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Housed mice


Grasso F, Mochi S, Fratini F, Olivieri A, Currà C, Siden-Kiamos I, Deligianni E, Birago C, Picci L, Pizzi E, Pace T, Ponzi M. (2020) A comprehensive gender-related secretome of Plasmodium berghe i sexual stages. Mol Cell Proteomics. mcp.RA120.002212. doi: 10.1074/mcp.RA120.002212. Online ahead of print.

Kalafatakis I, Kalafatakis K, Tsimpolis A, Giannakeas N, Tsipouras M, Tzallas A, Karagogeos D. (2020) Using the Allen Gene Expression Atlas of the Adult Mouse Brain to Gain Further Insight Into the Physiological Significance of TAG-1/Contactin-2. Brain Struct Funct. 225:2045-2056.

Kokras N, Dioli C, Paravatou R, Sotiropoulos MG, Delis F, Antoniou K, Calogeropoulou T, Charalampopoulos I, Gravanis A, Dalla C. (2020) Psychoactive Properties of BNN27, a Novel Neurosteroid Derivate, in Male and Female Rats. Psychopharmacology (Berl). 237:2435-2449.

Chatzidoukaki O, Goulielmaki E, Schumacher B, Garinis GA. (2020) DNA Damage Response and Metabolic Reprogramming in Health and Disease. Trends Genet. S0168-9525(20)30166-9. Online ahead of print.

Nasias D, Dalakoura-Karagkouni K, Vassou D, Papagiannakis G, Papadaki A, Kardassis D. (2020) Transcriptome analysis of the adipose tissue in a mouse model of metabolic syndrome identifies gene signatures related to disease pathogenesis. Genomics. S0888-754331032-8.

Thymiakou E, Othman A, Hornemann T, Kardassis D. (2020) Defects in high density lipoprotein metabolism and hepatic steatosis in mice with liver-specific ablation of hepatocyte nuclear factor 4α. Metabolism. 154307.

Andreadaki M, Pace T, Grasso F, Siden-Kiamos I, Mochi S, Picci L, Bertuccini L, Ponzi M, Currà C. (2020) Plasmodium berghei Gamete Egress Protein is required for fertility of both genders. Microbiologyopen. 9:e1038.

Biosca A, Bouzón-Arnáiz I, Spanos L, Siden-Kiamos I, Iglesias V, Ventura S, Fernàndez-Busquets X. (2020) Detection of Protein Aggregation in Live Plasmodium Parasites. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 64:e02135-19

Siden-Kiamos I, Spanos L, Currà C. (2020) A method for purification of Plasmodium oocysts from mosquito midguts. Sci Rep. 10:7262.

Karagianni P, Moulos P, Schmidt D, Odom DT, Talianidis I. (2020) Bookmarking by Non-pioneer Transcription Factors during Liver Development Establishes Competence for Future Gene Activation. Cell Rep. 30:1319-1328.e6.

Delivanoglou N, Boziki M, Theotokis P, Kesidou E, Touloumi O, Dafi N, Nousiopoulou E, Lagoudaki R, Grigoriadis N, Charalampopoulos I, Simeonidou C. (2020) Spatio-temporal expression profile of NGF and the two-receptor system, TrkA and p75NTR, in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. J Neuroinflammation. 17:41.

Gutiérrez L, Caballero N, Fernández-Calleja L, Karkoulia E, Strouboulis J. (2020) Regulation of GATA1 levels in erythropoiesis. IUBMB Life. 72:89-105.

Siden-Kiamos I, Goosmann C, Buscaglia CA, Brinkmann V, Matuschewski K, Montagna GN. (2020) Polarization of MTIP is a signature of gliding locomotion in Plasmodium ookinetes and sporozoites. Mol Biochem Parasitol. 235:111247.

