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Michail Kotsyfakis
Home > Research > Insects & Vector Borne diseases

PUBLICATION LIST (Journal Impact Factor for 2023 from Clarivative Analytics)

IA. 20 most significant Publications

(in chronological order out of 91 total publications, 4 book chapters, 1 book and 3 patents, underlined the 5 most significant)

20. Xiong W, Chai J, Wu J, Li J, Lu W, Tian M, Jmel MA, Ippel JH, Kotsyfakis M, Dijkgraaf I, Liu S, Xu X (2024). Cathelicidin-HG alleviates sepsis-induced platelet dysfunction by inhibiting GPVI-mediated platelet activation. Research (Wash DC). 7:0381. (I.F.: 11)

19. Wu H, Jmel MA, Chai J, Tian M, Xu X, Hui Y, Nandakumar KS, Kotsyfakis M†. Tick cysteine protease inhibitors suppress immune responses in mannan-induced psoriasis-like inflammation. Front Immunol. 15:1344878. (I.F.: 7.3)

18. Martins LA, Buša M, Chlastáková A, Kotál J, Beránková Z, Stergiou N, Jmel MA, Schmitt E, Chmelař J, Mareš M, Kotsyfakis M† (2023). Protease-bound structure of Ricistatin provides insights into the mechanism of action of tick salivary cystatins in the vertebrate host. Cell Mol Life Sci. 80(11):339. (I.F.: 8)

17. Chai J, Wu J, Li J, Liao H, Lu W, Guo R, Shao Z, Jmel MA, Martins LA, Hackeng T, Ippel H, Dijkgraaf I, Kotsyfakis M, Xu X (2023). Novel amphibian Bowman-Birk-like inhibitor with antioxidant and anticoagulant effects ameliorates pancreatitis symptoms in mice. J Med Chem. 66(17):11869-11880. (I.F.: 7.3)

16. Valenzuela-Leon PC, Campos CA, Martin-Martin I, Williams AE, Berger M, Shrivastava G, Paige AS, Kotsyfakis M, Tirloni L, Calvo E (2023). Guianensin, a Simulium guianense salivary protein, has broad anti-hemostatic and anti-inflammatory properties. Front Immunol. 14:1163367. (I.F.: 7.3)

15. Chlastáková A, Kaščáková B, Kotál J, Langhansová H, Kotsyfakis M, Kutá Smatanová I, Tirloni L, Chmelař J (2023). Iripin-1, a new anti-inflammatory tick serpin, inhibits leukocyte recruitment in vivo while altering the levels of chemokines and adhesion molecules. Front Immunol. 14:1116324. (I.F.: 7.3)

14. Oliva Chávez AS, Wang X, Marnin L, Archer NK, Hammond HL, Carroll EEM, Shaw DK, Tully BG, Buskirk AD, Ford SL, Butler LR, Shahi P, Morozova K, Clement CC, Lawres L, Neal AJO, Mamoun CB, Mason KL, Hobbs BE, Scoles GA, Barry EM, Sonenshine DE, Pal U, Valenzuela JG, Sztein MB, Pasetti MF, Levin ML, Kotsyfakis M, Jay SM, Huntley JF, Miller LS, Santambrogio L, Pedra JHF (2021). Tick extracellular vesicles enable arthropod feeding and promote distinct outcomes of bacterial infection. Nat Commun. 12(1):3696. (I.F.: 16.6)

13. Chai J, Chen X, Ye T, Zeng B, Zeng Q, Wu J, Kascakova B, Martins LA, Prudnikova T, Smatanova IK, Kotsyfakis M, Xu X (2021). Characterization and functional analysis of cathelicidin-MH, a novel frog-derived peptide with anti-septicemic properties. Elife. 10:e64411. (I.F.: 8.1)

12. Chlastáková A, Kotál J, Beránková Z, Kaščáková B, Martins LA, Langhansová H, Prudnikova T, Ederová M, Kutá Smatanová I, Kotsyfakis M, Chmelař J (2021). Iripin-3, a new salivary protein isolated from Ixodes ricinus ticks, displays immunomodulatory and anti-hemostatic properties in vitro. Front Immunol. 12:626200. (I.F.: 7.3)

11. Aounallah H, Bensaoud C, M'ghirbi Y, Faria F, Chmelar J, Kotsyfakis M† (2020). Tick salivary compounds for targeted immunomodulatory therapy. Front Immunol. 11:583845. (I.F.: 7.3)

10. Bensaoud C, Hackenberg M, Kotsyfakis M (2019). Noncoding RNAs in parasite-vector-host interactions. (Most read article in Trends in Parasitology) Trends Parasitol. 35(9):715-724. (I.F.: 9.6)

9. Kotál J, Stergiou N, Buša M, Chlastáková A, Beránková Z, Řezáčová P, Langhansová H, Schwarz A, Calvo E, Kopecký J, Mareš M, Schmitt E, Chmelař J, Kotsyfakis M (2019). The structure and function of Iristatin, a novel immunosuppressive tick salivary cystatin. Cell Mol Life Sci. 76(10):2003-2013. (I.F.: 8)

8. Hackenberg M, Kotsyfakis M† (2018). Exosome-mediated pathogen transmission by arthropod vectors. Trends Parasitol. 34(7):549-552. (I.F.: 9.6)

