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Κυτταροκαλλιέργειες Ζωικών Κυττάρων
Αρχική > Εγκαταστάσεις > Κυτταροκαλλιέργειες Ζωικών Κυττάρων
  • All prospective clients must schedule in advance any visit to a Facility or usage of its equipment. The Facility Scientist in charge may waive this requirement depending upon circumstances.
  • All first time clients must register with the appropriate Facility Scientist for training in the usage of equipment assigned to a Facility. The Facility Scientist may waive this requirement if the client can demonstrate to the Scientist's satisfaction adequate knowledge concerning equipment usage and related safety protocols.
  • Clients will be charged fees for damages or losses resulting from any unauthorized or inappropriate usage of a Facility's equipment, supplies, or support systems. However, the Facility Scientist at his or her discretion may waive charges, including regular usage fees, for malfunctions or other failures that are unrelated to the client's use of the equipment.
  • No client should make changes or other alterations to a Facility's equipment without the prior approval and/or supervision of the appropriate Facility Scientist.
  • Clients who need to cancel a scheduled appointment should notify the appropriate Facility Scientist as soon as possible. At the discretion of the Facility Scientist, a client's inability to meet a scheduled appointment may result in financial penalties. Repeated failures to meet scheduled appointments may also result in the loss of privileges to access the equipment.
  • Clients that are more than 15 minutes late for an appointment may lose their scheduled slot to the next individual scheduled to use the instrument, and will need to reschedule their appointment.
  • Unless indicated otherwise by the Facility Scientist, clients will clean work areas and remove any unwanted materials upon completion of use of equipment in the Facility.
  • Clients will notify immediately the Facility Scientist of any equipment malfunctions or other unusual equipment activity (see posted emergency contact information).