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Despina Alexandraki
Home > Research > Gene Regulation & Epigenetics

1. Alexandraki D. and Ruderman J. V. (1981) Sequence heterogeneity, multiplicity and organization of a- and ß-tubulin genes in sea urchins. Molec. Cell. Biol. 1, 1125-1137.

2. Ruderman J. V. and Alexandraki D. (1983) Organization and expression of the tubulin gene families in the sea urchin. J. Submicrosc. Cytol. 15, 349-352. (Paper presented at the International Conference on Development and Function in Cilia and Flagella, Siena, Italy, July 1982)

3. Alexandraki D. and Ruderman J. V. (1983) Evolution of a- and ß-tubulin genes as inferred by the nucleotide sequences of sea urchin cDNA clones. J. Molec. Evol. 19, 397-410.

4. Alexandraki D. and Ruderman J. V. (1985) Multiple polymorphic a- and ß-tubulin mRNAs are present in sea urchin eggs. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 82, 134-138.

5. Alexandraki D. and Ruderman J. V. (1985) Expression of a- and ß-tubulin genes during development of sea urchin embryos. Develop. Biol. 109, 436-451.

6. Tzamarias D., Alexandraki D. and Thireos G. (1986) Multiple cis-acting elements modulate the translational efficiency of GCN4 mRNA in yeast. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 83, 4849-4853.

7. Oliver S. G., ...Alexandraki D., ...Galland P., ...Thireos G., Tzermia M., ...and Sgouros J. G. (1992) The complete DNA sequence of yeast chromosome III. Nature 357, 38-46.

8. Tzermia M., Horaitis O. and Alexandraki D. (1994) The complete sequencing of a 24.6 kb segment of yeast chromosome XI identified the known loci URA1, SAC1 and TRP3, and revealed 6 new open reading frames including homologues to the threonine dehydratases, membrane transporters, hydantoinases and the phospholipase A2-activating protein. Yeast 10, 663-679.

9. Alexandraki D. and Tzermia M. (1994). Sequencing of a 13.2 kb segment next to the left telomere of yeast chromosome XI revealed five open reading frames and recent recombination events with the right arms of chromosomes III and V. Yeast 10, S81-S91.

10. Georgatsou E. and Alexandraki D. (1994) Two distinctly regulated genes are required for ferric reduction, the first step of iron uptake in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Molec. Cell. Biol. 14, 3065-3073.

11. Dujon B., ...Alexandraki D., ...Horaitis O., ...Tzermia M.,... and Becker I. (1994) The complete DNA sequence of chromosome XI of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (666 kb). Nature 369, 371-378.

12. Galibert F., Alexandraki D.,...Katsoulou C.,...Tzermia M.,..and Karpfinger-Hartl L. (1996) Complete nucleotide sequence of Saccharomyces cerevisiae chromosome X. EMBO J. 15, 2031-2049.

13. Katsoulou C., Tzermia M., Tavernarakis N. and Alexandraki D. (1996) Sequence analysis of a 40.7 kb segment from the left arm of yeast chromosome X reveals 14 known genes and 13 new open reading frames including homologues of genes clustered on the right arm of chromosome XI. Yeast 12, 787-797.

14. Tavernarakis N., Alexandraki D., Liodis P., Tzamarias D. and Thireos G. (1996) Gene overexpression reveals alternative mechanisms that induce GCN4 mRNA translation. Gene 179, 271-277.

15. Georgatsou E., Mavrogiannis L. A., Fragiadakis G. S. and Alexandraki D. (1997) The yeast Fre1p/Fre2p cupric reductases facilitate copper uptake and are regulated by the copper-modulated Mac1p activator. J. Biol. Chem. 272, 13786-13792.

16. Tzermia M., Katsoulou C. and Alexandraki D. (1997) Sequence Analysis of a 33.2 kb Segment from the Left Arm of Yeast Chromosome XV Reveals 8 Known Genes and 10 New Open Reading Frames Including Homologues of ABC Transporters, Inositol Phosphatases and Human ESTs. Yeast 13, 583-589.

17. Dujon, B., ...Alexandraki, D.,...Katsoulou, C.,...Tzermia,...and Kleine, K. (1997). The complete nucleotide sequence of Saccharomyces cerevisiae chromosome XV. Nature 387 (Supp.), 98-102.