7. Wang X, Shaw DK, Hammond HL, Sutterwala FS, Rayamajhi M, Shirey KA, Perkins DJ, Bonventre JV, Velayutham TS, Evans SM, Rodino KG, VieBrock L, Scanlon KM, Carbonetti NH, Carlyon JA, Miao EA, McBride JW, Kotsyfakis M, Pedra JHF (2016). The prostaglandin E2-EP3 receptor axis regulates Anaplasma phagocytophilum-mediated NLRC4 inflammasome activation. PLoS Pathogens 12(8):e1005803. (I.F.: 6.7)

6. Chmelař J, Kotál J, Kopecky J, Pedra JH, Kotsyfakis M (2016). All for οne and οne for all on the tick-host battlefield. Trends Parasitol. 32(5):368-377. (I.F.: 9.6)

5. Chmelař J, Kotál J, Karim S, Kopacek P, Francischetti IMB, Pedra JH, Kotsyfakis M (2016). Sialomes and mialomes: a systems biology view of tick tissues and tick-host interactions. Trends Parasitol. 32(3):242-254. (I.F.: 9.6)

4. Schwarz A, Tenzer S, Hackenberg M, Erhart J, Gerhold-Ay A, Mazur J, Kuharev J, Ribeiro JMC, Kotsyfakis M (2014). A systems level analysis reveals transcriptomic and proteomic complexity in Ixodes ricinus midgut and salivary glands during early attachment and feeding. Molecular and Cellular Proteomics, 13(10):2725-2735. (I.F.: 7)

3. Ma D, Mizurini DM, Assumpção TCF, Li Y, Qi Y, Kotsyfakis M, Ribeiro JMC, Monteiro RQ, Francischetti IMB (2013). Desmolaris, a novel Factor XIa anticoagulant from the salivary gland of the vampire bat (Desmodus rotundus) inhibits inflammation and thrombosis. Blood 122(25):4094-4106. (I.F.: 20.3)

2. Schwarz A, von Reumont BM, Erhart J, Chagas AC, Ribeiro JMC, Kotsyfakis M (2013). De novo Ixodes ricinus salivary transcriptome analysis using two different next generation sequencing methodologies. The FASEB Journal 27(12):4745-4756. (I.F.: 4.8)

1. Chmelar J, Oliveira CJ, Rezacova P, Francischetti IMB, Kovarova Z, Pejler G, Kopacek P, Ribeiro JMC, Mares M, Kopecky J and Kotsyfakis M (2011). A tick salivary protein targets cathepsin G and chymase and inhibits host inflammation and platelet aggregation. Blood 117(3):736-744. Cover of the issue. (I.F.: 20.3)

IB. Publication of research articles in international peer-reviewed journals

Total Impact Factor of research publications: 344.5
Mean Impact Factor per research publication: 5.6
(† corresponding author, * equal contribution, # equal senior author)

62. Xiong W, Chai J, Wu J, Li J, Lu W, Tian M, Jmel MA, Ippel JH, Kotsyfakis M, Dijkgraaf I, Liu S, Xu X (2024). Cathelicidin-HG alleviates sepsis-induced platelet dysfunction by inhibiting GPVI-mediated platelet activation. Research (Wash DC). 7:0381. (I.F.: 11)

61. Wu H, Jmel MA, Chai J, Tian M, Xu X, Hui Y, Nandakumar KS, Kotsyfakis M† (2024). Tick cysteine protease inhibitors suppress immune responses in mannan-induced psoriasis-like inflammation Front Immunol. 15: (I.F.: 7.3)

60. Martins LA, Buša M, Chlastáková A, Kotál J, Beránková Z, Stergiou N, Jmel MA, Schmitt E, Chmelař J, Mareš M, Kotsyfakis M† (2023). Protease-bound structure of Ricistatin provides insights into the mechanism of action of tick salivary cystatins in the vertebrate host. Cell Mol Life Sci. 80(11):339. (I.F.: 8)

59. Chai J, Wu J, Li J, Liao H, Lu W, Guo R, Shao Z, Jmel MA, Martins LA, Hackeng T, Ippel H, Dijkgraaf I, Kotsyfakis M, Xu X (2023). Novel amphibian Bowman-Birk-like inhibitor with antioxidant and anticoagulant effects ameliorates pancreatitis symptoms in mice. J Med Chem. 66(17):11869-11880. (I.F.: 7.3)

58. Valenzuela-Leon PC, Campos CA, Martin-Martin I, Williams AE, Berger M, Shrivastava G, Paige AS, Kotsyfakis M, Tirloni L, Calvo E (2023). Guianensin, a Simulium guianense salivary protein, has broad anti-hemostatic and anti-inflammatory properties. Front Immunol. 14:1163367. (I.F.: 7.3)

57. Chlastáková A, Kaščáková B, Kotál J, Langhansová H, Kotsyfakis M, Kutá Smatanová I, Tirloni L, Chmelař J (2023). Iripin-1, a new anti-inflammatory tick serpin, inhibits leukocyte recruitment in vivo while altering the levels of chemokines and adhesion molecules. Front Immunol. 14:1116324. (I.F.: 7.3)

56. Medina JM, Abbas MN, Bensaoud C, Hackenberg M, Kotsyfakis M. Kotsyfakis M† (2022). Bioinformatic analysis of Ixodes ricinus long non-coding RNAs predicts their binding ability of host miRNAs. Int J Mol Sci. 23(17):9761. (I.F.: 5.6)

55. Medina JM, Jmel MA, Cuveele B, Gómez-Martín C, Aparicio-Puerta E, Mekki I, Kotal J, Martins LA, Hackenberg M, Bensaoud C, Kotsyfakis M† (2022). Transcriptomic analysis of single tick midgut and salivary gland responses upon repeated blood-feeding on a vertebrate host. Front Cell Infect Microbiol. 12:919786. (I.F.: 5.7)

