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Παντελής Τοπάλης (Κύριος ΕΛΕ - Βιοπληροφορική)
Αρχική > Έρευνα > Έντομα και Νόσοι Μεταδιδόμενες από Φορείς

Giorgio Papadopoulos

Facility Member

Giorgio Papadopoulos holds a degree in Molecular Biology from the University of Palermo and (almost) a PhD in Biology from the University of Crete.

His main scientific research focuses on the integrative analysis of Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) data to identify and characterize transcription factor (TF) regulatory networks and chromatin dynamics of lineage commitment and cellular differentiation processes during hematopoiesis.

Main areas of expertise include molecular biology, genomics, computational biology and bioinformatics.