18. Goffeau A., … Alexandraki D., … Horaitis O., … Thireos G. … Tzermia M,… (1997) The yeast genome directory. Nature 387 (suppl.).

19. Voutsina A., Riva M., Carles C. and Alexandraki D. (1999) Sequence divergence of the RNA polymerase shared subunit ABC14.5 (Rpb8) affects selectively the RNA polymerase III assembly in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Nucl. Acids Res. 27, 1047-1055.

20. Georgatsou E. and Alexandraki D. (1999) Regulated Expression of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Fre1p/Fre2p Fe/Cu Reductase Related Genes. Yeast 15, 573-584.

21. Voutsina A., Fragiadakis G. S., Boutla A. and Alexandraki D. (2001) The second cysteine-rich domain of Mac1p is a potent transactivator that modulates DNA binding efficiency and functionality of the protein. FEBS Lett. 494, 38-43.

22. Georgakopoulos T., Koutroubas G., Vakonakis I., Tzermia M., Prokova V. Voutsina A. and Alexandraki D. (2001) Functional analysis of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae YFR021w/ YGR223c/YPL100w ORF family suggests relations to mitochondrial/peroxisomal functions and amino acid signaling pathways. Yeast 18, 1155-1171.

23. Fragiadakis G.S., Tzamarias D. and Alexandraki D. (2004) Nhp6 facilitates Aft1 binding and Ssn6 recruitment both essential for FRE2 transcriptional activation. EMBO J. 23, 333-342.

24. Andreadis C, Nikolaou C, Fragiadakis GS, Tsiliki G, Alexandraki D. (2014) Rad9 interacts with Aft1 to facilitate genome surveillance in fragile genomic sites under non-DNA damage-inducing conditions in S. cerevisiae. Nucleic Acids Res 42(20): 12650-67.

25. Mara P., Fragiadakis G.S., Gkountromichos F. and Alexandraki D. (2018) The pleiotropic effects of the glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) pathway in S. cerevisiae. Microbial Cell Factories, 17: 170.

26. Voutsina, A., Fragiadakis, G.S, Gkouskou, K., Alexandraki, D. (2019) Synergy of Hir1, Ssn6 and Snf2 global regulators is the functional determinant of a Mac1 transcriptional switch in S. cerevisiae copper homeostasis. Current Genetics Jan 28. doi: 10.1007/s00294-019-00935-5.

27. Gkouskou, K., Fragiadakis, G.S., Voutsina, A., Alexandraki, D. (2019) Distinct associations of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Rad9 protein link Mac1-regulated transcription to DNA repair. Current Genetics 2019 Nov 29. doi: 10.1007/s00294-019-01047-w. [Epub ahead of print]


1. Alexandraki D. (1997) Scientific Editor for the translation in Greek of the book: “A Genetic Switch, Phage λ and Higher Organisms” by Mark Ptashne,1992, Blackwell Scientific Publications & Cell Press (Translation by C. E. Kazlaris, University Press of Crete)

2. Alexandraki D. (2019) Scientific Εditor (and translator of a few chapters) for the translation in Greek of the book: Developmental Biology, Eleventh Edition, SINAUER, by Scott F. Gilbert and Michael J. F. Barresi / (University Press of Crete)

3. Contribution to translation in Greek and /or Editing of book chapters in:

-Recombinant DNA: J. D. Watson, J. A. Witkowski, R. M. Myers, A. A. Caudy, (W.H. Freeman, 3rd edition) (Academic Publications J. Basdra & Co.) (2007)

-Essential Developmental Biology, J.M.W. Slack, (Wiley-Blackwell, 2nd and 3rd editions) (Academic Publications J. Basdra & Co.) (2014)

-Genetics: From Genes to Genomes, L Hartwell, L. Hood, M. Goldberg, A.E.Reynolds, L. Silver, (McGraw-Hill, 4th edition) (UTOPIA Publishing) (2014)

-The Cell: A molecular approach, G.M. Cooper and R.E. Haussman, (SINAUER, 6th and 7th editions) (Academic Publications J. Basdra & Co.) (2016)

-Epigenetics: Lyle Armstrong, Garland Science, 2020, Crete University Press.