54. Bensaoud C, Tenzer S, Poplawski A, Medina JM, Jmel MA, Voet H, Mekki I, Aparicio-Puerta E, Cuveele B, Distler U, Marini F, Hackenberg M, Kotsyfakis M† (2022). Quantitative proteomics analysis reveals core and variable tick salivary proteins at the tick-vertebrate host interface. Mol Ecol. 31(15):4162-4175. (I.F.: 6.6)

53. Kotál J, Polderdijk SGI, Langhansová H, Ederová M, Martins LA, Beránková Z, Chlastáková A, Hajdušek O, Kotsyfakis M, Huntington JA, Chmelař J (2021). Ixodes ricinus salivary serpin Iripin-8 inhibits the intrinsic pathway of coagulation and complement. Int J Mol Sci. 22(17):9480. (I.F.: 6.2)

52. Kascakova B, Kotal J, Martins LA, Berankova Z, Langhansova H, Calvo E, Crossley JA, Havlickova P, Dycka F, Prudnikova T, Kuty M, Kotsyfakis M, Chmelar J, Kuta Smatanova I (2021). Structural and biochemical characterization of the novel serpin Iripin-5 from Ixodes ricinus. Acta Crystallogr D Struct Biol. 77(Pt 9):1183-1196. (I.F.: 5.7)

51. Oliva Chávez AS, Wang X, Marnin L, Archer NK, Hammond HL, Carroll EEM, Shaw DK, Tully BG, Buskirk AD, Ford SL, Butler LR, Shahi P, Morozova K, Clement CC, Lawres L, Neal AJO, Mamoun CB, Mason KL, Hobbs BE, Scoles GA, Barry EM, Sonenshine DE, Pal U, Valenzuela JG, Sztein MB, Pasetti MF, Levin ML, Kotsyfakis M, Jay SM, Huntley JF, Miller LS, Santambrogio L, Pedra JHF (2021). Tick extracellular vesicles enable arthropod feeding and promote distinct outcomes of bacterial infection. Nat Commun. 12(1):3696. (I.F.: 17.7)

50. Kotál J, Buša M, Urbanová V, Řezáčová P, Chmelař J, Langhansová H, Sojka D, Mareš M, Kotsyfakis M† (2021). Mialostatin, a novel midgut cystatin from Ixodes ricinus ticks: crystal structure and regulation of host blood digestion. Int J Mol Sci. 22(10):5371. (I.F.: 6.2)

49. Chai J, Chen X, Ye T, Zeng B, Zeng Q, Wu J, Kascakova B, Martins LA, Prudnikova T, Smatanova IK, Kotsyfakis M, Xu X (2021). Characterization and functional analysis of cathelicidin-MH, a novel frog-derived peptide with anti-septicemic properties. Elife. 10:e64411. (I.F.: 8.7)

48. Chlastáková A, Kotál J, Beránková Z, Kaščáková B, Martins LA, Langhansová H, Prudnikova T, Ederová M, Kutá Smatanová I, Kotsyfakis M, Chmelař J (2021). Iripin-3, a new salivary protein isolated from Ixodes ricinus ticks, displays immunomodulatory and anti-hemostatic properties in vitro. Front Immunol. 12:626200. (I.F.: 8.8)

47. Dorrah M, Bensaoud C, Mohamed AA, Sojka D, Bassal TTM, Kotsyfakis M† (2021). Comparison of the hemolysis machinery in two evolutionarily distant blood-feeding arthropod vectors of human diseases. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 15(2):e0009151. (I.F.: 4.8)

46. Zeng Q, Zeng B, Chai J, Wu J, Guo R, Gao Y, Han X, Yang J, Kotsyfakis M, Xu X (2020). Antioxidant properties and neuroprotective effects of Esc-1GN through the regulation of MAPK and AKT signaling. Life Sci. 254:117753. (I.F.: 6.8)

45. Kotál J, Stergiou N, Buša M, Chlastáková A, Beránková Z, Řezáčová P, Langhansová H, Schwarz A, Calvo E, Kopecký J, Mareš M, Schmitt E, Chmelař J, Kotsyfakis M† (2019). The structure and function of Iristatin, a novel immunosuppressive tick salivary cystatin. Cell Mol Life Sci. 76(10):2003-2013. (I.F.: 9.2)

44. Assumpção TC, Mizurini DM, Ma D, Monteiro RQ, Ahlstedt S, Reyes M, Kotsyfakis M, Mather TN, Andersen JF, Lukszo J, Ribeiro JMC, Francischetti IMB (2018). Ixonnexin from tick saliva promotes fibrinolysis by interacting with plasminogen and tissue-type plasminogen activator, and prevents arterial thrombosis. Sci Rep. 8(1):4806. (I.F.: 5)

43. Hackenberg M, Langenberger D, Schwarz A, Erhart J, Kotsyfakis M† (2017). In silico target network analysis of de novo-discovered, tick saliva-specific microRNAs reveals important combinatorial effects in their interference with vertebrate host physiology. RNA 23(8):1259-1269. (I.F.: 5)

42. Cabezas-Cruz A, Tonk M, Bouchut A, Pierrot C, Pierce RJ, Kotsyfakis M, Rahnamaeian M, Vilcinskas A, Khalife J, Valdes JJ (2016). Antiplasmodial activity is an ancient and conserved feature of tick defensins. Frontiers in Microbiology 7:1682. (I.F.: 6.1)

