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Linda Grigoraki
Home > Research > Insects & Vector Borne diseases

Mosquito transmitted diseases are of global importance causing morbidity and mortality worldwide. The main way to prevent these diseases is through vector control. Insecticide-based vector control interventions have had impressive results, but are now threatened by the rising levels of insecticide resistance in mosquito populations. If we want to manage the problem of insecticide resistance we need to understand its genetic basis. Molecular and biochemical research has revealed several mechanisms associated with the phenotype of insecticide resistance, which is an important first step for designing mitigation strategies. Functional validation of the mechanisms has been achieved in some cases, however, the role of many candidate genes and genetic modifications remains elusive. We also lack critical knowledge on the effect size of each mechanism and how the different mechanisms interact to determine the intensity of the phenotype. My research focuses on the functional validation, through genetic engineering (Gal4-UAS system, CRISPR), of candidate genes and mutations in An. gambiae (the major vector of malaria) insecticide resistance, aiming to better understand the phenomenon and design more efficient management strategies. I am also interested in how insecticide resistance mechanisms affect the efficiency of volatile insecticides.