Alexandraki D. (2002) From DNA Sequence to Function, in Genome Sequencing and Comparative Analysis Eds A. S. Tsaftaris & A. N. Polidoros, pp 133-158.


1. Alexandraki, D., and Ruderman, J. V. (1979). Isolation and characterization of cDNA clones encoding sea urchin α- and β- tubulins. J. Cell. Biol. 83, 342a. Cell Biology Meetings, Toronto, Canada, November 1979. [Oral presentation]

2. Alexandraki, D., and Ruderman, J. V. Analysis of tubulin genes and transcripts in the sea urchins by the use of cloned cDNA and genomic tubulin sequences. Symposium on Organization and Expression of the Genes for Tubulins, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA, USA, July 1981. [Oral presentation]

3. Alexandraki, D., and Ruderman, J. V. Organization and expression of tubulin gene families in the sea urchin. The 41st Annual Symposium of the Society for Developmental Biology on Gene Structure and Regulation in Development, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA, June 1982. [Oral presentation]

4. Alexandraki, D. Organization and expression of α- and β-tubulin genes in the sea urchin Lytechinus pictus. Symposium on Developmental Biology of the Sea Urchin Embryo, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA, USA, August 1982. [Oral presentation]

5. Thireos, G., Alexandraki, D., and Tzamarias, D. Involvment of cis- and trans-acting elements in translational regulation. UCLA Symposium on Molecular Approaches to Developmental Biology, Keystone, CO, USA, April 1986. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, Supplement 10D, 45. [Oral presentation]

6. Alexandraki, D., and Thireos, G. (1988). Isolation of a new gene (TAR1) involved in the translation of the HIS3 mRNA in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Yeast 4, special issue, s507. 14th International Conference on Yeast Genetics and Molecular Biology, Helsinki, Finland, August 1988. [Poster]

7. Alexandraki, D., Gallant, P., Thireos, G. Sequencing part of chromosome III from cerevisiae. Meeting on Genome Mapping and Sequencing, Cold spring Harbor Laboratory, CSH, New York, USA, April 1989. [Oral presentation]

8. Alexandraki, D., and Thireos, G. Sequencing part of chromosome III from cerevisiae. BAP meeting on the Sequencing of the Yeast Chromosome III. Tutzing Obb., FRG, November 1989. [Oral presentation]

9. Thireos, G., Alexandraki, D., Dialynas, G., Krupitza, G., Maniataki, E., and Tzamarias, D. Translational regulation of GCN4 mRNA: in vivo and in vitro approaches. NATO/EEC Workshop on Post-transcriptional Control of Gene Expression, Goslar, West Germany, April 1990. [Oral presentation]

10. Thireos, G., Alexandraki, D., Georgakopoulos, T., Dialynas, G., Krupitza, G., Maniataki, E., Roussou I., Tzamarias, D. and Tzortzakis, N. Translational regulation of GCN4 mRNA and the control of protein synthetic rates in yeast. C.G.E.B. Colloquium on “Eukaryotic Gene Regulation and Expression”, Heraklio, Crete, Greece, May 1990.

11. Alexandraki, D., Tzamarias, D., and Thireos, G. (1990). High levels of uncharged tRNAs override the known signalling pathway for the translational activation of the GCN4 mRNA. Yeast, 6, special issue, s390. 15th International Conference on Yeast Genetics and Molecular Biology, The Hague, The Netherlands, July 1990.

12. Alexandraki, D., Tzermia, M., and Thireos, G. Expression of the YCL49 sequence of chromosome III. 2nd meeting of the European Network in charge of the “Sequencing the Yeast Chromosome III”. The Hague, The Netherlands, July 1990. [Oral presentation]

13. Alexandraki, D., Tzermia, M., and Thireos, G. Sequencing of the pEKG100 fragment of yeast chromosome XI. 1st BRIDGE meeting on “Sequencing the Yeast Chromosomes II & XI”. Brugge (B), Belgium, September 1991. [Oral presentation]

14. Thireos, G., Alexandraki, D., Dialynas, G., Georgakopoulos, T., Georgatsou, E., Maniataki, E. and Tavernarakis, N. Transcriptional and translational control mechanisms: the GCN4 model in yeast. 9th Balkan Biochemical and Biophysical Days, May 1992.