41. Wang X, Shaw DK, Hammond HL, Sutterwala FS, Rayamajhi M, Shirey KA, Perkins DJ, Bonventre JV, Velayutham TS, Evans SM, Rodino KG, VieBrock L, Scanlon KM, Carbonetti NH, Carlyon JA, Miao EA, McBride JW, Kotsyfakis M, Pedra JHF (2016). The prostaglandin E2-EP3 receptor axis regulates Anaplasma phagocytophilum-mediated NLRC4 inflammasome activation. PLoS Pathogens 12(8):e1005803. (I.F.: 7.5)

40. Wang X, Shaw DK, Sakhon OS, Snyder GA, Sundberg EJ, Santambrogio L, Sutterwala FS, Dumler S, Shirey KA, Perkins DJ, Richard K, Chagas AC, Calvo E, Kopecky J, Kotsyfakis M, Pedra JHF (2016). The tick protein Sialostatin L2 binds to Annexin A2 and inhibits NLRC4-mediated inflammasome activation. Infect Immun. 84(6):1796-1805. (I.F.: 3.4)

39. Ferreira VP, Vale VF, Pangburn MK, Abdeladhim M, Mendes-Sousa AF, Coutinho-Abreu IV, Rasouli M, Brandt EA, Meneses C, Lima III KF, Araújo RN, Pereira MH, Kotsyfakis M, Oliveira F, Kamhawi S, Ribeiro JMC, Gontijo NF, Collin N, Valenzuela JG (2016). SALO, a novel classical pathway complement inhibitor from saliva of the sand fly Lutzomyia longipalpis. Sci Rep. 6:19300. (I.F.: 5)

38. Francischetti IMB, Assumpção TCF, Ma D, Mizurini DM, Kini RM, Ribeiro JMC, Kotsyfakis M, Monteiro RQ (2016). In vitro mode of action and anti-thrombotic activity of Boophilin, a multifunctional Kunitz protease inhibitor from the midgut of a tick vector of Babesiosis, Rhipicephalus microplus. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 10(1):e0004298. (I.F.: 4.8)

37. Tonk M, Cabezas-Cruz A, Valdés JJ, Rego RO, Grubhoffer L, Estrada-Peña A, Vilcinskas A, Kotsyfakis M, Rahnamaeian M (2015). Ixodes ricinus defensins attack distantly-related pathogens. Developmental & Comparative Immunology, 53(2):358-365. (I.F.: 3.6)

36. Jablonka W, Kotsyfakis M, Mizurini DM, Monteiro RQ, Lukszo J, Drake SK, Ribeiro JMC, Andersen JF (2015). Identification and mechanistic analysis of a novel tick-derived inhibitor of thrombin. PLoS One, 10(8):e0133991. (I.F.: 3.2)

35. Klein M*, Brühl TJ*, Staudt V*, Reuter S, Grebe N, Gerlitzki B, Hoffmann M, Bohn T, Ulges A, Stergiou N, de Graaf J, Löwer M, Taube C, Becker M, Stassen M, Huber M, Lohoff M, Chagas AC, Andersen JF, Kotal J, Langhansová H, Kopecky J, Schild H, Kotsyfakis M, Schmitt E#, Bopp T# (2015). Tick salivary Sialostatin L represses the initiation of immune responses by targeting IRF4-dependent transcription in murine mast cells. The Journal of Immunology, 195(2):621-631. (I.F.: 5.4)

34. Lieskovská J, Palenikova J, Langhansova H, Chagas AC, Calvo E, Kotsyfakis M, Kopecky J (2015). Tick sialostatins L and L2 differentially influence dendritic cell responses to Borrelia spirochetes. Parasit Vectors 8(1):275. (I.F.: 3.9)

33. Kotsyfakis M*†, Kopacek P*, Franta Z, Pedra JHF, Ribeiro JMC (2015). Deep sequencing analysis of the Ixodes ricinus haemocytome. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 9(5):e0003754. (I.F.: 4.8)

32. Kotsyfakis M†, Schwarz A, Erhart J, Ribeiro JMC (2015). Tissue- and time-dependent transcription in Ixodes ricinus salivary glands and midguts when blood feeding on the vertebrate host. Sci Rep. 5:9103. (I.F.: 5)

31. Palenikova J, Lieskovska J, Langhansova H, Kotsyfakis M, Chmelar J, Kopecky J (2015). Ixodes ricinus salivary serpin IRS-2 affects Th17 differentiation via inhibition of IL-6/STAT-3 signaling pathway. Infect Immun. 83(5):1949-1956. (I.F.: 3.4)

30. Lieskovska J, Palenikova J, Sirmarova J, Elsterova J, Kotsyfakis M, Campos Chagas A, Calvo E, Ruzek D, Kopecky J (2015). Tick salivary cystatin sialostatin L2 suppresses IFN responses in mouse dendritic cells. Parasite Immunol. 37(2):70-78. (I.F.: 2.2)

29. Waisberg M, Molina-Cruz A, Mizurini DM, Gera N, Sousa BC, Ma D, Leal AC, Gomes T, Kotsyfakis M, Ribeiro JMC, Lukszo J, Reiter K, Porcella S, Oliveira CJ, Monteiro RQ, Barillas-Mury, Pierce SK, Francischetti IMB (2014). Plasmodium sp infection induces expression of a mosquito salivary protein (Agaphelin) that targets neutrophil function and inhibits thrombosis without impairing hemostasis. PLoS Pathogens, 10(9):e1004338. (I.F.: 7.5)

