromal/Stem Cells: Role in hematological malignancies and use in regenerative medicine”
Charalampos G. PONTIKOGLOU Assistant Professor of Hematology University of Crete, Medical School
Date: 2018-12-05 @ 13:30
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: I. Talianidis
IMBB Colloquium
'Development of the MAM model of schizophrenia in mice: Sex similarities and differences of hippocampal and prefrontal cortical function'
Klairi CHALKIADAKI Neurophysiology and Behavior Lab, IMBB
Date: 2018-11-30 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: I. Talianidis
IMBB Colloquium
'Raman Spectroscopy in Biology'
Vasilis M. PAPADAKIS Imaging Diagnostic IMBB-FORTH
Date: 2018-11-09 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: I. Talianidis
IMBB Seminar
'Mechanics of lumen positioning in the mouse blastocyst: fracking and Ostwald ripening'
Julien DUMORTIER Postdoctoral Researcher, Institut Curie, Parisy
Date: 2018-10-24 @ 12:00
Location: “A. Payatakes” Seminar Room, FORTH’s bldg
Host: C. Delidakis
IMBB Seminar
'Planning in the brain: a normative theory and potential algorithms'
Marcelo MATTAR Postdoctoral fellow Princeton University and Cambridge University
Date: 2018-10-23 @ 14:00
Location: “A. Payatakes” Seminar Room, FORTH’s bldg
Host: P. Poirazi
IMBB Seminar
'Feature selection for high dimensional correlated data (with the R package MXM)'
Michalis TSAGRIS Department of Computer Science and Department of Economics, University of Crete
Date: 2018-10-19 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: M. Kapsetaki
IMBB Seminar
'Metabolic integration of biological function via cellular transporters'
Prof. Giulio SUPERTI-FURGA Scientific Director, CeMM Member of the ERC Scientific Council Professor for Medical Systems Biology Center for Physiology and Pharmacology Medical University of Vienna
Date: 2018-10-18 @ 12:00
Location: Main Amphitheater “G. Lianis”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: N. Tavernarakis
IMBB Seminar
'Sfrp1: a novel player in Alzheimer Disease Pathogenesis'
Paola BOVOLENTA Professor and Head, Development and Differentiation Dpt, Center for Molecular Biology Severo Ochoa, CSIC-UAM, Madrid, Spain
Date: 2018-10-12 @ 12:00
Location: Main Amphitheater “G. Lianis”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: D. Karagogeos
IMBB Seminar
'The power of cryo-EM to elucidate biological mechanisms'
Stefan RAUNSER Department of Structural Biochemistry Max Planck, Institute of Molecular Physiology, Otto-Hahn-Str. 11, 44227, Dortmund
Date: 2018-09-24 @ 12:00
Location: Main Amphitheater “G. Lianis”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: M. Kokkinidis
UC Medical School - IMBB-FORTH Joint Seminar Series in Translational Medicine
'Targeting BCL-2 family protein interactions: a matter of life and death'
Evripidis Gavathiotis Associate Professor, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York City
Date: 2018-09-20 @ 10:30
Location: “A. Payatakes” Seminar Room, FORTH’s bldg
Host: D. Kardassis
IMBB Seminar
'Regulation of Mitochondrial Function by Chaperone-Mediated Autophagy'
Richard N. KITSIS Professor of Medicine and Cell Biology The Dr. Gerald and Myra Dorros Chair in Cardiovascular Disease Director, Wilf Family Cardiovascular Research Institute Albert Einstein College of Medicine New York City
Date: 2018-09-19 @ 12:00
Location: Main Amphitheater “G. Lianis”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: N. Tavernarakis
IMBB Seminar
'Illuminating arthropod development with lightsheet microscop'
Anastasios PAVLOPOULOS Howard Hughes Medical Institute Janelia Research Campus
Date: 2018-07-30 @ 12:00
Location: Main Amphitheater “G. Lianis”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: C. Delidakis
IESL - ΙΜΒΒ Joint Seminar
'A simple modification of the normal wound healing process regenerates nearly physiological skin and peripheral nerves in adult mammals'
Ioannis YANNAS Professor of Polymer Science and Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Date: 2018-07-27 @ 12:00
Location: Main Amphitheater “G. Lianis”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: A. Gravanis
IMBB Seminar
'Calcium Imaging of Cortical Circuits in Absence Epilepsy: Lessons from the Stargazer Mouse Model”
Stelios M. SMIRNAKIS Associate Professor of Neurology Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard University
Date: 2018-07-23 @ 12:00
Location: Main Amphitheater “G. Lianis”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: Domna Karagogeos
IMBB Colloquium
'Biological connectivity and NMDA nonlinearities increase PFC response dimensionality during working memory'
Stefanos STEFANOU-STAMATIADIS Computational Biology Lab, IMBB
Date: 2018-07-13 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: Domna Karagogeos
IMBB Seminar
'A flavour of peptide crystallography'
Kyriakos PETRATOS Principal Investigator IMBB-FORTH
Date: 2018-07-06 @ 12:00
Location: “A. Payatakes” Seminar Room, FORTH’s bldg
Host: Domna Karagogeos
IMBB Seminar
'Exovesicles as carriers of Hedgehog signal during epithelial development'
Isabel GUERRERO Centro de Biologia Molecular Severo Ochoa Madrid
Date: 2018-07-02 @ 12:00
Location: STEP-C building, Room 211 (1st floor, Building A)
Host: C. Delidakis
IMBB Joint Colloquia
'The mRNA metabolism pathway as a determinant of mitochondrial homeostasis during ageing in Caenorhabditis elegans'
Ioanna DASKALAKI Markaki - Tavernarakis Lab
Date: 2018-06-29 @ 12:00
Location: Main Amphitheater “G. Lianis”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: C. Delidakis
IMBB Joint Colloquia
'Characterization of GATA1 functions in murine erythropoiesis'
Elena KARKOULIA Strouboulis' Lab
Date: 2018-06-29 @ 12:00
Location: Main Amphitheater “G. Lianis”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: C. Delidakis
IMBB Seminar
'Immunometabolic crosstalk in innate immunity'
Triantafyllos CHAVAKIS Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden, Germany
Date: 2018-06-28 @ 12:00
Location: Main Amphitheater “G. Lianis”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: G. Chamilos
IMBB Seminar University of Pennsylvania, PA, USA
'Inflammation and dysbiosis at mucosal barriers'
George HAJISHENGALLIS University of Pennsylvania, PA, USA
Date: 2018-06-28 @ 12:00
Location: Main Amphitheater “G. Lianis”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: G. Chamilos
IMBB Seminar
'Robust Neural Interfaces using Silicon Carbide'
Stephen E. SADDOW Professor Electrical Engineering Department, University of South Florida, Tampa, USA
Date: 2018-06-25 @ 12:00
Location: Main Amphitheater “G. Lianis”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: A. Gravanis