Goulielmaki E, Ioannidou A, Tsekrekou M, Stratigi K, Poutakidou IK, Gkirtzimanaki K, Aivaliotis M, Evangelou K, Topalis P, Altmüller J, Gorgoulis VG, Chatzinikolaou G, Garinis GA. (2020) Tissue-infiltrating macrophages mediate an exosome-based metabolic reprogramming upon DNA damage. Nat Commun. 11:42.


Apostolou Z, Chatzinikolaou G, Stratigi K, Garinis GA. (2019) Nucleotide Excision Repair and Transcription-Associated Genome Instability. Bioessays. 41(4):e1800201.

Bastakis GG, Ktena N, Karagogeos D, Savvaki M. (2019) Models and Treatments for Traumatic Optic Neuropathy and Demyelinating Optic Neuritis. Dev Neurobiol. 79:819-836.

Chroni A, Kardassis D. (2019) HDL dysfunction caused by mutations in apoA-I and other genes that are critical for HDL biogenesis and remodeling. Curr Med Chem. 26:1544-1575.

Currà C, Kehrer J, Lemgruber L, Silva PAGC, Bertuccini L, Superti F, Pace T, Ponzi M, Frischknecht F, Siden-Kiamos I, Mair GR. (2019) Malaria transmission through the mosquito requires the function of the OMD protein. PLoS One. 14:e0222226.

Kalafatakis K, Giannakeas N, Lightman SL, Charalampopoulos I, Russell GM, Tsipouras M, Tzallas A. (2019) Utilization of the Allen Gene Expression Atlas to gain further insight into glucocorticoid physiology in the adult mouse brain. Neurosci Lett. 706:194-200.

Kastriti ME, Stratigi A, Mariatos D, Theodosiou M, Savvaki M, Kavkova M, Theodorakis K, Vidaki M, Zikmund T, Kaiser J, Adameyko I, Karagogeos D. (2019) Ablation of CNTN2+ Pyramidal Neurons During Development Results in Defects in Neocortical Size and Axonal Tract Formation. Front Cell Neurosci. 13:454.

Nasias D, Evangelakos I, Nidris V, Vassou D, Tarasco E, Lutz TA, Kardassis D. (2019) Significant changes in hepatic transcriptome and circulating miRNAs are associated with diet-induced metabolic syndrome in apoE3L.CETP mice. J Cell Physiol. 234:20485-20500.

Papandreou ME, Tavernarakis N. (2019) Nucleophagy: from homeostasis to disease. Cell Death Differ. 26:630-639.

Patsalos A, Tzerpos P, Halasz L, Nagy G, Pap A, Giannakis N, Lyroni K, Koliaraki V, Pintye E, Dezso B, Kollias G, Spilianakis CG, Nagy L. (2019) The BACH1-HMOX1 Regulatory Axis Is Indispensable for Proper Macrophage Subtype Specification and Skeletal Muscle Regeneration. J Immunol. 203:1532-1547.

Salataj E, Stathopoulou C, Hafþórsson RA, Nikolaou C, Spilianakis CG. (2019) Developmental conservation of microRNA gene localization at the nuclear periphery. PLoS One. 14:e0223759.

Tarasco E, Boyle CN, Pellegrini G, Arnold M, Steiner R, Hornemann T, Nasias D, Kardassis D, Whiting L, Lutz TA. (2019) Body weight-dependent and independent improvement in lipid metabolism after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass in ApoE*3Leiden.CETP mice. Int J Obes (Lond). 43(12):2394-2406.

Vatikioti A, Karkoulia E, Ioannou M, Strouboulis J. (2019) Translational regulation and deregulation in erythropoiesis. Exp Hematol. 75:11-20.

Vogiatzi A, Mavrothalassitis G. (2019) Craniofacial, orofacial and dental disorders: the role of the RAS/ERK pathway. Expert Rev Mol Med. 21:e2.


