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Παντελής Τοπάλης (Κύριος ΕΛΕ - Βιοπληροφορική)
Αρχική > Έρευνα > Έντομα και Νόσοι Μεταδιδόμενες από Φορείς

The Bioinformatics Support Group also provides robust web development solutions. We can develop the web presense of your research project or conference as we offer a complete solution for a website which includes domain registration, web hosting, email/mailing list(s) setup and website development.

Below you can find a brief listing of the features of the standard packages that we offer:

Static Website Research Project Conference Website
Domain Registration * * *
Email Setup * * *
Mailing Lists 1 2 10
Hosting 1 year Project's lifetime 2 years
Tech Support * * *
Pages 10 unlimited unlimited
Databases 2 4
Dynamic Content * *
Abstract Submission *
Registration Page *

Apart from these standard packages we can provide solutions for your custom web development needs as we support the following scripting languages: PHP, Ruby, JSP and Perl. For the content management we use Joomla and Wordpress. Contact us to define the specifications of your project in order to evaluate the work needed and the associated cost.

Our expert technical team has extensive experience in providing services in research programs. We offer web development services, maintenance and management applications, portals and websites.

Τhe Bioinformatics Support Group aims to offer an affordable and high quality solution to the IMBB researchers and the academic community. The revenues from these services are intended for the sustainability of the group and not to net profit.