IMBB Joint Colloquia
'Dynamic characterization of the human H-NOX domain under the influence of diatomic gaseous ligands'
Rana Rehan KHALID Kokkinidis' Lab
Date: 2018-06-22 @ 12:00
Location: Main Amphitheater “G. Lianis”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: A. Gravanis
IMBB Joint Colloquia
'Interplay of the polarity protein Scrib and the mTOR signaling pathway in breast cancer'
Maria MAKKOU Papamathaiakis' Lab
Date: 2018-06-22 @ 12:00
Location: Main Amphitheater “G. Lianis”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: A. Gravanis
IMBB Seminar
'Excitatory-inhibitory circuits in auditory processing'
Maria N. GEFFEN Associate Professor University of Pennsylvania Department of Otorhinolaryngology Department of Neuroscience
Date: 2018-06-21 @ 11:30
Location: “A. Payatakes” Seminar Room, FORTH’s bldg
Host: P. Poirazi
IMBB Seminar
'Light sensing in the Ocean: new perspectives from the study of the diatom photoreceptors'
Angela FALCIATORE Diatom Functional Genomics Team, Laboratory of Computational and Quantitative Biology, Sorbonne Université Paris
Date: 2018-06-21 @ 12:45
Location: “A. Payatakes” Seminar Room, FORTH’s bldg
Host: K. Kalantidis
IMBB Seminar
'Cell death in liver disease and cancer: Lessons from RIP kinases and p62/Sqstm1'
Vangelis KONDYLIS CECAD and Institute for Genetics CECAD and Institute for Genetics, University of Cologne, Germany
Date: 2018-06-15 @ 12:00
Location: Main Amphitheater “G. Lianis”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: Inga Siden - Kiamos
IMBB Joint Colloquia
'Synthetic microneurotrophins ameliorates Amyloid-beta pathology and promotes adult neurogenesis in the 5xFAD mouse model of Alzheimer’s Disease'
Kanelina KARALI Gravanis' Lab
Date: 2018-06-08 @ 11:00
Location: Main Amphitheater “G. Lianis”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: Inga Siden - Kiamos
IMBB Joint Colloquia
'Design of organ-on-chip devices for based on porous scaffolds'
Dimitris TZERANIS Gravanis' Lab
Date: 2018-06-08 @ 11:00
Location: Main Amphitheater “G. Lianis”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: Inga Siden - Kiamos
IMBB Seminar
'Can epigenetics solve crimes? The potential and challenges of DNA methylation profiling in forensics'
Dr. Athina VIDAKI Department of Genetic Identification, Erasmus MC University Medical Center Rotterdam
Date: 2018-06-07 @ 12:00
Location: Main Amphitheater “G. Lianis”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: Inga Siden Kiamos, Evangelia Morou
IMBB Colloquium
'Rules of transvection'
Piwko PAWEL Delidakis' Lab
Date: 2018-06-01 @ 12:00
Location: Main Amphitheater “G. Lianis”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: Inga Siden Kiamos, Evangelia Morou
IMBB Seminar
'Macrophages: mediators of resistance to anti-cancer therapies'
Ioanna KEKLIKOGLOU Swiss Institute for Experimental Cancer Research (ISREC),
School of Life Sciences, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL),
Date: 2018-05-25 @ 12:00
Location: Main Amphitheater “G. Lianis”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: Inga Siden - Kiamos
IMBB Colloquium
'The role of XAB2 in RNA processing and DNA repair'
Date: 2018-05-11 @ 12:00
Location: Main Amphitheater “G. Lianis”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: Inga Siden - Kiamos
IMBB Seminar
'DNA damage and innate immune responses in mammals'
George A. GARINIS Professor of Genetics, Dept. of Biology University of Crete Affiliated Group Leader at IMBB-FORTH
Date: 2018-04-27 @ 12:00
Location: Main Amphitheater “G. Lianis”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: Inga Siden - Kiamos
IMBB Seminar
'High-Throughput FRET Assays for Real-Time Detection of cAMP Enable GPCR Drug Discovery Research'
George HOLZ Professor of Medicine and Pharmacology SUNY Upstate Medical University
Date: 2018-04-24 @ 12:00
Location: Main Amphitheater “G. Lianis”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: I. Siden - Kiamos
IMBB Joint Colloquia
'The function of Contactin-2/TAG-1 in oligodendrocytes in health and demyelinating pathology'
Ilias KALAFATAKIS (Karagogeos Lab)
Date: 2018-04-20 @ 12:00
Location: Main Amphitheater “G. Lianis”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: I. Siden - Kiamos
IMBB Joint Colloquia
'RNA silencing in diatom'
Frédéric VERRET (Kalantidis Lab)
Date: 2018-04-20 @ 12:00
Location: Main Amphitheater “G. Lianis”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: I. Siden - Kiamos
IMBB Seminar
'Coming closer: studying malaria transmission in real time'
Dennis KLUG Anopheles Group - IBMC Strasbourg Univ Anopheles Group - IBMC Strasbourg University
Date: 2018-04-17 @ 12:00
Location: 'Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: I. Siden - Kiamos
Joint IMBB Seminar
'Genome Editing protocols using CRISPR/Cas9 technology'
T. Kosteas, I-M. Kefala, H. Kontaki, P. O'Corragai IMBB Transgenesis Facility and Minotech Biotechnology
Date: 2018-03-23 @ 12:00
Location: Main Amphitheater 'G. Lianis', FORTH's bldg
Host: I. Siden - Kiamos
IMBB Joint Colloquia
'Unraveling the mechanisms of Notch ligand (Delta) activation, using genetic and proteomic approaches'
Konstantina KALODIMOU (Delidakis Lab) (Delidakis Lab)
Date: 2018-03-16 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: I. Siden - Kiamos
IMBB Joint Colloquia
'A mitochondrial rheostat drives germline stem cell differentiation in C. elegans'
Nikolaos CHARMPILAS (Tavernarakis Lab)
Date: 2018-03-16 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: I. Siden - Kiamos
IMBB Joint Colloquia
'SATB1 unleashes the inactive X chromosome in T lymphocytes: implications for autoimmunity '
Tomas ZELENKA (Spilianakis' Lab)
Date: 2018-03-09 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: I. Siden - Kiamos
IMBB Joint Colloquia
'The Anticancer Drug Zeocin Specifically Affects Copper/Iron Homeostasis and Other Essential Molecular Pathways, in Saccharomyces cerevisiae'
Dimitra DIALYNAKI (Alexandraki's Lab) (Alexandraki's Lab)
Date: 2018-03-09 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: I. Siden - Kiamos
IMBB Joint Colloquia
'Endonucleosis: an unusual autophagy process causing cellular senescence and necrotic death'
Ourania GALANOPOULOU Talianidis Lab
Date: 2018-03-02 @ 12:00
Location: Main Amphitheater “G. Lianis”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: I. Siden - Kiamos
IMBB Joint Colloquia
'Understanding the Genetics of Pharmacokinetics Using Model Organisms'
Date: 2018-03-02 @ 12:00
Location: Main Amphitheater “G. Lianis”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: I. Siden - Kiamos
IMBB Joint Colloquia
'Unravelling the mechanisms of ERF- associated craniosynostosis'.