Andrianaki AM, Kyrmizi I, Thanopoulou K, Baldin C, Drakos E, Soliman SSM, Shetty AC, McCracken C, Akoumianaki T, Stylianou K, Ioannou P, Pontikoglou C, Papadaki HA, Tzardi M, Belle V, Ettiene E, Beauvais A, Samonis G, Kontoyiannis DP, Andreakos E, Bruno VM, Ibrahim AS, Chamilos G. (2018) Iron restriction inside macrophages regulates pulmonary host defense against Rhizopus species. Nat Commun. 2018 Aug 20;9(1):3333.

Deligianni E, Silmon de Monerri NC, McMillan PJ, Bertuccini L, Superti F, Manola M, Spanos L, Louis C, Blackman MJ, Tilley L, Siden-Kiamos I. (2018) Essential role of Plasmodium perforin-like protein 4 in ookinete midgut passage. PLoS One. 2018 Aug 13;13(8):e0201651.

Alexaki VI, Fodelianaki G, Neuwirth A, Mund C, Kourgiantaki A, Ieronimaki E, Lyroni K, Troullinaki M, Fujii C, Kanczkowski W, Ziogas A, Peitzsch M, Grossklaus S, Sönnichsen B, Gravanis A, Bornstein SR, Charalampopoulos I, Tsatsanis C, Chavakis T. (2018) DHEA inhibits acute microglia-mediated inflammation through activation of the TrkA-Akt1/2-CREB-Jmjd3 pathway. Mol Psychiatry. 2018 Jun;23(6):1410-1420.

Chroni A, Kardassis D. (2018) HDL dysfunction caused by mutations in apoA-I and other genes that are critical for HDL biogenesis and remodeling. Curr Med Chem. 2018 Mar 12. [Epub ahead of print]

Konstantoudaki X, Chalkiadaki K, Vasileiou E, Kalemaki K, Karagogeos D, Sidiropoulou K. (2018) Prefrontal cortical-specific differences in behavior and synaptic plasticity between adolescent and adult mice. J Neurophysiol. 2018 Mar 1;119(3):822-833.

Zoupi L, Savvaki M, Kalemaki K, Kalafatakis I, Sidiropoulou K, Karagogeos D. (2018) The function of contactin-2/TAG-1 in oligodendrocytes in health and demyelinating pathology. Glia. 2018 Mar;66(3):576-591.


Stathopoulou C, Kapsetaki M, Stratigi K, Spilianakis C. (2017) Long non-coding RNA SeT and miR-155 regulate the Tnfα gene allelic expression profile. PLoS One. 2017 Sep 14;12(9):e0184788.

Peraki I, Palis J, Mavrothalassitis G. (2017) The Ets2 Repressor Factor (Erf) Is Required for Effective Primitive and Definitive Hematopoiesis. Mol Cell Biol. 2017 Sep 12;37(19). pii: e00183-17.

Kanaki M, Tiniakou I, Thymiakou E, Kardassis D. (2017) Physical and functional interactions between nuclear receptor LXRα and the forkhead box transcription factor FOXA2 regulate the response of the human lipoprotein lipase gene to oxysterols in hepatic cells. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2017 Aug;1860(8):848-860.

Bonetto G, Charalampopoulos I, Gravanis A, Karagogeos D. (2017) The novel synthetic microneurotrophin BNN27 protects mature oligodendrocytes against cuprizone-induced death, through the NGF receptor TrkA. Glia. 2017 Aug;65(8):1376-1394.

Nikolaou KC, Moulos P, Harokopos V, Chalepakis G, Talianidis I. (2017) Kmt5a Controls Hepatic Metabolic Pathways by Facilitating RNA Pol II Release from Promoter-Proximal Regions. Cell Rep. 2017 Jul 25;20(4):909-922.

Hadjimichael C, Chanoumidou K, Nikolaou C, Klonizakis A, Theodosi GI, Makatounakis T, Papamatheakis J, Kretsovali A. (2017) Promyelocytic Leukemia Protein Is an Essential Regulator of Stem Cell Pluripotency and Somatic Cell Reprogramming. Stem Cell Reports. 2017 May 9;8(5):1366-1378.

