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Panagiotis Sarris
Home > Research > Plant & Plant-Microbe Biology

Vassiliki A. Michalopoulou, Konstantinos Kotsaridis, Glykeria Mermigka, Dina Kotsifaki, Michael Kokkinidis, Patrick H. N. Celie, Jonathan D.G. Jones, View ORCID ProfilePanagiotis F. Sarris. (2021). The host exocyst complex is targeted by a conserved bacterial type III effector protein that promotes virulence. BioRxiv.

Mermigka G, Amartolou A, Mentzelopoulou A, Astropekaki N, Sarris PF. (2021). Assassination Tango: An NLR/NLR-ID immune receptors pair of rapeseed co-operates inside the nucleus to activate cell death. BioRxiv,

Sertedakis M, Kotsaridis K, Tsakiri D, Mermigka G, Dominguez-Ferreras A, Ntoukakis v, Sarris PF. (2021). Expression of putative effectors of different Xylella fastidiosa strains triggers cell death-like responses in various Nicotiana model plants. Mol Plant Pathol. doi: 10.1111/mpp.13147 (Impact Factor 2021: 5.663).

Christakis C, Daskalogiannis G, Chatzakis A, Markakis EA, Mermigka G, Sagia A, Rizzo GF, Catara C, Lagkouvardos I, Studholme DJ, and Sarris PF. (2021). Endophytic bacterial isolates from halophytes demonstrate phytopathogen biocontrol and plant growth promotion under high salinity. Frontiers in microbiology, 12:1–18 2021.

Andersen EJ, Nepal MP, Purintun JM, Nelson D, Mermigka G, and Sarris PF. (2020). Wheat Disease Resistance Genes and their Diversification through Integrated Domain Fusions. Frontiers in Genetics, 11:898, (Impact Factor 2019: 4.270).

Kioukis A, Michalopoulou VA, Briers L, Pirintsos S, Studholme DJ, Pavlidis P, Sarris PF. (2020). Intraspecific diversification of the crop wild relative Brassica cretica Lam. using demographic model selection. BMC Genomics, 14;21(1):48.

Mermigka G, Amprazi M, Mentzelopoulou A, Amartolou A, Sarris PF. (2020). Plant and Animal Innate Immunity Complexes: Fighting Different Enemies with Similar Weapons. Invited Review, Trends in Plant Science, 25(1), pp: 80-91.

Paschalidis K, Tsaniklidis G, Wang B-Q, Delis C, Trantas E, Loulakakis K, Makky M, Sarris PF, Ververidis F & Liu J-H (2019). The Interplay among Polyamines and Nitrogen in Plant Stress Responses. Plants, 8(9), pp:315

Mermiga G, Sarris PF. (2019). The Rice of plant Resistosomes. Invited Review, Trends in Immunology, 40(8), pp:670-673.

Mathioudakis MM, Khechmar S, Owen CA, Medina V, Mansour KB, Tomaszewska W, Spanos T, Sarris PF and Livieratos IC. (2018). A Thioredoxin Domain-Containing Protein Interacts with Pepino Mosaic Virus Triple Gene Block Protein 1. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 19(12), pp:3747

Ma Y, Guo H, Hu L, Martinez PP, Moschou PN, Cevik V, Ding P, Duxbury Z, Sarris PF and Jones JDG. (2018). Distinct modes of derepression of an Arabidopsis immune receptor complex by two different bacterial effectors. PNAS, 9, 115(41) pp:10218-10227

Michalopoulou VA, Vicente JG, Studholme DJ, and Sarris PF. (2018). Draft Genome Sequences of Pathotype Strains for Three Pathovars Belonging to Three Xanthomonas Species. Genome Announcements, 7:e00923-18.

Licciardello G, Caruso A, Bella P, Gheleri R, Strano CP, Anzalone A, Trantas EA, Sarris PF, Almeida NF and Catara V. (2018). The LuxR Regulators PcoR and RfiA Co-regulate Antimicrobial Peptide and Alginate Production in Pseudomonas
corrugata. Front. Microbiol. 23;9:521

Huh SU, Cevik V, Ding P, Duxbury D, Ma Y, Tomlinson L, Sarris PF and Jones JDG (2017). Protein-Protein Interactions in the RPS4/RRS1 Immune Receptor Complex. PLoS Pathogens, 13(5): e1006376.

Trantas EA, Mpalantinaki E, Pagoulatou M, Sarris PF, Ververidis F, Goumas DE. (2017). First report of bacterial apical necrosis of mango caused by Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae in Greece. Plant Disease. Vol 01(8), pp: 1541.