28. Schwarz A*, Tenzer S*, Hackenberg M, Erhart J, Gerhold-Ay A, Mazur J, Kuharev J, Ribeiro JMC#, Kotsyfakis M#† (2014). A systems level analysis reveals transcriptomic and proteomic complexity in Ixodes ricinus midgut and salivary glands during early attachment and feeding. Molecular and Cellular Proteomics, 13(10):2725-2735. (I.F.: 7.4)

27. Chen G*, Wang X*, Severo MS, Sakhon OS, Sohail M, Brown L, Sircar M, Snyder G, Sundberg E, Ulland TK, Olivier AK, Andersen JF, Zhou Y, Shi GP, Sutterwala FS , Kotsyfakis M, Pedra JHF (2014). Sialostatin L2 inhibits caspase-1-mediated inflammation during Anaplasma phagocytophilum infection. Infect Immun. 82(6):2553-2564. Selected by the editors as a Spotlight of the issue. (I.F.: 3.4)

26. Bizzarro B, Barros MS, Maciel C, Gueroni DI, Campopiano J, Kotsyfakis M, Amarante-Mendes GP, Calvo E, Capurro ML, Sá-Nunes A (2013). Effects of Aedes aegypti salivary components on dendritic cell and lymphocyte biology. Parasit Vectors 6(1):329. (I.F.: 3.9)

25. Ma D, Mizurini DM, Assumpção TCF, Li Y, Qi Y, Kotsyfakis M, Ribeiro JMC, Monteiro RQ, Francischetti IMB (2013). Desmolaris, a novel Factor XIa anticoagulant from the salivary gland of the vampire bat (Desmodus rotundus) inhibits inflammation and thrombosis. Blood 122(25):4094-4106. (I.F.: 25.5)

24. Schwarz A, von Reumont BM, Erhart J, Chagas AC, Ribeiro JMC#, Kotsyfakis M# (2013). De novo Ixodes ricinus salivary transcriptome analysis using two different next generation sequencing methodologies. The FASEB Journal 27(12):4745-4756. (I.F.: 5.8)

23. Valdes JJ, Schwarz A, Cabeza de Vaca I, Calvo E, Pedra JHF, Guallar V#, Kotsyfakis M# (2013). Tryptogalinin is a tick Kunitz serine protease inhibitor with a unique intrinsic disorder. PLoS One 8(5):e62562. (I.F.: 3.2)

22. Chen G, Severo MS, Sohail M, Sakhon OS, Wikel SK, Kotsyfakis M, Pedra JH (2012). Ixodes scapularis saliva mitigates inflammatory cytokine secretion during Anaplasma phagocytophilum stimulation of immune cells. Parasit Vectors 5(1):229. (I.F.: 3.9)

21. Collin N*, Assumpção TCF*, Mizurini DM, Gilmore D, Dutra-Oliveira A, Kotsyfakis M, Sá-Nunes A, Teixeira C, Ribeiro JMC, Monteiro RQ, Valenzuela JG, Francischetti IMB (2012). Lufaxin, a novel Factor Xa inhibitor from the salivary gland of the sand fly Lutzomyia longipalpis, blocks PAR2 activation and inhibits inflammation and thrombosis in vivo. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 32(9):2185-2198. (I.F.: 10.5)

20. Chen G, Severo MS, Sakhon OS, Choy A, Herron MJ, Felsheim RF, Wiryawan H, Liao J, Johns JL, Munderloh UG, Sutterwala FS, Kotsyfakis M, Pedra JHF (2012). Anaplasma phagocytophilum LPDA1 affects host-derived immunopathology during microbial colonization. Infect Immun. 80(9):3194-3205. (I.F.: 3.4)

19. Ronca R*, Kotsyfakis M*, Lombardo F*, Rizzo C, Curra C, Ponzi M, Fiorentino G, Ribeiro JMC and Arca B (2012). The Anopheles gambiae cE5, a tight- and fast-binding thrombin inhibitor with post-transcriptionally regulated salivary-restricted expression. Insect Biochem Mol Biol. 42(9):610-620. (I.F.: 4.7)

18. Rodrigues J, Oliveira GA, Kotsyfakis M, Dixit R, Molina-Cruz A, Jochim R, Barillas-Mury C (2012). An epithelial serine protease, AgESP, is required for Plasmodium invasion in the mosquito Anopheles gambiae. PLoS One 7(4):e35210. (I.F.: 3.2)

17. Tsujimoto H, Kotsyfakis M, Francischetti IM, Eum JH, Strand MR, Champagne DE (2012). Simukunin from the salivary glands of the black fly Simulium vittatum inhibits enzymes that regulate clotting and inflammatory responses. PLoS One 7(2):e29964. (I.F.: 3.2)

16. Horka H*, Staudt V*, Klein M*, Taube C, Reuter S, Dehzad N, Andersen JF, Kopecky J, Schild H, Kotsyfakis M, Hoffmann M, Gerlitzki B, Stassen M, Bopp T, Schmitt E (2012). The tick salivary protein sialostatin L inhibits the Th9-derived production of the asthma-promoting cytokine IL-9 and is effective in the prevention of experimental asthma. J Immunol. 188(6):2669-2676. (I.F.: 5.4)