Angeliki VOGIATSI Mavrothalassitis Lab
Date: 2018-02-16 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: I. Siden - Kiamos
IMBB Joint Colloquia
'Ancient DNA: Applications and perspectives '
Nikolaos PSONIS Kafetzopoulos Lab
Date: 2018-02-16 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: I. Siden - Kiamos
IMBB Seminar
'Genomic 3D reorganization in homeostasis and senescence'
Argyris PAPANTONIS Group leader Center for Molecular Medicine Cologne University of Cologne
Date: 2018-01-29 @ 12:00
Location: Main Amphitheater “G. Lianis”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: G. Garinis
IMBB Joint Colloquia
'Neuronal autophagy and synaptic plasticity'
Emmanouela Kallergi Nikoletopoulou Lab Nikoletopoulou Lab
Date: 2018-01-26 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: G. Garinis
IMBB Joint Colloquia
'Regulation of the atheroprotective ANGPTL4 gene by HDL in endothelial cells via a PI3K/AKT/FOXO1 pathway'
Dimitris Theofilatos Kardassis Lab
Date: 2018-01-26 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: G. Garinis
IMBB Seminar
'Plant Innate Immunity, from the basic research to applications for a sustainable food production'
Panagiotis SARRIS IMBB-FORTH, GR & University of Exeter, UK
Date: 2018-01-19 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: I. Siden - Kiamos
IMBB Seminar
'UniReD: assisting wet lab biologists in their quest on finding novel counterparts in a protein network'
Ioannis Iliopoulos Assistant Professor University of Crete School of Health Sciences Faculty of Medicine Division of Basic Sciences
Date: 2018-01-12 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: N. Kretsovali
IMBB Seminar
'Trying to tell the cortex what it should do: a sobering experience'
Alessandro TREVES Professor of 'the Neural Basis of Cognition'. SISSA, Trieste, Italy
Date: 2017-12-20 @ 16:00
Location: “A. Payatakes” Seminar Room, FORTH’s bldg
Host: Y. Poirazi
IMBB Seminar
'Chromatin Structure and Transcriptional Activity shaping Genomic Landscapes in Eukaryotes'
Christoforos NIKOLAOU Assistant Professor Department of Biology University of Crete
Date: 2017-12-13 @ 13:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: A. Kretsovali
IMBB Seminar
'The tick Ixodes ricinus as a model organism for discovering potent pharmacological activities'
Michalis KOTSYFAKIS Head of the Laboratory of Genomics and Proteomics of Disease Vectors, Biology Center of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Budweis, Czech Republic
Date: 2017-12-01 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: I. Siden -Kiamos
IMBB Seminar
'Dissecting molecular pathways regulating biogenesis of the fungal phagosome'
Giorgos HAMILOS, MD Associate Professor Director of Clinical Microbiology and Micorbial Pathogenesis Lab School of Medicine, Univesity of Crete
Date: 2017-11-24 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: A. Kretsovali
IMBB Seminar
'The p75 neurotrophin receptor: from structure-function mapping to development of novel ligands for neurorepair in the adult brain'
Ioannis CHARALAMPOPOULOS Assistant Professor of Pharmacology School of Medicine University of Crete
Date: 2017-11-10 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: Inga Siden-Kiamos
IMBB Seminar
'ADP-ribosylation mediates chromatin dynamics upon DNA damage'
Andreas LADURNER Professor
Ludwig Maximilians Universität München Chair of the Department of Physiological Chemistry
Date: 2017-10-16 @ 14:00
Location: Main Amphitheater “G. Lianis”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: George Garinis
IMBB Seminar
'Quantitative Mass Spectrometry and Single-Cell Mass Cytometry of Transcription Factors to Model Erythropoiesis'
Marjorie BRAND Sprott Center for Stem Cell Research
Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
University of Ottawa
Date: 2017-10-06 @ 12:00
Location: 'Seminar 1', FORTH’s bldg
Host: John Strouboulis
IMBB Seminar
'Epigenetic regulation of cell fate decisions in satellite cells-mediated muscle regeneration'
Jeff DILWORTH Sprott Center for Stem Cell Research Ottawa Hospital Research Institute University of Ottawa Canada
Date: 2017-10-05 @ 13:00
Location: 'Seminar 1', FORTH’s bldg
Host: John Strouboulis
IMBB Seminar
'in vivo gene delivery: the GONAD technique'
Ioannis Talianidis Director IMBB
Date: 2017-09-22 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: John Strouboulis
IMBB Seminar
'ERC: A European Success Story'
Professor Jean-Pierre BOURGUIGNON President of the European Research Council (ERC)
Date: 2017-09-20 @ 14:00
Location: Main Amphitheater “G. Lianis”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: N. Tavernarakis
IMBB Seminar
'High-resolution structure analysis of pore-forming proteins by cryoEM'
Christos GATSOGIANNIS Max Planck Institute Molecular Physiology Department of Structural Biochemistry
Date: 2017-09-19 @ 12:00
Location: Main Amphitheater “G. Lianis”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: M. Kokkinidis
IMBB Seminar
'Glycocconjugate Vaccines Against Bacterial Infections Based on Synthetic Glycans'
Peter SEEBERGER Professor Max-Planck Institut for Colloids and Interfaces Am Mühlenberg 1, 14476 Potsdam (Germany)
Date: 2017-09-15 @ 15:00
Location: Main Amphitheater “G. Lianis”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: Inga Siden-Kiamos
IMBB Seminar
'Heteromeric GPCRs involved in schizophrenia: the cases of Serotonin 2A with Glutamate type 2 or Dopamine 2 receptors'
Diomedes LOGOTHETIS Professor Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Bouve College of Health Sciences Northeastern University, Boston
Date: 2017-07-20 @ 12:00
Location: Main Amphitheater “G. Lianis”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: K. Sidiropoulou
IMBB Seminar
'Single cell genomics: Identification of a targetable EGFR-associated tumor-initiating program in breast cancer'
Date: 2017-07-05 @ 14:00
Location: Main Amphitheater “G. Lianis”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: Ioannis Talianidis
IMBB Joint Colloquia
'On the road to functional understanding the divergent actin 2, a new target fro malaria transmission blocking'
Maria ANDREADAKI Siden-Kiamos' Lab
Date: 2017-06-30 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: Ioannis Talianidis
IMBB Joint Colloquia
'Coupling of transcription control with secretion control in Type III Secretion Systems of plant pathogenic bacteria'
Eustratios MYLONAS Kokkinidis' Lab
Date: 2017-06-30 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: Ioannis Talianidis
IMBB Colloquium
'Nucleotide Excision Repair and innate immune responses in macrophages'
Evi GOULIELMAKI Garinis' Lab
Date: 2017-06-23 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: Ioannis Talianidis
IMBB Seminar
'Bloodpharming: In vitro generation of red blood cells from stem cell sources for therapeutic applications'
Jan FRAYNE School of Biochemistry
Biomedical Sciences Building,
University of Bristol, UK
Date: 2017-06-15 @ 14:00
Location: Main Amphitheater “G. Lianis”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: John Strouboulis
IMBB Colloquium
'Porous collagen scaffolds: a novel platform for neuroimplants and organ-on-a-chip devices'
Dimitris TZERANIS Gravanis' Lab
Date: 2017-06-09 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: John Strouboulis
IMBB Seminar
'Immunotherapy of cancer'
George PAVLAKIS Chief, Human Retrovirus Section, Vaccine Branch
Center for Cancer Research
National Cancer Institute
Date: 2017-06-07 @ 14:00
Location: Main Amphitheater “G. Lianis”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: N. Tavernarakis - A. Gravanis
IMBB Joint Colloquia
'Rac1 and Rac3 influence the migratory behaviour of cortical GABAergic Interneurons'
Zouzana KOUNOUPA Karagogeos Lab
Date: 2017-06-02 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: N. Tavernarakis - A. Gravanis
IMBB Joint Colloquia
'The contribution of developmental inhibitory changes in prefrontal cortex circuit'
Katerina KALEMAKI Karagogeos Lab
Date: 2017-06-02 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: N. Tavernarakis - A. Gravanis
IMBB Seminar
'Mesenchymal causalities in inflammation and cancer'
George KOLLIAS Professor of Physiology, Medical School, University of Athens President and Director, Biomedical Sciences Research Center "Alexander Fleming"
Date: 2017-06-01 @ 14:00
Location: Main Amphitheater “G. Lianis”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: N. Tavernarakis
IMBB Colloquium
'Next generation sequencing: Applications, Perspectives & Challenges'
Despoina VASSOU Post-Genomic Applications Laboratory
Date: 2017-05-26 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: N. Tavernarakis
IMBB Joint Colloquia
'Nesprins and Autophagy'
Margarita-Elena PAPANDREOU Tavernarakis' Lab
Date: 2017-05-19 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: N. Tavernarakis
IMBB Joint Colloquia
'Characterization of Friend of GATA-1 (FOG-1) Interactions: With CTCF And Cohesins In Erythroid Cells'
Grigoris TSAKNAKIS Strouboulis' Lab
Date: 2017-05-19 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: N. Tavernarakis
IMBB Joint Colloquia
'Coding visual preference in dendritic trees'
Athanasia PAPOUTSI Poirazi's Lab, IMBB
Date: 2017-05-12 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: N. Tavernarakis
IMBB Joint Colloquia
'Archaic hominin introgression in Africa contributes to functional salivary MUC7 genetic variation'
Date: 2017-05-12 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: N. Tavernarakis
IMBB Joint Colloquia
'Regulation of Neuronal Autophagy by Neurotrophin SIgnaling'
Emmanouela KALLERGI Nikoletopoulou's Lab
Date: 2017-05-05 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: N. Tavernarakis
IMBB Joint Colloquia
'Insights from the resurrection of a dead enzyme'
Alexios MOLFETAS Kokkinidis' Lab
Date: 2017-05-05 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: N. Tavernarakis
IMBB Colloquium
'Viroids: Infectious long non-coding RNAs'
