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Κυτταρομετρία Ροής
Αρχική > Εγκαταστάσεις > Κυτταρομετρία Ροής

The IMBB Cell - Sorting Facility supports the scientific community of Crete for operator-based cell sorting analysis in Basic and Developmental Research. Available technology includes multiparameter high-speed sorting and multiparameter analysis.
Sorting analysis provides the unique ability to separate various live cell populations for further experimental procedures. Determination and isolation of heterogeneous samples of cells, chromosomes, yeast, bacteria or macromolecular particles can be achieved.
The installed FACS-sorting equipment consists of a Beckman-Coulter MoFlo high-speed cell-SORTER and a FACSCalibur flow cytometer.
The Cell - Sorting facility is located at the basement of Building 1 (IMBB) and the Flow Cytometry at the 1st floor.