15. Francischetti IM, Oliveira CJ, Ostera GR, Yager SB, Debierre-Grockiego F, Carregaro V, Jaramillo-Gutierrez G, Hume JC, Jiang L, Moretz SE, Lin CK, Ribeiro JM, Long CA, Vickers BK, Schwarz RT, Seydel KB, Iacobelli M, Ackerman HC, Srinivasan P, Gomes RB, Wang X, Monteiro RQ, Kotsyfakis M, Sá-Nunes A, Waisberg M (2012). Defibrotide interferes with several steps of the coagulation inflammation cycle and exhibits therapeutic potential to treat severe malaria. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 32(3):786-798. (I.F.: 10.5)

14. Calvo E, Mizurini DM, Sá-Nunes A, Ribeiro JMC, Andersen JF, Mans BJ, Monteiro RQ, Kotsyfakis M, Francischetti IMB (2011). Alboserpin, a Factor Xa inhibitor from the mosquito vector of Yellow Fever, binds heparin and membrane phospholipids and exhibits antithrombotic activity. J Biol Chem. 286(32):27998-28010. (I.F.: 5.5)

13. Chmelar J, Oliveira CJ, Rezacova P, Francischetti IMB, Kovarova Z, Pejler G, Kopacek P, Ribeiro JMC, Mares M, Kopecky J and Kotsyfakis M† (2011). A tick salivary protein targets cathepsin G and chymase and inhibits host inflammation and platelet aggregation. Blood 117(3):736-744. Cover of the issue. (I.F.: 25.5)

12. Kotsyfakis M, Horka H, Salat J, Andersen JF (2010). The crystal structures of two salivary cystatins from the tick Ixodes scapularis and the effect of these inhibitors on the establishment of Borrelia burgdorferi infection in a murine model. Mol Microbiol. 77(2):456-470. (I.F.: 3.8)

11. Salat J, Paesen GC, Rezacova P, Kotsyfakis M, Kovarova Z, Sanda M, Majtan J, Grunclova L, Horka H, Andersen JF, Brynda J, Horn M, Nunn MA, Kopacek P, Kopecky J, Mares M (2010). Crystal structure and functional characterisation of an immunomodulatory salivary cystatin from the soft tick Ornithodoros moubata. Biochem J. 429(1):103-112. (I.F.: 3.5)

10. Francischetti IMB, Kotsyfakis M, Andersen JF, Lukszo J (2010). Cyr61/CCN1 displays high-affinity binding to the Somatomedin B 1–44 domain of Vitronectin. PLoS One 5(2):e9356. (I.F.: 3.2)

9. Calvo E, Sanchez-Vargas I, Kotsyfakis M, Favreau AJ, Barbian KD, Pham VM, Olson KE, Ribeiro JMC (2010). The salivary gland transcriptome of the eastern treehole mosquito, Ochlerotatus triseriatus. J Med Entomol. 47(3):376-386. (I.F.: 2.3)

8. Sá-Nunes A, Bafica A, Antonelli LRV, Choi EY, Francischetti IMB, Andersen JF, Shi GP, Chavakis T, Ribeiro JMC, Kotsyfakis M† (2009). Sialostatin L inhibits antigen specific T cell proliferation and ameliorates experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. J Immunol. 182(12):7422-7429. (I.F.: 5.4)
Publication of research articles in international peer-reviewed journals prior to 2009 (as a postdoc and PhD student, † corresponding author)

7. Francischetti IMB, Meng Z, Mans BJ, Gudderra N, Hall M, Veenstra TD, Pham VM, Kotsyfakis M, Ribeiro JMC (2008). An insight into the salivary transcriptome and proteome of the soft tick and vector of epizootic bovine abortion, Ornithodoros coriaceus. J Proteomics. 71(5):493-512. (I.F.: 4)

6. Kotsyfakis M†, Anderson JM, Andersen JF, Calvo E, Francischetti IMB, Mather TN, Valenzuela JG, Ribeiro JMC (2008). Immunity against a 'silent' salivary antigen of the Lyme vector Ixodes scapularis impairs its ability to feed. J Immunol. 181(8):5209-5212. Cutting Edge Article. (I.F.: 5.4)

5. Kotsyfakis M, Karim S, Andersen JF, Mather TN, Ribeiro JMC (2007). Selective cysteine protease inhibition contributes to blood feeding success of the tick Ixodes scapularis. J Biol Chem. 282(5):29256-29263. (I.F.: 5.5)

4. Kotsyfakis M, Sá-Nunes A, Francischetti IMB, Mather TN, Andersen JF, Ribeiro JMC (2006). Antiinflammatory and immunosuppressive activity of sialostatin L, a salivary cystatin from the tick Ixodes scapularis. J Biol Chem. 281(36):26298-26307. (I.F.: 5.5)

3. Kotsyfakis M, Vontas J, Siden-Kiamos I, Louis C (2005). The annexin gene family in the malaria mosquito Anopheles gambiae. Insect Mol Biol. 14(5):555-562. (I.F.: 3.4)

2. Kotsyfakis M, Ehret-Sabatier L, Siden-Kiamos I, Mendoza J, Sinden RE, Louis C (2005). Plasmodium berghei ookinetes bind to Anopheles gambiae and Drosophila melanogaster annexins. Mol Microbiol. 57(1):171-179. (I.F.: 3.8)

1. Spanos L, Koutroumbas G, Kotsyfakis M, Louis C (2000). The mitochondrial genome of the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata. Insect Mol Biol. 9(4):139-144. (I.F.: 3.4)

IC. Publication of review articles in international peer-reviewed journals

(* equal contribution, † corresponding author)