Konstantina KATSAROU Kalantidis' Lab
Date: 2017-04-28 @ 12:00
Location: Seminar Room 1 [FORTH's bldg]
Host: N. Tavernarakis
IMBB Colloquium
'From proteins to functional proteomics and protein interaction networks and vice versa'
Michalis AIVALIOTIS Proteomics Facility
Date: 2017-04-07 @ 14:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: N. Tavernarakis
IMBB Colloquium
'Workflows for advanced RNA-Seq and ChIP-Seq data analysis'
Pantelis TOPALIS Bioinformatics Facility
Date: 2017-03-24 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: N. Tavernarakis
IMBB Colloquium
'Acoustic biosensors and their use for the study of membrane permeabilization using antimicrobial peptides'
Dimitra MILIONI Gizeli's Lab
Date: 2017-02-24 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: N. Tavernarakis
IMBB Colloquium
'Subnuclear localization and expression of microRNA genes in cells of the murine adaptive immune system'
Eralda SALATAJ Spilianakis' Lab
Date: 2017-02-17 @ 13:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: N. Tavernarakis
IMBB Colloquium
'Regulation of tumour growth by PML'
Nikoleta SACHINI Papamatheakis' Lab
Date: 2017-01-27 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: N. Tavernarakis
IMBB Seminar
'It takes two to tango with elegance: Glia and pioneer neurons orchestrate C. elegans brain assembly'
Date: 2017-01-24 @ 15:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: N. Tavernarakis
IMBB Colloquium
'Polysaccharide deacetylases from Bacillus anthracis and Bacillus cereus'
Evi BALOMENOU Bouriotis' Lab
Date: 2017-01-13 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: N. Tavernarakis
IMBB Seminar
'Ultrasensitive chiral sensing using cavity-based polarimetry'
Date: 2016-12-09 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: Tavernarakis
IMBB Colloquium
'Regulation of embryonic neurogenesis by proneural transcription factors and the counteracting action of Notch signaling'
Vassiliki THEODOROU Delidakis' Lab
Date: 2016-12-02 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: Tavernarakis
IMBB Colloquium
'Coupling of mitochondrial metabolism and mRNA turnover modulates homeostasis during ageing in Caenorhabditis elegans'
Ioanna DASKALAKI Tavernarakis' Lab (Maria Markaki)
Date: 2016-11-18 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: Tavernarakis
IMBB Seminar
'A phylogenetic framework for elucidating the consequences of whole genome duplications in plant evolution'
Date: 2016-11-10 @ 11:00
Location: Seminar Room 1, FORTH’s bldg
Host: Kriton Kalantidis
IMBB Joint Colloquia
'Structure and psychrophilic adaptation of alcohol dehydrogenase from the antarctic Moraxella sp. TAE123'
Date: 2016-11-04 @ 12:00
Location: Seminar Room 1 [FORTH's bldg]
Host: Kriton Kalantidis
IMBB Joint Colloquia
'Embryo erythopoiesis regulation by Erf'
Ioanna PERRAKI (Mavrothalassitis' Lab)
Date: 2016-11-04 @ 12:00
Location: Seminar Room 1 [FORTH's bldg]
Host: Kriton Kalantidis
IMBB Colloquium
'Investigating insecticide resistance: Evaluation of candidate genes and mutations by ectopic expression and CRISPR/Cas9 genome modification in Drosophila'
Vassilis DOURIS Vontas' Lab
Date: 2016-10-14 @ 12:00
Location: Main Amphitheater, FORTH’s bldg
Host: Vontas
IMBB Seminar
'European Mobile Laboratory project: outbreak response and operational research'
Miles CARROLL & Stephan GÜNTHER NIHR HPRU in Emerging and Zoonotic Infections - PHE Lead Porton Down & Pathogen Detection and Characterisation Theme Leader Department of Health, Public Health England & Bernhard Nocht Institute for tropical Medecine, Germany Real-time, portable genome sequencing for Ebola surveillance. Nature. 2016 Feb 11;530(7589):228-32. Available at:
Date: 2016-10-07 @ 12:00
Location: 'Seminar Room 1', FORTH’s bldg
Host: D. Kafetzopoulos
IMBB Seminar
'Organization of learned behaviour in a mini-brain'
Ayse YARALI Research Group Molecular Systems Biology of Learning Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology Magdeburg, Germany
Date: 2016-09-30 @ 12:00
Location: Main Amphitheater, FORTH’s bldg
Host: M. Monastirioti
IMBB Seminar
'The role of MPS1 in regulating the mitotic spindle checkpoint signaling'
Anastassis PERRAKIS Principal Investigator / Staff Member Department of Biochemistry (B8) Netherlands Cancer Institute
Date: 2016-09-23 @ 12:00
Location: Main Amphitheater, FORTH’s bldg
Host: M. Kokkinidis
IMBB Seminar
'The Third and Fourth Dimensions in Biology and Medicine; Micro-CT and the Virtual Museum of Natural History'
James S. Michaelson, PhD Dept. Pathology, Harvard Medical School Director, Laboratory of Quantitative Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital
Date: 2016-09-16 @ 11:30
Location: Seminar Room 1, FORTH?s bldg
Host: Ch. Delidakis
IMBB Seminar
'Inhibiting Bax-Mediated Cell Death by Interrupting Protein-Protein Interactions'
Steven C. BORKAN, MD Associate Professor of Medicine Co-Director, MD-PhD Training Program Boston University Medical School Boston USA
Date: 2016-09-09 @ 12:00
Location: Seminar Room 1, FORTH’s bldg
Host: D. Kardassis
IMBB Seminar
'Synthetic Biology for Targeted Antimicrobials and Precision Microbiome Engineering'
Xavier DUPORTIER CEO at Eligo Bioscience
Date: 2016-08-26 @ 11:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: D. Tzeranis (Gravanis' Lab)
IMBB Joint Colloquia
'Characterization Of Friend Of Gata-1 (Fog-1) Interactions With Ctcf And Cohesins In Erythroid Cells'
Date: 2016-07-22 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: Strouboulis
IMBB Joint Colloquia
'Reduced insulin signaling can inhibit age related sleep syndromes in flies'
Date: 2016-07-22 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: Tavernarakis
IMBB Joint Colloquia
'The role of Granule cell dendrites in pattern separation'
Date: 2016-07-15 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: Poirazi
IMBB Joint Colloquia
'Introduction to High content microscopy'
Date: 2016-07-15 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: Siden-Kiamos
IMBB Seminar
'A gene horizontally transferred from bacteria enables plant feeding arthropods to detoxify cyanide, a widespread plant toxin'
Nicky WYBOUW Department of Evolutionary Biology, Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics University of Amsterdam Science Park 904, 1098 XH Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Date: 2016-07-14 @ 13:00
Location: “A Payatakes” Seminar Room, FORTH’s bldg
Host: J. Vontas
IMBB Colloquium
'Chromatin organization in CD4 T cells'
Date: 2016-07-08 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: J. Vontas
IMBB Joint Colloquia
'Grg5: a new player in cell fate decision'
Date: 2016-07-01 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: Kretsovali
IMBB Joint Colloquia
'Neural stem cells on 3D-Scaffolds. Developing pharmacologically monitored biosensors and neuroimplants'
Date: 2016-07-01 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: Gravanis
IMBB Seminar
'Targeting oncogenic transcription factors in leukemia: from mechanisms to treatments'
Eric CW So, PhD Professor and Chair in Leukaemia Biology, Head, Leukaemia and Stem Cell Biology Group, Department of Haematological Medicine, King's College London, The University of London London, UK
Date: 2016-06-28 @ 15:15
Location: Seminar Room 1 [FORTH's bldg]
Host: G. Garinis
IMBB Seminar
'Epigenetic strategies: nucleosome remodeling, histone modifications and histone variants'
Stefan DIMITROV Director of Research, CNRS Institut Albert Bonniot INSERM 1209/CNRS UMR 5309 Grenoble
Date: 2016-06-24 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: J. Strouboulis
IMBB Seminar
'The role of the tumor suppressor LKB1 in starvation-induced autophagy'
Pavlina HARAMIS Assistant Professor Institute of Biology, Leiden University, Sylvius Laboratory, Rm 06.05.16b, Sylviusweg 72, 2333 BE Leiden The Netherlands
Date: 2016-06-23 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: G. Garinis
IMBB Seminar
'The Stressed brain: a gate along the path from depression to Alzheimer’s disease'
Ioannis SOTIROPOULOS Life and Health Sciences Research Institute (ICVS) School of Health Sciences, Campus de Gualtar University of Minho, Braga Portugal
Date: 2016-06-22 @ 12:00
Location: Seminar Room 1 [FORTH's bldg]
Host: I. Charalambopoulos
IMBB Seminar
'Studying neural computations in zebrafish brain'
Emre YAKSI Group Leader - NERF, a joint research initiative between imec VIB and K.U. Leuven Assistant Professor - Neurophysiology Department KU Leuven Abstract The habenula (Hb) is a brain region with increasing popularity due to its strong link to addiction, mood disorders and experience dependent fear. We demonstrated that Hb neurons respond to odors and light asymmetrically. Moreover, we showed that Hb neurons exhibit structured spontaneous activity that is spatially and temporally organized. This spontaneous activity resembles neural attractors, which can switch the preferred state of the Hb and regulate the transmission of sensory information to downstream monoaminergic brainstem nuclei. In order to explore the source of Hb spontaneous activity, we investigate the local connectivity within Hb and the global functional inputs to Hb. Our results showed that recurrent excitatory connections within Hb is important for maintaining spatio-temporal organization of Hb activity. Moreover, we observed that functional inputs form zebrafish homologues of hippocampus (Dl) and amygdala (Dm) and sensory inputs from visual and olfactory systems are the major drivers of spontaneous Hb activity. Our results suggested that these limbic and sensory inputs are integrated in Hb in a non-linear fashion and can regulate sensory representations in Hb. We propose that Hb lies in the heart of a brain wide network and act as “a hub” or “a switchboard”, which can regulate or gate the communication of sensory systems and limbic forebrain areas with the monoaminergic brainstem nuclei that control animal behaviors.
