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IMBB Technology Transfer Office

IMBB Technology Transfer Office
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The mission of the Technology Transfer Office at IMBB (TTO-IMBB) is to support researchers on promoting their research outcomes towards commercialization. To achieve its goals, the TTO at IMBB works at the following main focus areas:

• Creating awareness and encouraging researchers to disclose their inventions

• Establish streamlined procedures to manage IMBB’s Intellectual Property

• Bridging the gap between invention and commercialization

• Networking with investors, venture capitals, corporates

• Identify opportunities for industrial funding

TTO-IMBB also serves as an interface between IMBB Researchers and FORTH Technology Transfer Office, The PRAXI Network and FORTH Legal Department to facilitate protection and utilization of research results and technologies developed at IMBB by providing support for drafting Material Transfer Agreements (MTA), Service Agreements, Research Agreements, Collaboration Agreements and Confidentiality Agreements.

Furthermore, the TTO provides support regarding IP protection, business development, pitch deck preparation, and potential partner search. Within its activities belongs the organization of informative workshops, training sessions, and pitching events with local investors. In close collaboration with EU Life TT WG the TTO ensures the implementation of the highest standards on processes and good practices in the field of IP, licensing and spin-off creation. Additionally, it supports the organization of EU-LIFE pitching events with international life sciences investors.

Head of TTO-IMBB:
Dr Vassilis Papadakis
tel: +30-2810-391267