Botsakis K, Mourtzi T, Panagiotakopoulou V, Vreka M, Stathopoulos GT, Pediaditakis I, Charalampopoulos I, Gravanis A, Delis F, Antoniou K, Zisimopoulos D, Georgiou CD, Panagopoulos NT, Matsokis N, Angelatou F. (2017) BNN-20, a synthetic microneurotrophin, strongly protects dopaminergic neurons in the "weaver" mouse, a genetic model of dopamine-denervation, acting through the TrkB neurotrophin receptor. Neuropharmacology. 2017 Apr 28;121:140-157.

Vorgia E, Zaragkoulias A, Peraki I, Mavrothalassitis G. (2017) Suppression of Fgf2 by ETS2 repressor factor (ERF) is required for chorionic trophoblast differentiation. Mol Reprod Dev. 2017 Apr;84(4):286-295.

Trusca VG, Fuior EV, Fenyo IM, Kardassis D, Simionescu M, Gafencu AV. (2017) Differential action of glucocorticoids on apolipoprotein E gene expression in macrophages and hepatocytes. PLoS One. 2017 Mar 29;12(3):e0174078.

Kanaki M, Kardassis D. (2017) Regulation of the human lipoprotein lipase gene by the forkhead box transcription factor FOXA2/HNF-3β in hepatic cells. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2017 Mar;1860(3):327-336.

Gravanis A, Pediaditakis I, Charalampopoulos I. (2017) Synthetic microneurotrophins in therapeutics of neurodegeneration. Oncotarget. 2017 Feb 7;8(6):9005-9006.

Koussis K, Goulielmaki E, Chalari A, Withers-Martinez C, Siden-Kiamos I, Matuschewski K, Loukeris TG. (2017) Targeted Deletion of a Plasmodium Site-2 Protease Impairs Life Cycle Progression in the Mammalian Host. PLoS One. 12(1):e0170260


Currà C, Gessmann R, Pace T, Picci L, Peruzzi G, Varamogianni-Mamatsi V, Spanos L, Garcia CR, Spaccapelo R, Ponzi M, Siden-Kiamos I. (2016) Release of Plasmodium sporozoites requires proteins with histone-fold dimerization domains. Nat Commun. 7:13846

Favicchio R, Psycharakis S, Schönig K, Bartsch D, Mamalaki C, Papamatheakis J, Ripoll J, Zacharakis G. (2016) Quantitative performance characterization of three-dimensional noncontact fluorescence molecular tomography. J Biomed Opt. 2016 Feb;21(2):26009.

Gkouskou KK, Ioannou M, Pavlopoulos GA, Georgila K, Siganou A, Nikolaidis G, Kanellis DC, Moore S, Papadakis KA, Kardassis D, Iliopoulos I, McDyer FA, Drakos E, Eliopoulos AG. (2016) Apolipoprotein A-I inhibits experimental colitis and colitis-propelled carcinogenesis. Oncogene. 35(19):2496-505.

Glajch KE, Ferraiuolo L, Mueller KA, Stopford MJ, Prabhkar V, Gravanis A, Shaw PJ, Sadri-Vakili G. (2016) MicroNeurotrophins Improve Survival in Motor Neuron-Astrocyte Co-Cultures but Do Not Improve Disease Phenotypes in a Mutant SOD1 Mouse Model of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. PLoS One. 2016 Oct 7;11(10):e0164103.