15. Thireos, G., Alexandraki, D., Georgakopoulos, T., Maniataki, E. and Tavernarakis, N. Transcriptional and translational control mechanisms: the GCN4 model in yeast. 16th International Conference of Yeast Genetics and Molecular Biology, Vienna, Austria, August 1992.

16. Alexandraki, D., Tzermia, M., Horaitis O., Georgatsou E. and Thireos, G. Sequencing and analysis of the cosmid clone pEKG100 of chromosome XI. 2nd BRIDGE meeting on “Sequencing the Yeast Chromosomes II & XI”. Munich, Germany, October 1992. [Oral presentation]

17. Thireos, G., Alexandraki, D., Georgakopoulos, T., Maniataki, E. and Tavernarakis, N. Translational and transcriptional regulation of gene expression: The GCN4 model in yeast. Workshop on “Control of Gene Expression in Yeast”. Madrid, Spain, December 1992.

18. Tzermia, M., Tavernarakis N., Thireos, G., and Alexandraki, D. Sequencing of a 6 kb segment from cosmid pUKG040 and of the left telomeric region of chromosomeXI: BRIDGE-BIOTECH on “Yeast Genome Sequencing Meeting”. Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium, April 1993. [Oral presentation]

19. Tzermia, M., Katsoulou, C. and Alexandraki, D. Sequencing of the overlapping cosmids 7 and 31 of yeast chromosome X : Biotechnology, “Yeast Genome Sequencing Network”, Manchester, UK, 26/2-1/3 1994. [Oral presentation]

20. Alexandraki, D., Klinakis, A. and Georgatsou, E. The involvement of stress-related transcription factors in the iron-dependent regulation of the FRE2 ferric reductase gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In”Metal and Oxygen Regulation of Gene Expression”, Keystone Symbosia on Molecular and Cellular Biology, Park City, Utah, USA, March 18-24, 1995. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, Supplement 21A, 248. [Poster]

21. Georgatsou, E., Mavrogiannis, L. and Alexandraki, D. The FRE1 and FRE2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae genes essential for iron uptake participate also in copper metabolism. In Metal and Oxygen Regulation of Gene Expression”, Keystone Symbosia on Molecular and Cellular Biology, Park City, Utah, USA, March 18-24, 1995. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, Supplement 21A, 248. [Poster]

22. Katsoulou, C., Tzermia, M. and Alexandraki, D. Complete sequencing of a 40.7 kb segment from the overlapping cosmids pEJ007and pEJ031 of yeast chromosome X and sequencing in progress of cosmid pEOA1044 of chromosome XV: Biotechnology, “Yeast Genome Sequencing Network”, Lisboa, Portugal, 8-10/6 1995. [Oral presentation]

23. Tzermia, M., Katsoulou, C., Tavernarakis, N. and Alexandraki, D. The complete sequence of a 40.7 kb segment located on the left arm of yeast chromosome X identified 11 known genes and revealed 15 new open reading frames including homologues of other yeast hypothetical proteins. 17th International Conference of Yeast Genetics and Molecular Biology, Lisboa, Portugal, 10-16/6 1995. [Poster]

24. Voutsina, A. and Alexandraki D. Overexpression of the pombe RPB8 cDNA affects the translational machinary in S. cerevisiae by competing the endogenous subunit for the assembly of the RNA polymerase III complex. 17th International Conference of Yeast Genetics and Molecular Biology, Lisboa, Portugal, 10-16/6 1995. [Poster]

25. Georgatsou, E., Mavrogiannis, L., Frangiadakis, G, Klinakis, A. and Alexandraki, D. The Saccharomyces cerevisiae ferric reductase genes FRE1 and FRE2 are distinctly regulated by iron, copper and stress related factors. 17th International Conference of Yeast Genetics and Molecular Biology, Lisboa, Portugal, 10-16/6 1995. [Poster]

26. Georgatsou, E., Frangiadakis, G., Mavrogiannis, L. and Alexandraki, D. Plasma membrane ferric reductases of Saccharomyces cerevisiae: Involvement in metal uptake and homeostasis. Biochemical Society Conference. Athens, Greece, January, 1996. [Oral presentation]

27. Alexandraki, D., Jauniaux, J.-C. and Sunnerhagen P. Gene interactions: two-hybrid approach of functional analysis for the newly identified yeast genes. 1st EUROFAN, Biotechnology meeting. Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium, March 28-31, 1996. [Oral presentation]