Duxbury Z, Ma Y, Furzer OJ, Huh SU, Cevik V, Jones JDG and Sarris PF. (2016). Pathogen perception by NLRs in plants and animals: Parallel worlds. BioEssays; 38(8):769-81.

Trantas AE, Sarris PF, E. Mpalantinaki, M. Papadimitriou, F. Ververidis, D. E. Goumas (2016). First Report of Xanthomonas hortorum pv. hederae Causing Bacterial Leaf Spot on Ivy in Greece. Plant Disease Vol. 100, Numb 10.

Sarris PF, Cevik V, Dagdas G, Jones JDG, Krasileva KV. (2016). Comparative analysis of plant immune receptor architectures uncovers host proteins likely targeted by pathogens. BMC Biology 19;14:8.

Trantas EA, Licciardello G, Almeida NF, Witek K, Strano CP, Duxbury Z, Ververidis F, Goumas DE, Jones JDG, Guttman DS, Catara V, Sarris PF. (2015). Comparative genomic analysis of multiple strains of two unusual plant pathogens: Pseudomonas corrugata and Pseudomonas mediterranea. Frontiers in Microbiology, 6:811.

Sarris PF and Jones DGJ (2015). Plant Immune Receptors Mimic Pathogen Virulence Targets. Oncotarget, Vol. 6 (19), 16824-16825.

Sarris PF, Duxbury Z, Huh SU, Ma Y, Segonzac C, Sklenar J, Derbyshire P, Cevik V, Rallapalli G, Saucet SB, Wirthmueller L, Menke FLH, Sohn KH and Jones JDG*. (2015). A plant immune receptor detects pathogen effectors that target WRKY transcription factors. Cell, 161, 1089–1100.

Saucet SB, Ma Y, Sarris PF, Furzer JO, Sohn KH, and Jones JD. (2015). Two linked pairs of Arabidopsis TNL resistance genes function independently to recognize bacterial effector AvrRps4. Nature Comm. Vol 6:6338, doi/10.1038/ncomms7338.

Licciardello G, Bella P, Devescovi G, Strano CP, Sarris PF, Catara AF, Venturi V, Catara V. (2014). Draft genome sequence of Pseudomonas mediterranea strain CFBP 5447, a producer of filmable medium-chain-length polyhydroxyalkanoates. Genome Announcements, Vol. 2, no.6 e01260-14.

Sohn KH, Segonzac C, Rallapalli G, Sarris PF, Woo J, Williams S, Peak K, Kobe B and Jones JD. (2014). The nuclear immune receptor RPS4 is required for RRS1SLH1-induced defense activation in Arabidopsis thaliana. PLoS Genetics, 10(10): e1004655.

Sarris PF, Ladoukakis M, Panopoulos NJ, Scoulica EV. (2014). A phage tail-derived element with wide distribution among both prokaryotic domains. A comparative genomic and phylogenetic study. Genome Biology and Evolution, 6(7), pp: 1739-1747.

Trantas EA, Sarris PF, Pentari MG, Mpalantinaki EE, Ververidis FN and Goumas DE. (2014). Diversity among Pseudomonas corrugata and Pseudomonas mediterranea isolated from tomato and pepper showing symptoms of pith necrosis in Greece. Plant Pathology, Doi: 10.1111/ppa.12261.

Williams SJ, Sohn KH, Wan L, Bernoux M, Sarris PF, Segonzac C, Ve T, Ma Y, Saucet SB, Ericsson DJ, Casey LW, Lonhienne T, Winzor DJ, Zhang X, Coerdt A, Parker JE, Dodds PN, Kobe B, Jones JDG. (2014). Structural Basis for Assembly and Function of a Heterodimeric Plant Immune Receptor. Science, Vol. 344 no. 6181 pp. 299-303.

Trantas EA, Sarris PF, Mpalantinaki E, Ververidis F and Goumas DE. (2013). A new genomovar of Pseudomonas cichorii, a causal agent of tomato pith necrosis. Eur J Plant Pathol. doi 10.1007/s10658-013-0258-8.

Sarris PF, Trantas E, Baltrus D, Bull C, Wechter E, Yan S, Ververidis F, Jones C, Dangl J, Panopoulos N, Vinatzer B, Goumas D. (2013). Comparative genomics of multiple strains of Pseudomonas cannabina pv. alisalensis, a potential model pathogen of both Monocots and Dicots. PLoS ONE, 8(3): e59366.