Date: 2016-06-21 @ 12:00
Location: Seminar Room 1 [FORTH's bldg]
Host: P. Poirazi
IMBB Seminar
'Metabolomics and Metabolic Network Analysis in Systems Biology'
Maria KLAPA Principal Researcher (Rank B) Head, Metabolic Engineering and Systems Biology Laboratory Institute of Chemical Engineering Sciences (ICE-HT - FORTH) Patras, GREECE
Date: 2016-06-16 @ 13:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: I. Siden-Kiamos
IMBB Joint Colloquia
'Microneurotrophins contribute to oligodendrocyte survival in the Cuprizone model of demyelination.'
Date: 2016-06-10 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: Karagogeos
IMBB Joint Colloquia
'The role of hepatic and intestinal HNF-4a in lipid and lipoprotein metabolism: in vivo studies'
Date: 2016-06-10 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: Kardassis
IMBB Joint Colloquia
'IMBB Retreat Missing Talk'
Date: 2016-06-03 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: Kardassis
IMBB Joint Colloquia
'The Notch/bHLH-O axis in Drosophila neural stem cell tumors'
Srivathsa MAGADI Delidakis' Lab
Date: 2016-05-13 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: Delidakis
IMBB Joint Colloquia
'Epigenetic regulation of intestinal stem cells in Drosophila'
Zoe VENETI Eliopoulos' Lab
Date: 2016-05-13 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: Eliopoulos
IMBB Seminar
'DisseMENAtion of translation: Novel mechanisms of local translation in developing axons'
Marina VIDAKI Postdoctoral Associate Koch Institute, MIT
Date: 2016-05-06 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: D. Karagogeos
IMBB Seminar
'Cohesin: a topological device holding sister chromatids'
Thomas Gligoris, Ph.D
Nasmyth Lab, Dept. of Biochemistry
Oxford University
Date: 2016-04-26 @ 12:00
Location: Seminar Room 1 [FORTH's bldg]
Host: I. Talianidis
IMBB Seminar
'A Fear-induced miRNA modulates memory and suppresses plasticity'
Antonis TATARAKIS Department of Cell Biology/HHMI Harvard Medical School
Date: 2016-04-25 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: D. Karagogeos
IMBB Seminar
'Zebrafish models of Human Disease'
Dimitris BEIS Investigator C (Assistant Professor level) Zebrafish models of Human Disease Biomedical Research Foundation, Academy of Athens
Date: 2016-04-19 @ 13:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: N. Tavernarakis
IMBB Colloquium
'The puzzling plant ERI1 homologue'
Ioannis VLATAKIS Kalantidis' Lab
Date: 2016-04-15 @ 12:00
Location: Seminar Room 1 [FORTH's bldg]
Host: N. Tavernarakis
IMBB Seminar
'Resistance and tolerance to virus infection in Drosophila'
Sarah Hélène MERKLING Institut Pasteur, Paris
Date: 2016-04-12 @ 12:00
Location: Seminar Room 1 [FORTH's bldg]
Host: C. Louis
IMBB Seminar
'Droplet Digital PCR technology'
IMBB Seminar
'Introduction to NGS analysis'
IMBB - Bioinformatics Support Group
Date: 2015-12-04 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: Aggela Pasparaki
IMBB Seminar
'Bioinformatics tools and resources for identifying gene product function'
IMBB - Bioinformatics Support Group
Date: 2015-11-20 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: Aggela Pasparaki
IMBB Seminar
'Epigenetic mechanisms in gene regulation'
BSRC 'Alexander Fleming'
Date: 2015-11-13 @ 12:00
Location: “Seminar Room 1”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: N. Tavernarakis
IMBB Seminar
'Wolbachia: a mutualistic and pathogenic symbiont of Drosophila melanogaster'
Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology
Department Vector Biology
Date: 2015-11-10 @ 12:00
Location: Seminar Room 1 [FORTH's bldg]
Host: C. Louis
IMBB Seminar
'Transcription dysregulation and single cell genomics in Aneuploidy'
Professor & Chairman
Department of Genetic Medicine and Development
Universite de Genève, Geneva, Switzerland
Date: 2015-11-06 @ 12:00
Location: “Main Amphitheater”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: N. Tavernarakis
IMBB Seminar
'Proteome meets genome: dynamics of chromatin composition in embryonic stem cells'
European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL)
Heidelberg, Germany
Date: 2015-10-30 @ 12:00
Location: Seminar Room 1 [FORTH's bldg]
Host: J. Strouboulis
IMBB Seminar
'Introduction to ontologies and GO term analysis'
Pantelis TOPALIS
IMBB - Bioinformatics Support Group
Date: 2015-10-29 @ 12:00
Location: Seminar Room 1, FORTH’s bldg
Host: J. Strouboulis
IMBB Seminar
'Functional effects of distinct innervation styles of pyramidal cells by fast spiking cortical interneurons'
Yoshiyuki KUBOTA Division of Cerebral Circuitry National Institute for Physiological Sciences Okazaki, Aichi, Japan
Date: 2015-09-29 @ 12:00
Location: “Main Amphitheater”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: P. Poirazi
IMBB Seminar
'Letters from the hidden kingdom: Dothideomycetous fungi as model organisms to study host-driven speciation and the molecular mechanisms of fungal pathogenesis on plants'
Ioannis STERGIOPOULOS Assistant Professor, Department of Plant Pathology University of California Davis, Davis, USA
Date: 2015-09-16 @ 14:00
Location: 'A Payatakes' Seminar Room, FORTH’s bldg
Host: K. Kalantidis
IMBB Seminar
'Plant Innate Immunity: the role of plant NLRs in pathogen perception and defence activation'
Panagiotis SARRIS
Plant Mol. Microbiology & Biotechnology (MSc, PhD)
Senior Research Associate, The Sainsbury Laboratory
John Innes Centre, Norwich Research Park, United Kingdom
Date: 2015-09-02 @ 12:00
Location: Seminar Room 1 [FORTH's bldg]
Host: K. Kalantidis
IMBB Seminar
'Identifying the micro from the peta: tales of big data in the micro world'
Nikos KYRPIDES Prokaryotic Super Program DOE Joint Genome Institute, California, USA
Date: 2015-07-17 @ 12:00
Location: 'A. Payatakes' Seminar Room, FORTH’s bldg
Host: N. Tavernarakis
IMBB Seminar
'Introduction to High Content Screening Technology and Operetta microscope'
Alioune NDOYE Imaging Sr. Field Applications Specialist, EU,EMEA|Life Sciences & Technology, Perkin Elmer
Date: 2015-07-15 @ 12:00
Location: Seminar Room 1, FORTH’s bldg