22. Abbas MN, Jmel MA, Mekki I, Dijkgraaf I, Kotsyfakis M† (2023). Recent advances in tick antigen discovery and anti-tick vaccine development. Int J Mol Sci. 24(5):4969 (I.F.: 6.2)

21. Jmel MA, Voet H, Araújo RN, Tirloni L, Sá-Nunes A, Kotsyfakis M† (2023). Tick salivary Kunitz-type inhibitors: targeting host hemostasis and immunity to mediate successful blood feeding. Int J Mol Sci. 24(2):1556. (I.F.: 6.2)

20. Abbas MN, Chlastáková A, Jmel MA, Iliaki-Giannakoudaki E, Chmelař J, Kotsyfakis M† (2022). Serpins in tick physiology and tick-host Interaction. Front Cell Infect Microbiol. 12:892770. (I.F.: 6.1)

19. Jmel MA, Aounallah H, Bensaoud C, Mekki I, Chmelař J, Faria F, M'ghirbi Y, Kotsyfakis M† (2021). Insights into the role of tick salivary protease inhibitors during ectoparasite-host crosstalk. Int J Mol Sci. 22(2):892. (I.F.: 6.2)

18. Ahmad P, Bensaoud C, Mekki I, Rehman MU, Kotsyfakis M† (2021). Long non-coding RNAs and their potential roles in the vector-host-pathogen triad. Life (Basel). 11(1):56. (I.F.: 3.3)

17. Bensaoud C, Martins LA, Aounallah H, Hackenberg M, Kotsyfakis M† (2020). Emerging roles of non-coding RNAs in vector-borne infections. J Cell Sci. 134(5): jcs246744. (I.F.: 5.3)

16. Martins LA, Bensaoud C, Kotál J, Chmelař J, Kotsyfakis M† (2020). Tick salivary gland transcriptomics and proteomics. Parasite Immunol. 43(5):e12807. (I.F.: 2.2)

15. Aounallah H, Bensaoud C, M'ghirbi Y, Faria F, Chmelar J, Kotsyfakis M† (2020). Tick salivary compounds for targeted immunomodulatory therapy. Front Immunol. 11:583845. (I.F.: 8.8)

14. Martins LA, Kotál J, Bensaoud C, Chmelař J, Kotsyfakis M† (2020). Small protease inhibitors in tick saliva and salivary glands and their role in tick-host-pathogen interactions. Biochim Biophys Acta Proteins Proteom. 1868(2):140336. (I.F.: 4.1)

13. Bensaoud C, Hackenberg M, Kotsyfakis M† (2019). Noncoding RNAs in parasite-vector-host interactions. (Most read article in Trends in Parasitology) Trends Parasitol. 35(9):715-724. (I.F.: 10.5)

12. Chmelař J, Kotál J, Kovaříková A, Kotsyfakis M† (2019). The use of tick salivary proteins as novel therapeutics. Front Physiol. 10:812. (I.F.: 4.8)

11. Oliva Chavez AS, O’Neal AJ, Santambrogio L, Kotsyfakis M, Pedra JH (2019). Message in a vesicle: transkingdom communication at the vector-host Interface. J Cell Sci. 132(6). pii: jcs224212. (I.F.: 5.3)

10. Hackenberg M, Kotsyfakis M† (2018). Exosome-mediated pathogen transmission by arthropod vectors. Trends Parasitol. 34(7):549-552. (I.F.: 10.5)

9. Chmelař J, Kotál J, Langhansová H, Kotsyfakis M† (2017). Protease inhibitors in tick saliva: the role of serpins and cystatins in tick-host-pathogen Interaction. Front Cell Infect Microbiol. 7:216. (I.F.: 6.1)

8. Chmelař J, Kotál J, Kopecky J, Pedra JH, Kotsyfakis M† (2016). All for one and one for all on the tick-host battlefield. Trends Parasitol. 32(5):368-377. (I.F.: 10.5)

7. Shaw D, Kotsyfakis M, Pedra JH (2016). For whom the bell Tolls (and Nods): Spit-acular saliva. Curr Trop Med Rep. 3(2):40-50. (I.F.: 1.2)

6. Chmelař J, Kotál J, Karim S, Kopacek P, Francischetti IMB, Pedra JH, Kotsyfakis M† (2016). Sialomes and mialomes: a systems biology view of tick tissues and tick-host interactions. Trends Parasitol. 32(3):242-254. (I.F.: 10.5)

5. Kotál J, Langhansová H, Lieskovská J, Andersen JF, Francischetti IM, Chavakis T, Kopecký J, Pedra JH, Kotsyfakis M*†, Chmelař J* (2015). Modulation of host immunity by tick saliva. J Proteomics 128:58-68. (I.F.: 4)

4. Sakhon OS, Severo MS, Kotsyfakis M, Pedra JHF (2013). A Nod to disease vectors: mitigation of pathogen sensing by arthropod saliva. Frontiers in Microbiology 4, Article 308:1-14. (I.F.: 6.1)

3. Schwarz A, Valdes J, Kotsyfakis M† (2012). The role of cystatins in tick physiology and blood feeding. Ticks Tick Borne Dis. 3(3):117-127. (I.F.: 3.8)

2. Severo MS, Stephens KD, Kotsyfakis M, Pedra JH (2012). Anaplasma phagocytophilum: deceptively simple or simply deceptive? Future Microbiol. 7(6):719-731. (I.F.: 3.2)

1. Chmelar J, Calvo E, Pedra JH, Francischetti IM, Kotsyfakis M† (2012). Tick salivary secretion as a source of antihemostatics. J Proteomics 75(13):3842-3854. (I.F.: 4)

ID. Book

Kotsyfakis M. Editorial: Special Issue on the 'Molecular Biology of Disease Vectors'. Int J Mol Sci. 2023 Feb 2;24(3):2881.