Pediaditakis I, Efstathopoulos P, Prousis KC, Zervou M, Arévalo JC, Alexaki VI, Nikoletopoulou V, Karagianni E, Potamitis C, Tavernarakis N, Chavakis T, Margioris AN, Venihaki M, Calogeropoulou T, Charalampopoulos I, Gravanis A (2016) Selective and differential interactions of BNN27, a novel C17-spiroepoxy steroid derivative, with TrkA receptors, regulating neuronal survival and differentiation. Neuropharmacology.111:266-282

Oliverio M, Schmidt E, Mauer J, Baitzel C, Hansmeier N, Khani S, Konieczka S, Pradas-Juni M, Brodesser S, Van TM, Bartsch D, Brönneke HS, Heine M, Hilpert H, Tarcitano E, Garinis GA, Frommolt P, Heeren J, Mori MA, Brüning JC, Kornfeld JW. (2016) Dicer1-miR-328-Bace1 signalling controls brown adipose tissue differentiation and function. Nat Cell Biol. 18(3):328-36

Vyrla D, Nikolaidis G, Oakley F, Perugorria MJ, Tsichlis PN, Mann DA, Eliopoulos AG. (2016) TPL2 Kinase Is a Crucial Signaling Factor and Mediator of NKT Effector Cytokine Expression in Immune-Mediated Liver Injury. J Immunol. 2016 May 15;196(10):4298-310.

Konstantoudaki X, Chalkiadaki K, Tivodar S, Karagogeos D, Sidiropoulou K. (2016) Impaired synaptic plasticity in the prefrontal cortex of mice with developmentally decreased number of interneurons. Neuroscience. 2016 May 13;322:333-45

Gkouskou KK, Ioannou M, Pavlopoulos GA, Georgila K, Siganou A, Nikolaidis G, Kanellis DC, Moore S, Papadakis KA, Kardassis D, Iliopoulos I, McDyer FA, Drakos E, Eliopoulos AG. (2016) Apolipoprotein A-I inhibits experimental colitis and colitis-propelled carcinogenesis. Oncogene. 2016 May 12;35(19):2496-505.

Vazgiouraki E, Papadakis VM, Efstathopoulos P, Lazaridis I, Charalampopoulos I, Fotakis C, Gravanis A. (2016) Application of multispectral imaging detects areas with neuronal myelin loss, without tissue labelling. Microscopy (Oxf). 2016 Apr;65(2):109-18.

Hadjimichael C, Nikolaou C, Papamatheakis J, Kretsovali A. (2016) MicroRNAs for Fine-Tuning of Mouse Embryonic Stem Cell Fate Decision through Regulation of TGF-β Signaling. Stem Cell Reports. 8;6(3):292-301


Bastakis GG, Savvaki M, Stamatakis A, Vidaki M, Karagogeos D. (2015) Tag1 deficiency results in olfactory dysfunction through impaired migration of mitral cells. Development. 2015 Dec 15;142(24):4318-28.

Charlton JJ, Tsoukatou D, Mamalaki C, Chatzidakis I. (2015) Programmed death 1 regulates memory phenotype CD4 T cell accumulation, inhibits expansion of the effector memory phenotype subset and modulates production of effector cytokines. PLoS One. 10(3):e0119200

Efstathopoulos P, Kourgiantaki A, Karali K, Sidiropoulou K, Margioris AN, Gravanis A, Charalampopoulos I. (2015) Fingolimod induces neurogenesis in adult mouse hippocampus and improves contextual fear memory. Transl Psychiatry. 2015 Nov 24;5:e685.

Tiniakou I, Kanaki Z, Georgopoulos S, Chroni A, Van Eck M, Fotakis P, Zannis VI, Kardassis D. (2015) Natural human apoA-I mutations L141RPisa and L159RFIN alter HDL structure and functionality and promote atherosclerosis development in mice. Atherosclerosis. 2015 Nov;243(1):77-85.

Tivodar S, Kalemaki K, Kounoupa Z, Vidaki M, Theodorakis K, Denaxa M, Kessaris N, de Curtis I, Pachnis V, Karagogeos D (2015) Rac-GTPases Regulate Microtubule Stability and Axon Growth of Cortical GABAergic Interneurons. Cereb Cortex. 2015 Sep;25(9):2370-82.