Host: N. Tavernarakis
IMBB Seminar
'Type III secretion systems: four decades of research'
Anastasia GAZI Lab. d’Enzymologie et Biochimie Structurales, CNRS, Gif-sur-Yvette
Date: 2015-07-08 @ 13:00
Location: “Seminar Room I”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: M. Kokkinidis
IMBB Seminar
'Making and shaping epithelial tubes'
Amin S. GHABRIAL Dept. of Cell and Developmental Biology University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
Date: 2015-07-06 @ 16:30
Location: Seminar Room 1?, FORTH?s bldg
Host: C. Delidakis
IMBB Seminar
'Multispectral Optoacoustic Tomography (MSOT): A novel preclinical and clinical imaging modality for functional, anatomical and molecular imaging'
Tim DEVLING Director of Sales & Applications iThera Medical, Germany
Date: 2015-07-03 @ 12:00
Location: Seminar Room 1?, FORTH?s bldg
Host: I. Zacharakis
IMBB Seminar
'The life cycle of a manuscript'
Laurie DEMPSEY Senior Editor Nature Immunology
Date: 2015-06-26 @ 12:00
Location: “A. Payatakes Seminar Room”, FORTH’s bldg
Host: C. Tsatsanis
IMBB Colloquium
'Novel microRNAs for fine-tuning of mouse Embryonic Stem Cell fate decision through regulation of TGF-β signaling'
Christiana HADJIMICHAEL Papamatheakis’ Lab
Date: 2015-06-19 @ 12:00
Location: Seminar Room 1 [FORTH's bldg]
Host: C. Tsatsanis
IMBB Seminar
'Emergence of connectivity motifs via the interaction of long-term and sort-term plasticity'
CEng, Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor), Computer Science Department, University of Sheffield, United Kingdom
Date: 2015-06-05 @ 12:00
Location: Seminar Room 1, FORTH’s bldg
Host: P. Poirazi
IMBB Seminar
'The epigenetic interplay between transposable elements and the maize genome'
Alexandros BOUSIOS Marie Curie Fellow University of Sussex, United Kingdom
Date: 2015-05-27 @ 12:00
Location: “A Payatakes” Seminar Room, FORTH’s bldg
Host: P. Pavlidis
IMBB Colloquium
'Genome evolution in a haploid system: What can we learn on lifestyle transitions from fungi'
Anastasia GIOTI
Vontas’ Lab
Date: 2015-05-22 @ 12:00
Location: Seminar Room 1, FORTH’s bldg
Host: G. Vontas
IMBB Colloquium
'Axons and myelinating glia: An intimate contact'
Karagogeos’ Lab
Date: 2015-05-18 @ 12:00
Location: “A. Payatakes” Seminar Room, FORTH’s bldg
Host: D. Karagogeos
IMBB Seminar
'The crossroads of transcription & replication: multifunctional factors at work'
Jerome POLI Susan M. Gasser's Lab Friedrich Miescher Institute, Basel, CH
Date: 2015-05-15 @ 12:00
Location: Seminar Room 1, FORTH’s bldg
Host: G. Garinis
IMBB Seminar
'Protein Association Discovery in Biomedical Literature'
Ioannis ILIOPOULOS Assistant Professor in Computational Biology School of Medicine, University of Crete
Date: 2015-05-08 @ 12:00
Location: “A. Payatakes” Seminar Room, FORTH’s bldg
Host: P. Topalis
IMBB Seminar
'Cardiomyocyte KLF5: A novel regulator of cardiac and systemic metabolism'
Konstantinos DROSATOS Assistant Professor in Pharmacology, Metabolic Biology Laboratory Temple University School of Medicine , Dept of Pharmacology Center for Translational Medicine, Philadelphia, USA
Date: 2015-05-06 @ 12:00
Location: A. Payatakes Seminar Room, FORTH’s bldg
Host: I. Siden-Kiamos
IMBB Seminar
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia: subset stories
Kostas STAMATOPOULOS Institute of Applied Biosciences Center for Research and Technology Hellas - Thessaloniki
Date: 2015-04-24 @ 12:00
Location: Seminar Room 1 [FORTH's bldg]
Host: J. Strouboulis
IMBB Seminar
Host-microbiota interactions: the impact of Lactobacillus plantarum on the intestine in a simplified animal model
Date: 2015-04-22 @ 12:00
Location: Seminar Room 1 [FORTH's bldg]
Host: D. Karagogeos
IMBB Seminar
RNA: protein interactions as determinants of immune responses and chronic disease
Dimitris L. KONTOYIANNIS Institute of Immunology BSRC "Alexander FLEMING"
Date: 2015-04-03 @ 12:00
Location: Seminar Room 1 [FORTH's bldg]
Host: C. Spilianakis
IMBB Colloquium
Characterization of erythroid lineage specification by computational integration of genomic data
Strouboulisʼ Lab
Date: 2015-03-27 @ 12:00
Location: Seminar Room 1 [FORTH's bldg]
Host: C. Spilianakis
IMBB Colloquium
Molecular Pharmacology of small NGF receptor agonists
Gravanis' Lab
Date: 2015-03-20 @ 12:00
Location: Seminar Room 1 [FORTH's bldg]
Host: C. Spilianakis
IMBB Colloquium
Tagging NER in development and disease
Garinis’ Lab
Date: 2015-03-13 @ 12:00
Location: Seminar Room 1 [FORTH's bldg]
Host: C. Spilianakis
IMBB Colloquium
Exploring gametogenesis in malaria parasites
Siden-Kiamos' Lab
Date: 2015-03-06 @ 12:00
Location: Seminar Room 1 [FORTH's bldg]
Host: C. Spilianakis
IMBB Seminar
Ancient DNA and human genetics
Eva DASKALAKI Archaeological Research Laboratory Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies Stockholm University
Date: 2015-02-27 @ 12:00
Location: Seminar Room 1 [FORTH's bldg]
Host: D. Kafetzopoulos
IMBB Seminar
Neurophysiological mechanisms of Cognition
Kyriaki SIDIROPOULOU Assistant Professor of Neurophysiology Department of Biology, University of Crete
Date: 2015-02-20 @ 12:00
Location: Seminar Room 1 [FORTH's bldg]
Host: D. Karagogeos
IMBB Seminar
Computational Methods in Structural Biology
George PATARGIAS Biomedical Research Foundation Academy of Athens Abstract Dr George Patargias graduated from the Physics Department of the University of Crete in 2000. In 2004, he completed his PhD thesis on computational studies of membrane transport proteins at the Department of Biochemistry in the University of Oxford. He has done postdoctoral research at the University of Oxford, the University of Leeds and the University of South Florida using molecular modelling and computer simulations in structural studies of viral ion channels, enzymes and DNA-binding proteins. Currently, he is a postdoctoral research fellow at the Biomedical Research Foundation of the Academy of Athens where he is involved in the study of protein activation using molecular dynamics simulations and the development of small-molecule inhibitors with rational drug design methods.