28. Alexandraki, D., Jauniaux, J.-C. and Sunnerhagen P. Gene interactions: two-hybrid analuses. 2nd EUROFAN, Biotechnology meeting. Manchester-UMIST, UK, February 20-23, 1997. [Oral presentation]

29. Georgatsou, E., Fragiadakis, G., A. Boutla and Alexandraki, D. Metal homeostasis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae: Regulated gene expression of metal reductases. Biochemical Society conference. Athens, Greece, December 1997. [Poster and Oral presentation]

30. Voutsina, T. Georgakopoulos, A. Boutla, M. Tzermia, E. Georgatsou and D. Alexandraki. Gene Disruptions and Two-Hybrid Screens. EUROFAN’98, The Third Meeting. Noordwijkerhout, NL, 16-19 May 1998. [Oral presentation]

31. Voutsina, E. Georgatsou, T. Georgakopoulos, M. Tzermia, A. Boutla and D. Alexandraki. Functional analysis of newly identified yeast open reading frames. Functional Genomics. The Luunberg Institute and The Technology Link Foundation of Goeteborg. Sweden, 27-28 August 1998. [Poster]

32. Georgakopoulos, A. Voutsina, I. Vakonakis, D. Kotsis, M. Tzermia, G. Koutsododis and D. Alexandraki. Functional analysis of gene families by gene disruption, overexpression and two-hybrid protein-protein interactions. EUROFAN 1999, Satellite meeting of XIX International Conference on Yeast Genetics and Molecular Biology. Rimini, Italy, May 1999. [Poster]

33. Alexandraki. a) From DNA sequence to function. b) Functional analysis of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae genome. Genome Sequence and Comparative Analysis: Advanced Workshop in Biotechnology, organized by the European Commission, in the framework of the Biotechnology R&D Programme (1999 – 2000), Thessaloniki, Greece 21-25 November 1999. (Presentation and review paper).

34. Georgakopoulos, G. Koutroubas, A. Voutsina, G. Koutsododis, V. Prokova, M. Tzermia, and D. Alexandraki. YFR021w and YPL100w ORFs of a three-member family are involved in the mitochondrial retrograde and aminoacid-sencing pathways. All four members of the SIW14 tyrosine phosphatase gene family are possibly involved in MAP kinase signalling pathways. EUROFAN 2000. Salamanca, September 28-30 2000. [Poster]

35. Alexandraki. Systematic genomic functional analysis: The yeast model. EEBE (Biological Society) 23rd Conference, Chios, Greece May 24-27, 2001. [Oral presentation]

36. Georgakopoulos, A. Voutsina, G. Koutroubas, M. Tzermia, I. Vakonakis, D. Kotsis, G. Koutsododis, V. Prokova, G. S. Fragiadakis and D. Alexandraki. A functional analysis of paralogous open reading frames in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. EEBE (Biological Society) 23rd Conference, Chios, Greece May 24-27, 2001. [Poster]

37. Kokkinaki, T. Georgakopoulos, M.-D. Bazopoulou, D. Alexandraki and N. K. Moschonas. Functional analysis of the mouse NEURALIZED gene with the yeast two-hybrid system. EEBE (Biological Society) 23rd Conference, Chios, Greece May 24-27, 2001. [Poster]

38. Voutsina, K. Gkouskou, Y. Kagiampakis, G. S. Fragiadakis and D. Alexandraki. Mac1p interacting proteins reveal novel copper-independent Mac1p regulation. The XXth International Conference on Yeast Genetics and Molecular Biology. Prague, Czech Republic, August 26-31, 2001. [Poster]. YEAST, 18, Supplement 1, S93.

39. S. Fragiadakis, E. Georgatsou, A. Voutsina and D. Alexandraki. THE HMG PROTEINS Nhp6A/B PROMOTE THE Aft1p-MEDIATED TRANSCRIPTIONAL ACTIVATION OF FRE2 FERRIC REDUCTASE GENE IN Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Meeting in Mechanisms of Eukaryotic Transcription, August 29-September 2, 2001.