Andreadaki M, Mollenkopf HJ, Nika F, Brady D, Tewari R, Matuschewski K, Siden-Kiamos I. (2015) Global expression profiling reveals shared and distinct transcript signatures in arrested act2(-) and CDPK4(-) Plasmodium berghei gametocytes. Mol Biochem Parasitol. 201(2):100-7.

Tiniakou I, Drakos E, Sinatkas V, Van Eck M, Zannis VI, Boumpas D, Verginis P, Kardassis D. (2015) High-Density Lipoprotein Attenuates Th1 and Th17 Autoimmune Responses by Modulating Dendritic Cell Maturation and Function. J Immunol. 194(10):4676-87

Tampaki Z, Mwakubambanya RS, Goulielmaki E, Kaforou S, Kim K, Waters AP, Carruthers VB, Siden-Kiamos I, Loukeris TG, Koussis K. (2015) Ectopic Expression of a Neospora caninum Kazal Type Inhibitor Triggers Developmental Defects in Toxoplasma and Plasmodium. PLoS One. 2015 Mar 24;10(3):e0121379.

Charlton JJ, Tsoukatou D, Mamalaki C, Chatzidakis I. (2015) Programmed death 1 regulates memory phenotype CD4 T cell accumulation, inhibits expansion of the effector memory phenotype subset and modulates production of effector cytokines. PLoS One. 10(3):e0119200


Goulielmaki E, Sidén-Kiamos I, Loukeris TG (2014) Functional Characterization of Anopheles Matrix Metalloprotease 1 Reveals Its Agonistic Role during Sporogonic Development of Malaria Parasites. Infect Immun 82(11): 4865-77

Andreadaki M, Morgan RN, Deligianni E, Kooij TW, Santos JM, Spanos L, Matuschewski K, Louis C, Mair GR, Siden-Kiamos I (2014) Genetic crosses and complementation reveal essential functions for the Plasmodium stage-specific actin2 in sporogonic development. Cell Microbiol 16(5): 751-67

Nikoletopoulou V, Tavernarakis N (2014) Mitochondrial biogenesis and dynamics in neurodegeneration: a causative relationship. Neurochem Res 39(3): 542-5

Gkouskou KK, Deligianni C, Tsatsanis C, Eliopoulos AG. (2014) The gut microbiota in mouse models of inflammatory bowel disease. Front Cell Infect Microbiol. 2014 Feb 28;4:28.

Karakasilioti I, Garinis GA (2014) Tissue-specific aging: a tale of functional asymmetry. Aging (Albany NY) 6(1): 7-8


Papadakis G, Tsortos A, Kordas A, Tiniakou I, Morou E, Vontas J, Kardassis D, Gizeli E (2013) Acoustic detection of DNA conformation in genetic assays combined with PCR. Sci Rep 3(): 2033

Karakasilioti I, Kamileri I, Chatzinikolaou G, Kosteas T, Vergadi E, Robinson AR, Tsamardinos I, Rozgaja TA, Siakouli S, Tsatsanis C, Niedernhofer LJ, Garinis GA (2013) DNA damage triggers a chronic autoinflammatory response, leading to fat depletion in NER progeria. Cell Metab 18(3): 403-15

Ioannou M, Alissafi T, Boon L, Boumpas D, Verginis P (2013) In vivo ablation of plasmacytoid dendritic cells inhibits autoimmunity through expansion of myeloid-derived suppressor cells. J Immunol 190(6): 2631-40

Charlton JJ, Chatzidakis I, Tsoukatou D, Boumpas DT, Garinis GA, Mamalaki C (2013) Programmed death-1 shapes memory phenotype CD8 T cell subsets in a cell-intrinsic manner. J Immunol 190(12): 6104-14

Kyrmizi I, Ioannou M, Hatziapostolou M, Tsichlis PN, Boumpas DT, Tassiulas I (2013) Tpl2 kinase regulates FcγR signaling and immune thrombocytopenia in mice. J Leukoc Biol 94(4): 751-7