Date: 2014-12-16 @ 12:30
Location: Seminar Room 1 [FORTH's bldg]
Host: M. Kokkinidis
IMBB Seminar
Improving reproducible research
John IOANNIDIS Professor, Stanford University School of Medicine Honorary Member of the Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas
Date: 2014-12-05 @ 12:00
Location: Main Amphitheater [FORTH's bldg]
Host: T. Fotsis
IMBB Seminar
The Thalamic Visual Prosthesis Project
John S. PEZARIS Ph.D. Massachusetts General Hospital Harvard Medical School Abstract The field of visual prosthetics has concentrated primarily on two targets for stimulation, the retina and the primary visual cortex. The lateral geniculate nucleus of the thalamus, the relay station between these two areas, has been largely ignored because of the difficulty of surgical approach. The development of deep brain stimulation techniques for addressing pathologies of the midbrain has opened surgical access to the thalamus, and motivates a reconsideration of targets for visual prosthetics.
With this background, we have performed experiments in an animal model to demonstrate a proof of concept for a visual prosthesis based on thalamic microstimulation, followed by an experiment in a computer model to set basic engineering parameters for a thalamic visual prosthesis, in turn followed by a series of experiments with sighted humans to assess design performance. In this presentation we will review the compelling motivation for the thalamic approach, review the experimental results thus far, and provide a preview of future work.
Date: 2014-12-04 @ 12:00
Location: Seminar Room 1 [FORTH's bldg]
Host: P. Poirazi
IMBB Seminar
3D laser writing for biomedical applications
Maria FARSARI Institute of Electronic Structure & Laser (IESL) Foundation for Research and Technology - HELLAS (FORTH)
Date: 2014-11-21 @ 12:00
Location: Seminar Room 1 [FORTH's bldg]
Host: I. Siden-Kiamos
IMBB Seminar
Applications of ancient-DNA on Scandinavian archaeological material. Disease and migration in the past
Christos ECONOMOU Archaeological Research Laboratory Stockholm University
Date: 2014-11-13 @ 13:00
Location: Seminar Room 1 [FORTH's bldg]
Host: D. Kafetzopoulos
IMBB - IESL Mini Workshop
Workshop on Modern trends in Microscopy
Introduction: Giannis Zacharakis, FORTH - IESL 1. "Polarization second harmonic imaging of biological samples" Speaker: Sotiris Psilodimitrakopoulos Research Associate, FORTH-IESL 2. "Theory and applications of super-resolution optical microscopy: unravelling the ultra-structure and dynamics of molecular assemblies in cells". Speaker: Orestis Faklaris Deputy Director of ImagoSeine Imaging facility Institut Jacques Monod - CNRS - Universite Paris Diderot 3. "Autofluorescence Single Photon and Multiphoton endo-microscopy and applications in the diagnosis of respiratory pathologies". Speaker: Anikitos Garofalakis Research Scientist, PARCC - Inserm U970, Paris, France
Date: 2014-10-31 @ 11:00
Location: Seminar Room 1 [FORTH's bldg]
Host: G. Zacharakis, In Vivo Imaging Lab
IMBB Seminar
Associative learning in the fruit fly: genetic and neuronal analyses
Ayse YARALI PAISIOS Leibniz Institute of Neurobiology Magdeburg, Germany
Date: 2014-10-13 @ 15:00
Location: 'A Payatakes' Seminar Room [FORTH's bldg]
Host: C. Delidakis
IMBB Colloquium
From Evolution to Pharmacology: developing small agonists of Neurotrophin receptors
Achilleas GRAVANIS
Date: 2014-10-10 @ 12:00
Location: Seminar Room 1 [FORTH's bldg]
Host: C. Delidakis
IMBB & ICS Seminar
Neoplastic stem cells in hematopoietic niche disruption: the paradigm of Primary Myelofibrosis
Dr. Ioanna TRIVIAI Junior Group Leader - Stem Cell Biology Group Clinic of Stem Cell Transplantation, University Medical Center Hamburg Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany And Heinrich – Pette Institut, Leibniz Institute for Experimental Virology, Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany Myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN) are chronic hematological malignancies characterized by expansion of aberrant myeloid progenitors. Primary myelofibrosis (PMF) has the worst prognosis of all MPN and involves massive disruption of the hematopoietic niche leading to fibrosis/osteosclerosis development and/or transformation to acute myeloid leukemia (AML). In our studies to elucidate the trigerring event in PMF we identified a neoplastic stem cell population in patient peripheral blood responsible for disease initiation and development in vivo. Identifying the neoplastic stem cells in myeloproliferating neoplasms will provide the basis to decipher complicated niche interactions implicated in evolution of the chronic phase and leukemic transformation and introduce new therapeutical targets to eradicate the disease.
Date: 2014-10-02 @ 15:00
Location: Seminar Room 1 [FORTH's bldg]
Host: D. Kafetzopoulos, E. G. Spanakis
IMBB Seminar
What can worms and mice teach us about how we hear and taste?
Career Development Fellow
MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology
Cambridge, United Kingdom
Date: 2014-09-26 @ 12:00
Location: Seminar Room 1 [FORTH's bldg]
Host: C. Delidakis
IMBB Seminar
Femtosecond Crystallography opens a new Era in Structural Biology
Petra FROMME Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry Paul V Galvin Professor Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Director, Biodesign Center for Applied Structural Discovery Director of the Center for Membrane Proteins in Infectious Diseases Arizona State University Background Structure determination of proteins and other macromolecules has historically required the growth of high-quality crystals sufficiently large to diffract X-rays efficiently. The applicability of the method has been limited by radiation damage and time resolution. The recently developed technique of Serial femtosecond X-ray crystallography (SFX) an X-ray free-electron laser (XFEL) to obtain high-resolution structural information from microcrystals has overcome these limitations.
Date: 2014-09-25 @ 13:00
Location: Seminar Room 1 [FORTH's bldg]
Host: M. Kokkinidis, InnovCrete project
IMBB Seminar
Non-cell autonomous, activity-dependent mechanisms are responsible for motor neuron dysfunction in the neurodegenerative disease Spinal Muscular Atrophy
Assistant Professor
The Center for Motor Neuron Biology and Disease
Columbia University
Date: 2014-09-02 @ 12:00
Location: Seminar Room 1 [FORTH's bldg]
Host: N. Tavernarakis
IMBB Seminar
Academic self-publishing: the new trend in scholarly communication. An overview of the problems related to traditional academic publishing and the latest alternatives
Laboratory of Experimental Economics
University of Granada, Spain
Date: 2014-08-19 @ 12:00
Location: 'A Payatakes' Seminar Room [FORTH's bldg]
Host: Y. Poirazi
IMBB Seminar
Diagnostic Imaging Techniques - Spectral Imaging
Institute of Electronic Structure & Laser (IESL)
Foundation for Research and Technology - HELLAS (FORTH)
Date: 2014-07-25 @ 12:00
Location: Seminar Room 1 [FORTH's bldg]
Host: I. Siden-Kiamos
IMBB Seminar
The small RNAs in the battle field of plant microbial interaction
Professor, University of California, Riverside, USA
Date: 2014-07-11 @ 12:00
Location: Seminar Room 1 [FORTH's bldg]
Host: K. Kalantidis
IMBB Seminar
Topological aspects of genome architecture in S. cerevisiae
Christoforos NIKOLAOU
Assistant Professor, Department of Biology
University of Crete
Date: 2014-07-04 @ 12:00
Location: Seminar Room 1 [FORTH's bldg]
Host: C. Spilianakis
IMBB Colloquium
The sense of smell in mice: dissecting the organization and function of the olfactory bulb
Karagogeos' Lab
Date: 2014-06-06 @ 12:00
Location: Seminar Room 1 [FORTH's bldg]
Host: C. Spilianakis
IMBB Seminar
Mechanisms of cortical interneuron circuit formation in health and disease
Smilow Neuroscience and NYU Neuroscience Institute
NYU School of Medicine, USA
Date: 2014-06-03 @ 12:00
Location: 'A Payatakes' Seminar Room [FORTH's bldg]
Host: D. Karagogeos
IMBB Seminar
Targeting the Epigenetic Readout of Acetyl-Lysine
University Research Lecturer
Wellcome Trust Career Development Fellow
Structural Genomics Consortium & Ludwig Institute of Cancer Research
Nuffield Department of Clinical Medicine, University of Oxford
Date: 2014-05-29 @ 12:00
Location: Seminar Room 1 [FORTH's bldg]
Host: M. Kokkinidis & K. Kalantidis
IMBB Seminar
Molecular cascades controlling the development and function of inhibitory cortical networks
Molecular Neurobiology
National Institute for Medical Research, MRC, Mill Hill, London
Date: 2014-05-21 @ 12:00
Location: “A Payatakes” Seminar Room, FORTH?s bldg
Host: D. Karagogeos
IMBB Colloquium
The role of ApoA-I in atherosclerosis and chronic inflammatory diseases
Kardassisʼ Lab
Date: 2014-05-09 @ 12:00
Location: Seminar Room 1 [FORTH's bldg]
Host: D. Karagogeos
IMBB Seminar
Do Astrocytes Compute? Making the Point on Neuron-Glia Interactions
Dr. Maurizio De Pittà EPI BEAGLE, INRIA Rhône-Alpes, Université de Lyon LIRIS, 69006 Villeurbane, France Abstract In recent years, the simultaneous recognition that astrocytes sense neighboring neuronal activity and release neuroactive agents (or “gliotransmitters”) has been instrumental in the uncovering of the many possible roles played by these cells in the regulation of synaptic transmission and neuronal activity. These findings suggested that information travels and is processed not just in the neuronal circuitry but in an expanded neuron-glia network. However much remains elusive about the role of astrocyte signaling in brain computation. Inspired by recent experiments on neuron-astrocyte interactions at cortical synapses, I will present theoretical arguments that suggest novel possible mechanisms whereby astrocytes could take part in the processing and storage of information by the brain. From subcellular to network levels, the analysis of the signaling pathways underlying these mechanisms refines our notion of neural communication and has profound implications on our understanding of brain function.