40. Voutsina, G.S. Fragiadakis and D. Alexandraki. Mac1p modulation by copper and protein interactions in Saccharomyces cerevisia. SMYTE 19 (Small Meeting on Yeast Transport and Energetics), Chania, Crete, Greece, September 14-17, 2001 [Oral presentation].

41. Alexandraki. Molecular information and perspectives. P.E.V. (Union of Greek Biologists) 2nd Greek Meeting on Health. Postgenomic Era: Genomic Applications and Perspectives. Athens October 5-6, 2001 [Oral presentation].

42. Kokkinaki M, Georgakopoulos T, Bazopoulou M-D, Koutelou E, Pavlopoulos E, Alexandraki D, Moschonas NK. FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS OF THE MOUSE NEURALIZED GENE. 53rd Conference of EEBMB, Athens, Greece, December 13-15, [Poster]

43. Fragiadakis G. S., Tzamarias D. and Alexandraki D. Ssn6p (Cyc8p) positively regulates ferric reductase gene transcription in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. EURESCO Conferences, Gene transcription in yeast, Castelvecchio Pascoli, Italy, 31 May-05 June 2002. [Poster]

44. Voutsina A., Fragiadakis G. S. and Alexandraki D. PROTEIN–PROTEIN INTERACTIONS IN METALLOREGULATED TRANSCRIPTIONAL COMPLEXES IN SACCHAROMYCES CEREVISIAE EEBE (Biological Society) 25th Conference, Mytilini, Greece, May 29-June 1st [Oral presentation and Poster]

45. S. Fragiadakis, D. Tzamarias and D. Alexandraki. Nhp6 architectural factor and Ssn6/Cyc8 co-repressor distinctly and cooperatively potentiate Aft1-mediated transcriptional activation on FRE2 promoter in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The XXIth International Conference on Yeast Genetics and Molecular Biology. Goeteborg, Sweden, July 7-12, 2003 [Poster]. Fragiadakis G. S., Tzamarias D. and Alexandraki D. Ssn6 co-repressor and Nhp6A/B architectural factors are cooperatively responsible for Aft1-mediated transcriptional activation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. YEAST, 20, Supplement 1, S124, 2003. [Poster]

46. Kokkinaki M, Koutelou E, Bazopoulou M-D, Georgakopoulos T, Alexandraki D, Pavlopoulos E, Moschonas NK. Neuralized has ligase E3 activity for protein sumoylation and is part of the ubiquitination complex. ΕΕΒΜΒ (Biochemical Society Conference) Athens, November 13-15 2003 [Poster] .

47. Voutsina A, Gkouskou Kand Alexandraki D. Hir1 and Ssn6 coregulators function in combination on the Mac1-dependent CTR1 The XXII International Conference on Yeast Genetics & Molecular Biology. Bratislava, Slovak Republic, August 7-12, 2005 [Poster].

48. Gkouskou, A. Voutsina, G. S. Fragiadakis, C. Andreadis and D. Alexandraki. New role for the S. cerevisiae Rad9 DNA damage checkpoint protein in metalloregulated transcription. XXIIIrd International Conference on Yeast Genetics and Molecular Biology, Melbourne, Australia, July 1 - July 6, 2007 [Oral presentation and Poster]

49. Gkouskou, K. Skourti-Stathaki and D. Alexandraki. The Saccharomyces cerevisiae Ppt1 phosphatase specifically downregulates the copper-modulated Mac1 transactivation function. XXIIIrd International Conference on Yeast Genetics and Molecular Biology, Melbourne, Australia, July 1 - July 6, 2007. [Poster]

50. Gkouskou, A. Voutsina, G. S. Fragiadakis, C. Andreadis and D. Alexandraki. Á novel role for the S. cerevisiae Rad9 DNA damage checkpoint protein in metalloregulated transcription. ΕΕΒΜΒ (Biochemical Society Conference) Athens, December 7-9 2007. [Oral presentation and Poster].