Favicchio R, Zacharakis G, Oikonomaki K, Zacharopoulos A, Mamalaki C, Ripoll J. (2012) Kinetics of T-cell receptor-dependent antigen recognition determined in vivo by multi-spectral normalized epifluorescence laser scanning. J Biomed Opt. 17:076013

Ioannou M, Alissafi T, Lazaridis I, Deraos G, Matsoukas J, Gravanis A, Mastorodemos V, Plaitakis A, Sharpe A, Boumpas D, Verginis P. (2012) Crucial role of granulocytic myeloid-derived suppressor cells in the regulation of central nervous system autoimmune disease. J Immunol. 188:1136-46

Kamileri I, Karakasilioti I, Garinis G. (2012) Nucleotide Excision Repair: New Tricks with Old Bricks. Trends Genet. 28:566-73

Kamileri I, Karakasilioti I, Sideri A, Kosteas T, Tatarakis A, Talianidis I, Garinis GA. (2012) Defective transcription initiation causes postnatal growth failure in a mouse model of NER progeria. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 109:2995-3000

Tilstra J, Robinson A, Wang J, Gregg S, Clauson C, Reay D, Nasto L, Croix C, Usas A, Vo N, Huard J, Clemens P, Stolz D, Guttridge D, Watkins SC, Garinis GA, Wang Y, Niedernhoffer L, Robbins P. (2012) NF-κB inhibition delays DNA damage-induced senescence and aging in mice. J Clin Invest. 122:2601-12

Vidaki M, Tivodar S, Doulgeraki K, Tybulewicz V, Kessaris N, Pachnis V, Karagogeos D. (2012) Rac1-dependent cell cycle exit of MGE precursors and GABAergic interneuron migration to the cortex. Cereb Cortex. 22:680-92


Clowney EJ, Magklara A, Colquitt BM, Pathak N, Lane RP, Lomvardas S. (2011) High-throughput mapping of the promoters of the mouse olfactory receptor genes reveals a new type of mammalian promoter and provides insight into olfactory receptor gene regulation. Genome Res. 21(8):1249-59

Gregg SQ, Gutiérrez V, Robinson AR, Woodell T, Nakao A, Ross MA, Michalopoulos GK, Rigatti L, Rothermel CE, Kamileri I, Garinis G, Stolz DB, Niedernhofer LJ. (2011) A mouse model of accelerated liver aging due to a defect in DNA repair. Hepatology doi: 10.1002/hep.24713

Lee SC, Magklara A, Smith CL. (2011) HDAC activity is required for efficient core promoter function at the mouse mammary tumor virus promoter. J Biomed Biotechnol. 2011;2011:416905

Magklara A, Yen A, Colquitt BM, Clowney EJ, Allen W, Markenscoff-Papadimitriou E, Evans ZA, Kheradpour P, Mountoufaris G, Carey C, Barnea G, Kellis M, Lomvardas S. (2011) An epigenetic signature for monoallelic olfactory receptor expression. Cell. 13;145(4):555-70

Ohnsorg PM, Rohrer L, Perisa D, Kateifides A, Chroni A, Kardassis D, Zannis VI, von Eckardstein A. (2011) Carboxyl Terminus of Apolipoprotein A-I (ApoA-I) Is Necessary for the Transport of Lipid-free ApoA-I but Not Prelipidated ApoA-I Particles through Aortic Endothelial Cells. J Biol Chem. 286:7744-54

Siden-Kiamos I, Louis C, Matuschewski K. (2011) Evidence for filamentous actin in ookinetes of a malarial parasite. Mol. Biochem. Parasitol. 181:186-9

Siden-Kiamos I, Ganter M, Kunze A, Hliscs M, Steinbüchel M, Mendoza J, Sinden RE, Louis C, Matuschewski K. (2011) Stage-specific Depletion of Myosin A Supports an Essential Role in Motility of Malarial Ookinetes. Cell Microbiol. 13:1996-2006