Gazi AD, Sarris PF, Fadouloglou VE, Charova SN, Mathioudakis N, Panopoulos NJ and Kokkinidis M. (2012). Phylogenetic analysis of a gene cluster encoding an additional, rhizobial-like type III secretion system that is narrowly distributed among Pseudomonas syringae strains. BMC Microbiology, 12, pp: 188.

Skandalis N, Sarris PF and Panopoulos NJ. (2012). Targeting injectisomes of virulence: Benefits of 30 years of research on bacterial secretion systems, to crop protection. HPPJ, Vol. 5(2), pp. 31-47.

Sarris PF, E. A. Trantas, F. Ververidis, S. E. Gouma, D. E. Goumas. (2012). First report of Pseudomonas viridiflava causing a bacterial blight of artichoke bract leaves. Plant Disease, Vol. 96(8), pp: 1223.2.

Sarris PF, Trantas MA, Mpalantinaki E, Ververidis F, Goumas DE. (2012). Pseudomonas viridiflava, a multi host plant pathogen with remarkable genetic polymorphism. PLoS ONE, 7(4): e36090. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0036090.

Sarris PF, Trantas E.A., M. Pagoulatou, D. Stavrou, F. Ververidis, D.E. Goumas. (2011). First report of potato blackleg caused by a new clade of biovar 3 Dickeya sp. (Pectobacterium chrysanthemi) in Greece. New Disease Reports 24, 21. [doi:10.5197/j.2044-0588.2011.024.021].

Sarris PF and Scoulica E. (2011). Pseudomonas entomophila & Pseudomonas mendocina: Potential models for studying the bacterial Type VI Secretion System. Infection, Genetics and Evolution, 11(6), pp: 1352-60.

Sarris PF, Karademiris K, Gao S, Jin H, Kalantidis K and Panopoulos NJ. (2011). Phytobacterial Type III Effectors Enhance Plant Sense-Post Transcriptional Gene Silencing Independently of R Gene-Effector Recognition. Molecular Plant Microbe Interactions, 24(8), pp: 907-17.

Sarris PF, Zoumadakis C, Panopoulos NJ and Scoulica E. (2011). Distribution of the putative type VI secretion system core genes in Klebsiella spp. Infection Genetics and Evolution, 11, pp: 157–166.

Sarris PF, Karri VI, Goumas DE. (2010). First report of Pseudomonas syringae pv. alisalensis causing bacterial blight of arugula (Eruca vesicaria subsp. sativa) in Greece. New Disease Reports, 22, 22. doi:10.5197/j.2044-0588.2010.022.022.

Tampakaki AP, Skandalis N, Bastaki MN, Gazi AD, Sarris PF, Charova SN, Kokkinidis M, Panopoulos NJ. (2010). Playing the “Harp”: Evolution of our understanding of hrp/hrc genes. Annual Reviews of Phytopathology, Vol. 48, pp: 347-370.

Sarris PF, Skandalis N, Kokkinidis M. and Panopoulos NJ. (2010). In silico analysis for Pseudomonas syringae putative type VI secretion system and effector proteins. Molecular Plant Pathology, 11(6), pp: 795-804.

Moschou PN, Sarris PF, Skandalis N, Andriopoulou AH, Paschalidis KA, Panopoulos NJ, and Roubelakis-Angelakis KA. (2009). Engineered polyamine catabolism preinduces tolerance of tobacco to bacteria and oomycetes. Plant Physiology, 149, pp: 1970–1981.

Sarris PF, Abdelhalim M, Kitner M, Skandalis N, Panopoulos NJ, Doulis AG and Lebeda A. (2009). Molecular polymorphism between populations of Pseudoperonospora cubensis from Greece and the Czech Republic and their phytopathological and phylogenetic implications. Plant Pathology, 58, pp: 933-943.

Book Chapters

Sarris PF*, Trantas EA, Skandalis N, Tampakaki AP, Kapanidou M, Kokkinidis M, and Panopoulos NJ*. (2011). Phytobacterial Type VI Secretion System: Gene Distribution, Phylogeny, Structure and Biological Functions. Invited Book chapter. “Plant Pathology Book” (InTech - an Open Access publisher: ISBN 978-953-51-0489-6). *Corresponding Authors.

Charova SN, Gazi AD, Kotzabasaki M, Sarris PF, Fadouloglou VE, Panopoulos NJ, Kokkinidis M. (2011). Protein Flexibility and Coiled-coil propensity: New Insights into Type III and other Bacterial Secretion Systems. Invited Book chapter. “Biochemistry Book 1” (InTech ‐ an Open Access publisher: ISBN 979-953-307-484-8).