Date: 2014-05-08 @ 12:00
Location: Seminar Room 1 [FORTH's bldg]
Host: Y. Poirazi
IMBB Colloquium
The inner mitochondrial membrane translocase complex TIMM-23 modulates mitochondrial biogenesis and function during ageing in C. elegans
Tavernarakisʼ Lab
Date: 2014-05-02 @ 12:00
Location: Seminar Room 1 [FORTH's bldg]
Host: Y. Poirazi
IMBB Seminar
The Caspr/Contactin family: key molecules in axonal domain formation and targets in neuropathies
Catherine FAIVRE-SARRAILH Director of Research Aix Marseille University, Faculté de Médecine Nord
Date: 2014-04-28 @ 12:00
Location: Seminar Room 1 [FORTH's bldg]
Host: D. Karagogeos
IMBB Colloquium
Intracellular mediators of cortical interneuron development
Karagogeosʼ Lab
Date: 2014-04-11 @ 12:00
Location: Seminar Room 1 [FORTH's bldg]
Host: D. Karagogeos
IMBB Seminar
Laser direct writing of micro/nano scaffolds for tissue engineering
Institute of Electronic Structure & Laser (IESL)
Foundation for Research and Technology - HELLAS (FORTH)
Date: 2014-03-31 @ 12:00
Location: Seminar Room 1 [FORTH's bldg]
Host: N. Kretsovali
IMBB Colloquium
Homologous pairing and long non-coding RNAs regulate TNF? allelic expression
Spilianakis’ Lab
Date: 2014-03-21 @ 12:00
Location: Seminar Room 1 [FORTH's bldg]
Host: N. Kretsovali
IMBB Seminar
The expanding family of non-coding RNAs – increasing complexity of gene regulation and new opportunities in nano medicine
Jorgen KJEMS
Director of Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center (iNANO)
Director of Lundbeck Nanomedicine Center (LUNA)
Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center (iNANO)
Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics Aarhus University, Denmark
Date: 2014-03-14 @ 12:00
Location: Seminar Room 1 [FORTH's bldg]
Host: E. Gizeli
IMBB Seminar
Brainstem Dopamine neurons: Activity transitions across sleep-wake cycles
University of Manchester
Date: 2014-03-07 @ 12:00
Location: Seminar Room 1 [FORTH's bldg]
Host: Y. Poirazi
IMBB Seminar
Reconfigurable Architectures for Bioinformatics Applications
Apostolos DOLLAS
Technical University of Crete
Date: 2014-03-05 @ 12:00
Location: Seminar Room 1 [FORTH's bldg]
Host: Y. Poirazi
IMBB Colloquium
Studying DNA to learn about evolutionary history... or to say fairy tales
Poirazi's Lab
Date: 2014-02-28 @ 12:00
Location: Seminar Room 1 [FORTH's bldg]
Host: Y. Poirazi
IMBB Seminar
Coding of odors revealed by activity correlation imaging
Director, Department of Neurophysiology and Cellular Biophysics
Goettingen University Medical School
Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience
Goettingen, Germany
Date: 2014-02-25 @ 12:00
Location: A. Payatakes' Seminar Room [FORTH's bldg]
Host: Y. Poirazi
IMBB Seminar
Non-linear imaging microscopy for biological applications
Institute of Electronic Structure & Laser (IESL)
Foundation for Research & Technology - Hellas (FORTH)
Date: 2014-02-21 @ 12:00
Location: Seminar Room 1 [FORTH's bldg]
Host: I. Siden-Kiamos
IMBB Seminar
Discovering Molecular Signatures and Casual Models from Biological Data
Bioinformatics Laboratory (BIL)
FORTH-ICS & Computer Science Department
University of Crete
Date: 2014-02-07 @ 12:00
Location: Seminar Room 1 [FORTH's bldg]
Host: I. Siden-Kiamos
IMBB Seminar
Going deeper than microscopy: the optical imaging frontier in biology
In vivo Imaging Lab (IVIL)
Laser Interactions and Photonics Division
Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser (IESL)
Date: 2014-01-31 @ 12:00
Location: Seminar Room 1 [FORTH's bldg]
Host: N. Kretsovali
IMBB Colloquium
Encoding and Consolidation of Memories in the Rodent Hippocampus
Vassilis CUTSURIDIS Poirazi's Lab Abstract The rodent hippocampus is one of the most studied brain regions. The hippocampus plays an important role in the encoding, retrieval and consolidation of spatial and episodic memories. Although much is known about the anatomical, physiological and molecular characteristics as well as the connectivity and synaptic properties of various cell types in the hippocampal microcircuits, how these detailed properties of individual neurons give rise to the encoding, retrieval and consolidation of memories remains unclear. Computational models play an instrumental role in providing clues on how these processes may take place.
In this talk, I will present three computational models of the region CA1 of the hippocampus at various levels of detail (Cutsuridis et al. (2010) Hippocampus 20(3): 423-446; Cutsuridis and Hasselmo (2012) Hippocampus 22: 1597-1621; Saravanan et al., under review). Issues such as memory capacity, recall performance, memory replay, and phase precession during various brain rhythms and in the presence of neuromodulation and various types of inhibitory interneurons will be addressed. My models lead to a number of experimentally testable predictions that may lead to a better understanding of the biophysical computations in the rodent hippocampus.
Date: 2014-01-24 @ 12:00
Location: Seminar Room 1 [FORTH's bldg]
Host: N. Kretsovali
IMBB Colloquium
Essential function of a histone-fold domain protein during malaria parasite development in the mosquito
Siden-Kiamos' Lab
Date: 2014-01-17 @ 12:00
Location: Seminar Room 1 [FORTH's bldg]
Host: N. Kretsovali
IMBB Seminar
A long ride for RNA editing: From the synapse to interferon response
Protein - Nucleic Acids Interactions Lab
Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciencia
Oeiras, Portugal
Date: 2014-01-08 @ 12:00
Location: Seminar Room 1 [FORTH's bldg]
Host: K. Kalantidis