51. Gkouskou, A. Voutsina, G.S. Fragiadakis, C. Andreadis and D. Alexandraki. Novel direct link between Saccharomyces cerevisiae Rad9 DNA damage checkpoint protein and Mac1-regulated transcription under unchallenged conditions. 33rd FEBS Congress - 11th IUBMB conference on Biochemistry of Cell Regulation Athens Greece, June 28th to July 3rd 2008 [Poster]. FEBS JOURNAL, 275, Supplement 1, 263. [Poster]

52. Andreadis, T. Margaritis, K. Gkouskou, D. Kafetzopoulos and D. Alexandraki. Genome-wide analysis of gene expression profiles in overexpression or absence of Saccharomyces cerevisiae RAD9 gene. 33rd FEBS Congress - 11th IUBMB conference on Biochemistry of Cell Regulation Athens Greece, June 28th to July 3rd 2008 [Poster]. FEBS JOURNAL, 275, Supplement 1, 117. [Poster]

53. Christos Andreadis, Georgia Tsiliki, Thanasis Margaritis, Kalliopi Gkouskou, Dimitris Kafetzopoulos and Despina Alexandraki. Genome-wide analyses point to a new role of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Rad9 under physiological conditions. 24th International Conference on Yeast Genetics and Molecular Biology, Manchester, UK, 19-24 July 2009. [Oral presentation and poster]

54. Christos Andreadis, Georgia Tsiliki, Thanasis Margaritis, Kalliopi Gkouskou, Dimitris Kafetzopoulos and Despina Alexandraki. Genome-wide expression and ChIP on chip analyses of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Rad9 protein under non DNA damaging conditions. Yeast Cell Biology Meeting, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Long Island, New York, 11-15 August 2009. [Poster]

55. Christos Andreadis, George S. Fragiadakis, Christoforos Nikolau, Kalliopi Gkouskou and Despina Alexandraki, Rad9 DNA Damage checkpoint protein and Aft1 transcription factor in chromatin surveillance. EMBO meetings, Gene Transcription in Yeast, Girona, Spain, 16 - 21 June, 2012. [Poster]

56. Christos ANDREADIS, George S. FRAGIADAKIS, Christoforos NIKOLAOU, Georgia TSILIKI, Kalliopi GKOUSKOU and Despina ALEXANDRAKI. Rad9 DNA damage checkpoint protein and Aft1 transcription factor in chromatin surveillance. 63rd ΕΕΒΜΒ (Biochemical Society Conference) Meeting, 9-11 November 2012, Heraklion, Crete, Greece. [Poster]

57. Paraskevi Mara, Ester Kalef-Ezra, George S. Fragiadakis, Despina Alexandraki and Kostas Tokatlidis. Functional analysis of the yeast and human GDH genes in cerevisiae. ITE Meeting, July 11 2013. [Poster]

58. Mara, D. Alexandraki, G.S. Fragiadakis and K. Tokatlidis. Transferring knowledge from S. cerevisiae to marine ecosystems: the case of Gdh proteins. GenOcean “When Genetics meets Oceanography”, Banyuls-sur-Mer, France, 14-16 October 2013. [Poster]

59. Kalef-Ezra E., Mara P., Kotzamani D., Fragiadakis G., Plaitakis A., Alexandraki D. and Tokatlidis K. Glutamate Dehydrogenase: localization and functional evolution in yeast and human. IX Jakub K. Parnas Conference: 'Proteins from Birth to Death', 29, 2013-Oct.2, 2013, Jerusalem, Israel. [Poster]

60. Paraskevi Mara, George S. Fragiadakis, Evdokia Toumpanaki, Fotios Gkountromichos and Despina Alexandraki. Investigating the growth phase dependent roles of the glutamate dehydrogenase isoforms Gdh1 and Gdh3 in yeast. EEBMB 67th Conference, Ioannina, Greece, Nov 25-27, 2016. [Poster]

61. Dimitra Dialynaki, George S. Fragiadakis, Christos Andreadis and Despina Alexandraki.. Anti-cancer drug Zeocin disturbs copper-iron homeostasis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. 19th Postgraduates Conference on Chemistry andEYCN 12th Delegates Assembly, (EuCheMS), May 2-7, 2017, Heraklion, Crete, Greece. [Oral presentation]

62. Konstantinos Barsakis, Κonstantina Koukourikou, Antonis Klonizakis, George S. Fragiadakis, Farbod Babrzadeh, Michael N. Mindrinos, Despina Alexandraki and Christoforos Nikolaou. Genome-wide localization and inter-dependence of Aft1 and Mac1 transcription factors in cerevisiae. Hellenic Bioinformatics 10, Sept.6-9, 2017, Heraklion, Crete, Greece. [Poster]

