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Animal House and Genome Editing Core Facility
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The use of mice for scientific and research purposes is a practice that has substantially contributed to the promotion of biomedical science. The Animal Facility of the Institute of Molecular Biology & Biotechnology of the Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas (IMBB – FORTH) has significant experience in the production of genetically modified mice as well as in housing and breeding them for basic and translational research. The unit provides high-standard services that are executed by skilled and experienced personnel in a modern up to date facility.

The IMBB-FORTH Animal Facility was initiated in 1990 and in 1996 was relocated to FORTHs’ current location. In 2001, the co-funded by the EU infrastructure was completed and consists of three specialized units i) a Specific Pathogen Free (SPF), ii) a Biosafety Level 2 (BSL2) and iii) two quarantines, covering a total area capacity of 1.120 Sq. m. the largest facility in Greece dedicated exclusively for the use of mice. Currently, we are housing 6,500 mice with a total housing capability of up to approximately 20,000 mice in conventional cages. Our facility operates in accordance with the recent National (Presidential Decree 56/30.04.2013), the European Directive (2010/63/EU) and in accordance to the Guidelines issued of the Federation of European Laboratory Animal Science Associations (see FELASA) It operates under licenses issued from the Veterinary Service Office of the Prefecture of Crete: EL91-ΒΙΟbr-01 and EL91-BIOexp-02, for the establishment & breeding and for the use of mice for scientific purposes.

Daily animal care is provided by our veterinarians and animal care technicians in ensuring proper welfare and humane use of the mice. All mice live in standardized conditions where temperature, humidity, and hours of light and darkness are maintained at a constant level all year round. Our team of veterinarians and animal health technicians also provide training and technical services to the biomedical research community of the University of Crete and the University Hospital in making recommendations and sharing expertise with the ultimate goal of improving welfare for mice used in research.