Related Book: Michail Kotsyfakis (Ed.) 2023: Molecular Biology of Disease Vectors. MDPI, Basel, 202 pp., ISBN 978-3-0365-6697-9 (Hbk); ISBN 978-3-0365-6696-2 (PDF).

IE. Book chapters

(† corresponding author)

4. Shaw DK, McClure EE, Kotsyfakis M, Pedra JHF (2017). Tick saliva and microbial effector molecules: two sides of the same coin. In Wikel Sk, Aksoy S, Dimopoulos G. (Ed.) Arthropod Vector: Controller of Disease Transmission, Volume 2, Academic Press, 2017, p. 169-194. ISBN:978-0-12-805360-7.

3. Horka H, Chagas AC, Andersen JF, Kopecky J, Kotsyfakis M† (2012). Tick saliva-mediated immunomodulation of the vertebrate host. In Woldemeskel M. (Ed.) Ticks: Management, Disease Control and the Environment, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2012, p. 19-36. ISBN:978-1-62081-136-8.

2. Sojka D, Francischetti IMB, Calvo E, Kotsyfakis M† (2011). Cysteine proteases from bloodfeeding arthropod ectoparasites. In: Robinson MW, Dalton JP (Eds.). Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 712: Cysteine proteases of pathogenic organisms. Landes Bioscience and Springer, 2011, p. 177-187. ISBN:978-1-4419-8413-5. (I.F.: 2.6)

1. Chmelar J, Francischetti IMB, Kotsyfakis M† (2010). Salivary protease inhibitors with non anti-hemostatic functions. In: Kini RM, McLane MA, Clemetson K, Markland FS, Morita T (Eds.). Toxins and Hemostasis: From Bench to Bedside. Springer, 2010, p. 153-164. ISBN:978-90-481-9294-6.

IF. Miscellaneous publication of research articles in international peer-reviewed journals

(† corresponding author)

6. de la Fuente J, Kotsyfakis S, Iliaki-Giannakoudaki E, Anagnostopoulos A, Papadokostaki E, Giannakoudakis K, Goumenakis M, Kotsyfakis M† (2022). The application of machine learning to imaging in hematological oncology: A scoping review. Front Oncol. 12:1080988. (I.F.: 5.7)

5. de la Fuente J, Armas O, Sánchez-Rodríguez L, Gortázar C, Lukashev AN; COVID-BCG Collaborative Working Group (2021). Citizen science initiative points at childhood BCG vaccination as a risk factor for COVID-19. Transbound Emerg Dis. 68(6):3114-3119. (I.F.: 4.5)

4. Kotsyfakis M†, Patelarou E (2019). MicroRNAs as biomarkers of harmful environmental and occupational exposures: a systematic review. Biomarkers 24(7): 623-630. (I.F.: 2.7)

3. Kotsyfakis M†, Sarogiannis S, Patelarou E (2019). A systematic review of the health impact of Saharan dust exposure. International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health 32(6):749-760. (I.F.: 1.8)

2. Barturen G, Rueda A, Hamberg M, Alganza A, Lebron R, Kotsyfakis M, Shi BJ, Koppers-Lalic D, Hackenberg M (2014). sRNAbench: profiling of small RNAs and its sequence variants in single or multi-species high-throughput experiments. Methods in Next Generation Sequencing 1:21-31. (I.F.: pending)

1. Anagnostopoulos A, Mouzakiti N, Ruthven S, Herod J, Kotsyfakis M† (2013). Primary cervical and uterine corpus lymphoma; a case report and literature review. Int J Clin Exp Med. 6(4):298-306. (I.F.: 1.1)

IG. Patents

(† corresponding author)

3. Title: Composition comprising mirnas for use as a drug Patent Number: WO2018197736A2, (PCT/ES2018/070325) Patent Assignee: UNIVERSIDAD DE GRANADA, BIOLOGY CENTRE OF THE CZECH ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Inventors: Michail Kotsyfakis, Michael Hackenberg, Juan Antonio Marchal Corrales, Gonzalo Martinez Navaja, Houria Boulaiz Tassi.

2. Title: Inhibiting plasma coagulation and inhibiting elastase and/or cathepsin G in a subject, comprises administering an isolated simukunin polypeptide to the subject Patent Number: WO2012162611-A1 Patent Assignee: UNIV GEORGIA RES FOUND INC; US DEPT HEALTH&HUMAN SERVICES Inventors: Donald E. Champagne, Hitoshi Tsujimoto, Michail Kotsyfakis, Ivo Francischetti, Michael R. Strand.

1. Title: Detection of tick infestation comprises administering cystatin antigens and monitoring for inflammatory responses or pain responses indicating tick infestation, where cystatin polypeptide comprises specified peptide sequences Patent Number: WO2009017689-A2; WO2009017689-A3; US2010278752-A1 Patent Assignee: US DEPT HEALTH&HUMAN SERVICES; RHODE ISLAND HIGHER EDUCATION Inventors: Michail Kotsyfakis†, Jennifer Anderson, John Andersen, Shahid Karim, Jesus Valenzuela, Thomas Mather, José Ribeiro.


As of June 10th, 2024: WoS Citations: 3077 – h-index = 32; SCOPUS Citations: 3303 – h-index = 34; Google Scholar Citations: 4524 – h-index = 40

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