63. Dimitra Dialynaki, George S. Fragiadakis, Irini Stratidaki, Niki Gounalaki, Pantelis Topalis and Despina Alexandraki. DNA damage response and Zeocin-specific transcriptional profiles in cerevisiae. Hellenic Bioinformatics 10, Sept.6-9, 2017, Heraklion, Crete, Greece. [Poster]

64. Dimitra Dialynaki, George S. Fragiadakis, Pantelis Topalis, Irini Stratidaki, Niki Gounalaki and Despina Alexandraki. The anticancer drug zeocin specifically affects copper regulated transcription and other essential molecular pathways, in cerevisiae. Chemical Biology of disease. 15-18 September 2017, Heraklion, Crete, Greece. [Poster and Oral presentation]

65. Konstantinos Barsakis, Κonstantina Koukourikou, Antonis Klonizakis, George S. Fragiadakis, Farbod Babrzadeh, Michael N. Mindrinos, Despina Alexandraki and Christoforos Nikolaou. Genome-wide localization and inter-dependence of Aft1 and Mac1 transcription factors in S. cerevisiae. 12th Conference of the Hellenic Society for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics HSCBB17, October 11-13, 2017, Athens, Greece. [Poster]

66. Dialynaki D., Fragiadakis G.S., Topalis P., Stratidaki I., Gounalaki N., Alexandraki D. The anticancer drug zeocin specifically affects copper regulated transcription and other essential molecular pathways in cerevisiae. 11th Scientific Conference of FORTH, Heraklion, Greece, October 13-14 2017. [Poster]

67. Stavropoulou A., Laskou M., Dialynaki D. and Alexandraki D. A story of two copper-proteins: Mac1 transcription factor and Sod1 Cu/Zn peroxide dismutase. 21st conference of Postgraduate Chemistry students, May 15-17, 2019, Heraklion, Crete, Greece. [Poster]

68. Dimitra Dialynaki, George S. Fragiadakis, Pantelis Topalis, Irini Stratidaki, Niki Gounalaki and Despina Alexandraki, The Anti-Cancer Drug Zeocin Affects Copper/Iron-Regulated Transcription and Causes Metabolic Reprogramming in S. cerevisiae. 29th International Conference on Yeast Genetics and Molecular Biology, Gothenburg, Sweden, 18-22 August, 2019. [Poster]

69. Antonios Klonizakis, Konstantinos Barsakis, George S. Fragiadakis, Pantelis Topalis, Irini Stratidaki, Niki Gounalaki, Despina Alexandraki and Christophoros Nikolau. Extensive genomic interactions between two S. cerevisiase transcription factors. Hellenic Bioinformatics 12, 11-13 October, 2019, Heraklion, Crete, Greece. [Poster]

70. Dimitra Dialynaki, George S. Fragiadakis, Pantelis Topalis, Irini Stratidaki, Niki Gounalaki and Despina Alexandraki, The Anti-Cancer Drug Zeocin Affects Copper/Iron-Regulated Transcription and Causes Metabolic Reprogramming in S. cerevisiae. 12th Scientific Conference of FORTH, Patras, Greece, October 14-16 2019. [Poster]

71. Antonios Klonizakis, Konstantinos Barsakis, George S. Fragiadakis, Pantelis Topalis, Irini Stratidaki, Niki Gounalaki, Despina Alexandraki and Christophoros Nikolau. Extensive genomic interactions between two S. cerevisiase transcription factors. 12th Scientific Conference of FORTH, Patras, Greece, October 14-16 2019. [Poster]

72. Stavropoulou A., Laskou M., Dialynaki D. and Alexandraki D. A story of two copperproteins: Mac1 transcription factor and Sod1 Cu/Zn peroxide dismutase. 12th Scientific Conference of FORTH, Patras, Greece, October 14-16 2019. [Poster]

73. Dimitra Dialynaki, George Fragiadakis, Konstantinos Palikaras, Christina Ploumi, Pantelis Topalis, Niki Gounalaki, Irene Stratidaki and Despina Alexandraki. The Anti-Cancer Drug Zeocin Affects TORC1 pathway, mitochondrial function and autophagy, in S. cerevisiae. 12th Scientific Conference of FORTH, Patras, Greece, October 14-16 2019. [Poster]