Vidaki M, Tivodar S, Doulgeraki K, Tybulewicz V, Kessaris N, Pachnis V, Karagogeos D. (2011) Rac1-Dependent Cell Cycle Exit of MGE Precursors and GABAergic Interneuron Migration to the Cortex. Cerebral Cortex 22:680-92

Vougioukalaki M, Kanellis DC, Gkouskou K, Eliopoulos AG. (2011) Tpl2 kinase signal transduction in inflammation and cancer. Cancer Lett. 304:80-9

Wang W, Karagogeos D, Kilpatrick DL. (2011) The effects of Tag-1 on the maturation of mouse cerebellar granule neurons. Cell Mol Neurobiol. 31:351-6


Martinez-Jimenez CP, Kyrmizi I, Cardot P, Gonzalez FJ, Talianidis I. (2010) Hepatocyte nuclear factor 4alpha coordinates a transcription factor network regulating hepatic fatty acid metabolism. Mol Cell Biol. 30:565-577.

Chatzidakis I, Mamalaki C. (2010) T cells as sources and targets of TNF: implications for immunity and autoimmunity. Current Directions in Autoimmunity 11:105-18

Sarasa-Renedo A, Favicchio R, Birk U, Zacharakis G, Mamalaki C, Ripoll J. (2010) Source intensity profile in noncontact optical tomography. Opt Lett. 35:34-6

Savvaki M, Theodorakis K, Zoupi L, Stamatakis A, Tivodar S, Kyriacou K, Stylianopoulou F, Karagogeos D. (2010) The expression of TAG-1 in glial cells is sufficient for the formation of the juxtaparanodal complex and the phenotypic rescue of Tag-1 homozygous mutants. J. Neurosci 30:13943-54

Siden-Kiamos I, Schuler H, Liakopoulos D, Louis C. (2010) An actin-related protein, in Plasmodium berghei. Mol Biochem Parasitol 173:88-96


Garinis GA, Schumacher B. (2009) Transcription-blocking DNA damage in aging and longevity. Cell Cycle. 8:2134-5

Garinis GA , Uittenboogaard LM , Stachelscheid H , Fousteri M , van Ijcken W , Breit TM , van Steeg H , Mullenders LH , van der Horst GT , Bruning JC , Niessen CM , Hoeijmakers JH , Schumacher B. (2009) Persistent transcription-blocking DNA lesions trigger somatic growth attenuation associated with longevity. Nature Cell Biology 11:604-15

Ponzi M, Sidén-Kiamos I, Bertuccini L, Currà C, Kroeze H, Camarda G, Pace T, Franke-Fayard B, Laurentino EC, Louis C, Waters AP, Janse CJ, Alano P. (2009) Egress of Plasmodium berghei gametes from their host erythrocyte is mediated by the MDV-1/PEG3 protein. Cell Microbiol. 11:1272-88

Schumacher B, Hoeijmakers JH, Garinis GA. (2009) Sealing the gap between nuclear DNA damage and longevity. Mol Cell Endocrinol. 299:112-7

Vardouli L, Lindqvist C, Vlahou K, Loskog AS, Eliopoulos AG. (2009) Adenovirus delivery of human CD40 ligand gene confers direct therapeutic effects on carcinomas. Cancer Gene Ther. 16:848-60


Venteclef, N., Haroniti, A., Tousaint,J-J., Talianidis, I. and Delerive, P. (2008) Regulation of Anti-atherogenic Apolipoprotein M Gene Expression by the Orphan Nuclear Receptor LRH-1. J. Biol. Chem. 283:3694 – 3701.

Tatarakis A, Margaritis T, Martinez-Jimenez CP, Kouskouti A, Mohan WS 2nd, Haroniti A, Kafetzopoulos D, Tora L, Talianidis I. (2008) Dominant and redundant functions of TFIID involved in the regulation of hepatic genes. Mol Cell. 31:531-543.

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